"Quick DERN! Now!" RF hissed in Dernhelm's ear. "Write into the program that GKON isn't king, and that he gets overthrown by Theoden...Grima...Anyone!"
RF shoved Derny and Theoden out of her way, and yanked a panel off the wall
Theoden dropped his arms from around Dern and said 'Sister-Daughter, your friend practices witchcraft--she just pulled off a part of the landscape!" RF ignored Theoden and quickly punched a sequence into the wall, and then she replace the pannel..."ARREST HER!" said a panicked Theoden.."UM," RF began "You can't arrest me, you've been overthrow, remember? So if you want to arrest me--go get that usurper off your throne.."
"Yes!" Theoden said, tapping his finger to his chin "But how to do it...how to do it."
(LLL)He hid a copy of "The Tellitubby gang".
RF groaned and spat out the gag. "Couldn't you have at least given me a clean gag?" then RF said "Computer, end program....then start a new program with GKON in chains and nearly dead ok?"............
When RF heard that her "little snookie" was going to be killed she was fit to burst--with laughter, there was not an ounce of anger in her whole entire 2 foot tall body. She reached into her pocket to throw some confetti, but she didn't have any--so then she called down the hall "GUARDS! GUARD, There's someone trying to let me out of my cell." The guard came running and didn't see anyone. "Glad to have gotten your attention," RF said "now, bring me a 2 liter bottle of soda, now...I need to celebrate."
"What?" asked the guard. "My captivity, stupid." RF responded...the guard hurried off.
(Well I was two feet when I first joined the thread--and you keep changing me, so I wasn't even sure what I was anymore, so I figured I'd just go with being a mouse again)
She reached through the window and smacked GKON. Then GKON'S CLONE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE and threw GKON threw the window into a giant hour glass and GKON was on the bottom half and the sand was coming through!!Then GKONC went to his troops and said
Then GKON'S CLONE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE and threw GKON threw the window into a giant hour glass and GKON was on the bottom half and the sand was coming through!!![]()
You been watching too much Aladdin...![]()
When RF heard the words "Sauruman clone" her teeth began to feel as though they needed something to bite. Her mouth watered and before she could stop herself she had run out, found Olorin, and then chomped down very hard on one of his fingers...biting it neatly off...then she, natrually, spat the disgusting bit of flesh out of her mouth.