Duffer Boot Camp!

Wait... has the DLF morphed into a DLR, or are those just typos? If the former, what does the R stand for? Rhinoceros? Rabbit? Republican?

Not that I object either way, just confused.
Wait... has the DLF morphed into a DLR, or are those just typos? If the former, what does the R stand for? Rhinoceros? Rabbit? Republican?

Not that I object either way, just confused.

Caspian: The DLR are the DLF's relatives, apparently. They stand up for the rights of their oppressed people. They'll probably tell you that I'm putting this crudely and ineffectively in their next post. I want to go to war with them.

You have much to learn, young one. This is only the beginning when it comes to MissFreckles.

I'm not sure how to take this. By the way, I make a point of being emphatically non-creepy where I can help it. Of course, I never learnt much about decent human behavior so incidents happen...

mf is insane. There are two primary evidences of the fact: 1) no one capitalizes her nickname, not even Spill Chick, and 2) she just thanked GG for eating her. She is also dangerous. Her brain soap would make the most detail-oriented person on earth blank out entirely, at which point she pushes the confused and unfortunate soul over a cliff, into a field of cacti, and drops a whale after him. Naturally she does not ask the whale its feelings about the situation before using it as a projectile.

While, so far as I am aware, freckles does not wish to kill the whales, she has never shown any particular understanding of the depth of emotional sensitivity which a whale can experience. Rumor has it that a whale once invited her to visit an exhibit of whale-created art entitled "The Soul of a Beluga," but she responded by throwing him into a particularly spiky area of the cactus patch. freckles has good intentions, but so does the DLF, and she has never shown particular regard for him, either.

*wrests keyboard back from DLR* You know it isn't exactly a good advertisement for the justice of your cause when you

asdfl;jdas;lj osaj oipwu poaiufopu oapisuofisjdklfjasdk ksjd

Glen has been removed from the computer. She will spend the next twenty-four hours in corrective isolation, at which point she will emerge with a more positive attitude. Thank you for your good attention, and please think a kind thought toward the DLF today.

:D So many kind thoughts toward the DLF!! I want to give him/her/it big squishy cuddle-wuddles! And that song was awesome!!

:rolleyes: [...]

*Excessive use of Waldo*

*Eats TWS*

Why do I always feel the need to put a T on that?

What's a TWS now? I have never liked abbreviations, except in letters from the Queen Mother. Yes, I've read her personal letters to Albert. No, it's not creepy; they were in the official biography.


The Warrior Satyr.

Let's talk about the weather for now.
I'm not sure how to take this. By the way, I make a point of being emphatically non-creepy where I can help it. Of course, I never learnt much about decent human behavior so incidents happen...

It wasn't an insult. I think highly of you, MF. I just have to keep you on your toes.
I'm not sure how to take this. By the way, I make a point of being emphatically non-creepy where I can help it. Of course, I never learnt much about decent human behavior so incidents happen...

Freckles, you just typed this with the Grim Reaper as your avatar, and you say you try to be emphatically non-creepy?

In other news, the weather is nice, because the Duffer Sun got tired of burning up all the grass around the Asylum and has gone off to starbathe in another galaxy. Bellatrix, I'm told, is beginning to get irritated, because the Duffer Sun keeps complaining that she isn't giving him a proper tan.

It wasn't an insult. I think highly of you, MF. I just have to keep you on your toes.

Ah, so it's you :p

Freckles, you just typed this with the Grim Reaper as your avatar, and you say you try to be emphatically non-creepy?

He's not creepy! He has a pink poodle, the poodle of death. See, here: http://static.notfunny.com/toondb/130412.html#restore

Glenbird said:
In other news, the weather is nice, because the Duffer Sun got tired of burning up all the grass around the Asylum and has gone off to starbathe in another galaxy. Bellatrix, I'm told, is beginning to get irritated, because the Duffer Sun keeps complaining that she isn't giving him a proper tan.

Who is Bellatrix? Who is getting irritated with whom? And just generally... what?
Bellatrix, I believe, is a star in the constellation Orion. Her name comes from Latin 'bellum', meaning 'war', and 'trix' which is a feminine suffix. She's a female warrior, basically.

I may be wrong about which constellation she resides in.
Not that knowledgeable. Bellatrix and I were good friends a few years back, though we seem to have grown apart in recent years. Perhaps I should send the dear girl a letter.
There's also this Bellatrix, but she isn't exactly a star. Also she's evil, and kills Sirius--who is not a star either.

The Duffer Sun, so far, has been trying to get a tan underneath Bellatrix the actual star. Let's hope he doesn't get confused.


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There's also this Bellatrix, but she isn't exactly a star. Also she's evil, and kills Sirius--who is not a star either.

The Duffer Sun, so far, has been trying to get a tan underneath Bellatrix the actual star. Let's hope he doesn't get confused.

But Sirius IS a star as well. The world is so confusing.

*Eats stars*
I know, right? It's easier to think of stars as tiny holes in the dark fabric covering the earth. And behind the fabric is GG's kitchen, very unromantically lit by neon tubes. You really don't want to get any closer to those 'stars' lest you get a peek of the world behind and discover that the earth is just one of many cheese balls in a jar covered by a shopping bag on one of many, many cupboards holding all sorts of things that sit there waiting for ragnarök, i.e. GG eating them. And the only reason why we're still alive is not because of mutually agreed upon nuclear disarmament - oh, those vain humans with their megalomania, as if what they did mattered one bit - but because GG accidentally flung a shopping bag at their universe-jar. But the shopping bag is labelled 'DLF' standing, of course, for 'Distressingly Large Food', the name of the local grocery store whose uber turnips by the way are quite the delicacy. So eventually GG's eye (or both) will wander to that word 'Food', and she will uncover the universe-jar, and she will unscrew the lid, and smell the cheese ball-planets. But they will long have gone bad, for the human race is wicked and moldy and did not turn from their evil ways even after that awesome thing with the whale at Nineveh. And GG will deliver the rotten cheese balls unto the Shiny Trash Can, where they will forever rot, and worship.
Dang, I wasn't going for universal reconciliation...
You must not speak casually of stars or fireflies when the young woman above you has made mockery out of the DLF. DLF stands for "Dear Little Friend," or "Devout Light of Freedom," alternately. The initials should never be mocked, or mixed with groceries.

The DLR (we speak for him who cannot speak) would like to register a formal protest against the aforesaid young woman. She shall repent her of the evil, or she shall know our everlasting displeasure, and bomb-making capacity.
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What, no, I wasn't mocking the DLF's honorable name. It's perfectly conceivable that a giant GG to whom our Earth is nothing more than a cheeseball should shop at a grocery story with giant groceries. Now if I had claimed DLF stood for

Denethor Loves Faramir


Don't Lick Frozenthings


Dark Lord Frodo


Duckies Like Froggies


Diffindo Legilimens Furnunculus

it would be quite a different matter.

Also, who says I'm a young woman (if, indeed, the DLR meant me)? Because I'm named 'Miss'? I may just as soon be an old spinster.

Also, set Glenburnicle free or else, you rascal! Sincerely, Daring Lady Freckles *Scotland the Brave starts playing*