Duffer Boot Camp!

You're welcome:p

What do you say after somebody says 'you're welcome'? Do you thank them again, or do you ignore them, or do you look mad... :mad:

*claps* that was one great speech*

Why thank you.

TRAITOR :eek: *goes after her*

Yeah. What she said.

are you sure you got it right?

Of COURSE I got it right! How could you even think of trying to consider possibly musing over the remotest chance of intending to insinuate that I could get something wrong?! :mad:
What do you say after somebody says 'you're welcome'? Do you thank them again, or do you ignore them, or do you look mad...
It depends: if the person who says 'you're welcome' is you you just look mad, if it is me who says 'you're welcome' you say: 'Thank you so much, Lieke, you're the best' and then you say that you will do whatever i say, and then i'll say that you have to jump of that cliff, and you do it:p

Why thank you.
You're welcome... *looks at what Olorin will do*:D

Of COURSE I got it right! How could you even think of trying to consider possibly musing over the remotest chance of intending to insinuate that I could get something wrong?!
too... many.... difficult....english...words:eek:

But think about trying to consider possibly musing over the remotest chance of intending to insinuate that you could get something wrong wasn't that hard
Incredible! A terrible infraction of the laws of Science! *suspicious stare* Breaking the laws, huh...?

About the number 8... I think it should be added to 55, to make 63, which can then be divided by 3, to get 21, which is then multiplied by 2 to get 42!! Therefore, once 8 has undergone all these operations, it can be welcomed as a noble number.

Now, we have to find a numerical surgeon to operate on 8.


*is stilll looking*

*can't find one*

I believe I'm a numerical surgeon. *holds up fake sherrif's badge and a calculator*

Are you in need of assistance?
Yeah, we need you to operate on the number 8. first add 55 to it, then divide the sum by 3, then multiply the quotient by 2. Then 8 will equal 42, and will be a noble number.

What did IOWW do to you, lieke?

i...i....she...i...she...i don't want to talk about it :( But it was horrible...

well, maybe i should tell...

no, i can't...


She... made me believe...for only a second... that 41 was the ultimate answer, instead of 42 :eek:


and i have to live with that *cries in despair* :(