
You may not mention fictional things in this thread. The DLF is hungry. Only discuss food, please. And its location. You could also die; we want to allow you the freedom to decide for yourself.
I'm all for discussing food. I've had a beautifully lazy morning so far, and I'm contemplating breakfast. I might be ambitious enough to make myself a stack of pancakes... We do have maple syrup sitting around... Oh, bacon would be nice too, but that would add too much work... Eggs are okay. And tea of course. Every morning ought to start with a hot beverage (even if you're only starting the morning by the time it's half gone...)
Lazy Mornings have basically rejected me at this point. I got their mailing address, though. Since death threats--in my opinion--are rather pathetic, I'm sending them a jury duty summons.
I don't think lazy mornings are meant to be, unless it's the summer of 2013.

(I realize this is not a good post to keep this conversation rolling but it's somehow important that I say it. There's a good topic for discussion: fate.)
I have three brothers; I'm teaching philosophy to the fifteen-year-old. My mother has expressed concerns that I have corrupted all of them.
Sadly, I can't actually blame my younger siblings for anything. The brother who thinks most like me is 9 years younger and usually has to threatened into talking (unless he's annoyed with someone).

I think I corrupted myself. (I suppose I could blame Mother Nature....)
Are you trying to corrupt me? I warn you, it's very difficult. I usually don't get the point of what people are trying to tell me, and go off and do my own thing.
Which is why I don't need to try to corrupt you--you already did it yourself. You fell in love with the DLF entirely on your own.