
Enchanted is nothing short of enchanting. It is great family film that will pelase almost all audiances. So far the cridicts have given it rave reviews and the people seem to agree. I personally think it was one of the best movies this year and I would give it five stars and three thumps up. Ok.. two I don't have three thumps. :D
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It was awesome!! Not cheesy at all, very cute and cheering. It was funny, clean, and the plot was nice and simple. The characters were all very well cast, especially Giselle :p

I agree the cast was brillant! I think Amy Adams is a fantastic actress and she should get an Oscar for her preformance as Giselle. I also liked Pip and Prince Edward (James Marsden). The story has you so eilquently put it is simple yet with hint of traditionalism. Afterall there are several cameos or references to other Disney films like; Cinderella, Snow White, and etc. Overall I think Enchanted iso ne of the best movies this year. It's right up there with Spider-Man 3 and Transformers.
I know it's such a great movie, I'm infact going to see it today for the second time! :D

Ps. To everyone who loved the movie, pick up the soundtrack, It's a great album and it's bound to make you smile. :)
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It sounds good, I don't know that I'll have time to see it in theaters, but I want to see it someday. It seemed to rule the box office this weekend.
I WANT to see it so incredibly bad, but because Susan Sarandon is in it, I more than likely will not get to see it in theaters because my mom *and I tend to agree* doesn't like her political\moral standpoints...maybe that's why she's playing a witch; it seems to fit. :rolleyes:
I WANT to see it so incredibly bad, but because Susan Sarandon is in it, I more than likely will not get to see it in theaters because my mom *and I tend to agree* doesn't like her political\moral standpoints...maybe that's why she's playing a witch; it seems to fit. :rolleyes:

I tend to not allow an actor's political view points ruin my movie experiance. Instead I would just go see Enchanted and enjoy it for what it is. Besides there are several other great actors and actresses worth seeing in this film, most notably Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey. :)
yeah but if I pay money to see it then I'm paying money to the actor and I really don't want to do that. if my sister rents it on DVD *she wants to see it; my wish to see it is dying because there are better movies I'd like to see, like National Treasure 2 and Bella.* then that's fine; I'll watch it with her. 'course the only reason she wants to see it is for McDreamy and that's only because she watches Grey's Anatomy *I can't see the big hoopla over Grey's Anatomy :rolleyes:*
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I don't seem to understand, you say you won't buy a ticket to see the movie because of this actor but you'll lute friend buy you ticket which essentially is the same thing. No matter what, if you buy the ticket, rent the movie, buy the movie or tell friend to buy you a ticket you’ll be supporting that actress. So what I would do is just see the film and not worry about it. I don't support Tom Cruise’s ideals or political beliefs but I still watch movies he stars in. You can't cut your self off from a movie just because there is one star you don't agree with. If you do you'll miss out on many great movies and besides your not directly supporting her beliefs your just supporting her salary. Anyhow I suggest you not miss out on this movie just because of one actress, but in the end I respect you're decision.
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Sir Godfrey is right Susan sarandon does not have that much of a big part in it But Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey and James Mardson are all great actors and the movie is really Good Steph just see it for what it is you told me you wanted to see it. Just enjoy the movie just cause you don't agree with Susan Sarandons values and whatever else don't discount the movie for who is in it Just enjoy it its just a good movie
IT was a hilarious movie! though, i don't think it will be as good the second time around! I watched it the same day as August Rush, so Enchanted got a bit overshadowed! But i still recommend it!
I just returned from seeing it the third time. It was still very good and I can't wait to eventually own it on DVD. Also Enchanted is the number 1 movie in America. It's made a grand total of $50,343,444 thus far. I sure hope Enchanted gets consider for the Oscars, Golden Globes or Emmies. Amy Adams should get best actress, Patrick Dempsey should get best actor, and Alan Menken should get Best score.
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I really want to see it! I don't know if it will be in theaters or on DVD, but I'm making a point to see it. Thanks for the referral SirG, it makes a difference to read what someone has to say that's actually seen it! :)
I'm also glad to hear that Hollywood is finally coming out with some really good clean family movies (aside from Narnia of course). That's the main reason that we don't go to theaters much, there isn't anything worth paying an arm and a leg to see.
Enchanted is really a great film, I infact like it so much I want to see it a fourth time. Ps. I bought Enchanted 2008 calender. :D