Fantasy world rpg

"And why would that be?.." alex inquired..."You dont have to, I dont need-Want you to care for me!!..." He told him..."If you're delivering that message for out Kingdom, you should be avoiding knights!.."

Nathaniel stares straight at Alex. "Maybe deep down you really need someone to care for you." Nathaniel stated cooly. "But, it takes a man to realize what he actually needs." And with that Nathaniel forced his horse into a trot, getting ahead of Alex.

Aerin smiled slightly, "I don't know anymore Maxin. My life has been clear and now it isn't anymore. How will we see each other?"

Maxin smiled. "You might not see me as I am, but if you look closely at the people around you, you might see me once in a while." he laughed and kissed her forehead.
Alex finally decided to ignore Richard, and glanced back at Nathaniel who began getting ahead..."You know, kid." Alex called him that way again..."You speak too much, and I didnt even ask for your opinion..." Alex added, cooly as well, keeping his pace but getting away from Richard. Then, he heard that darned waterfall, he could recognize the sound so well, it annoyed him... he tryed to ignore it and stop memories from coming back.
Maxin smiled. "You might not see me as I am, but if you look closely at the people around you, you might see me once in a while." he laughed and kissed her forehead.

Aerin smiled and rested her head against him, "I will then..." She looked up at the sky and sighed, "it will be morning soon and I will be in trouble if I'm late to pratice. BUt I don't want to leave this...." She smiled and kissed him.
Alex finally decided to ignore Richard, and glanced back at Nathaniel who began getting ahead..."You know, kid." Alex called him that way again..."You speak too much, and I didnt even ask for your opinion..." Alex added, cooly as well, keeping his pace but getting away from Richard. Then, he heard that darned waterfall, he could recognize the sound so well, it annoyed him... he tryed to ignore it and stop memories from coming back.

"You didn't have to, sir, I'm pretty sure you're the kind of man who doesn't CARE what other people feel..." Nathaniel said. "Aaaaaah, the waterfall...what a beautiful sound..." he whispered.

Aerin smiled and rested her head against him, "I will then..." She looked up at the sky and sighed, "it will be morning soon and I will be in trouble if I'm late to pratice. BUt I don't want to leave this...." She smiled and kissed him.

Maxin kissed her back. "Why don't we leave?" he asked. "Together."
just as richard was going to the water fall to rest a rumbling was heard then out of the earth arose a golem of rock and then therw a rock at richard , richard then jumped out of the way and yelled " Help
"You didn't have to, sir, I'm pretty sure you're the kind of man who doesn't CARE what other people feel..." Nathaniel said. "Aaaaaah, the waterfall...what a beautiful sound..." he whispered.

Alex remained silence, he had something in mind. But he would do it later.As they kept the soft pace as they traveled, they had already rode a lot of time, hours, probably and they forest was just ending. The sun begun to hide behing the mountains...knights began to yawn and the captain yelled at them.

"Wake up!! You bunch of..." He stopped and growled under his breath.

Alex kept his atention on the road, and also, just a little bit, on Nathaniel. He had to control Vaan, since he had a certain thing to be next to the kid's horse. And so did her..."Whoa, Im sure im not going to forget her and soon as you forgot Teloween.." He told Vaan, a little too loud.

"Erm, Captain.." Another knight began, he was tall, white skinned and had black straight hair that reached the lengh of his chin, his name was Kain. "I suggest we should rest, here, sir.." He began, his blue eyes staring with much respect at the captain. Kain happened to be riding a little next to Nathaniel.

"Very well, I'll take your suggestion, someone is not ok with it?." The captain asked.

Alex just decided to stop next to a tree, and jumped down Vaan, harsly but still having the tired look on his face.

Kain nooded, with a satisfaction smile, and glanced at Nathaniel..."What a long day.." He tryed to make a converstation. He seemed like a person you could trust.
Alex remained silence, he had something in mind. But he would do it later.As they kept the soft pace as they traveled, they had already rode a lot of time, hours, probably and they forest was just ending. The sun begun to hide behing the mountains...knights began to yawn and the captain yelled at them.

"Wake up!! You bunch of..." He stopped and growled under his breath.

Alex kept his atention on the road, and also, just a little bit, on Nathaniel. He had to control Vaan, since he had a certain thing to be next to the kid's horse. And so did her..."Whoa, Im sure im not going to forget her and soon as you forgot Teloween.." He told Vaan, a little too loud.

"Erm, Captain.." Another knight began, he was tall, white skinned and had black straight hair that reached the lengh of his chin, his name was Kain. "I suggest we should rest, here, sir.." He began, his blue eyes staring with much respect at the captain. Kain happened to be riding a little next to Nathaniel.

"Very well, I'll take your suggestion, someone is not ok with it?." The captain asked.

Alex just decided to stop next to a tree, and jumped down Vaan, harsly but still having the tired look on his face.

Kain nooded, with a satisfaction smile, and glanced at Nathaniel..."What a long day.." He tryed to make a converstation. He seemed like a person you could trust.

Nathaniel looked at Kain. He nodded nicely. "It sure has been, sir. Though you'll never know a longer day than when you're riding to your death to save the ones you love....the longest day will be when we truely meet death itself." Nathaniel looked at Kain and nodded again. "But today certainly has been a long one." Nathaniel brushed Telowen's neck who whinnied over at Vaan. Nathanial held her mane. "Shhhhhhh!" he whispered in her ear.
Kain nooded back..."What's her name?.." He asked, motioning at her horse...He then smiled as he looked at his horse and caressed her neck.."she's Ruby.." he looked back at Nathaniel. The sun's light at the evening reflected on his face in a beautiful way, giving much more life to his light blue eyes. His hair wasnt falling on his face, instead it was pulled back, but not tied in the end. He smiled at Nathaniel once again.

Meanwhile, Alex had been sitting down by the tree, peeling an apple with his knife, and eating it as he watched the sun hide behind the mountains, and lost in his thoughts, he remembered Danoeil.
Kain nooded back..."What's her name?.." He asked, motioning at her horse...He then smiled as he looked at his horse and caressed her neck.."she's Ruby.." he looked back at Nathaniel. The sun's light at the evening reflected on his face in a beautiful way, giving much more life to his light blue eyes. His hair wasnt falling on his face, instead it was pulled back, but not tied in the end. He smiled at Nathaniel once again.

Meanwhile, Alex had been sitting down by the tree, peeling an apple with his knife, and eating it as he watched the sun hide behind the mountains, and lost in his thoughts, he remembered Danoeil.

Nathaniel stepped back. "Oh...her's..." Nathaniel looked at Alex, she couldn't call Telowen by her name. "Tolewen...." she said, changing some of the vowels. "I- I should go get some firewood..." she said and dashed off. The way Kain's eyes had shone reminded her of Alex...of the way they had been together...she couldn't stand it. She went into the woods collecting sticks, trying not to think of the real reason she was here once again.
"w-wait.." Kain called back at him..."I can go with you.." He said, but Nathaniel had already gone...He frowned at the thought that Nathaniel had acted weird, but he shook his head and just caressed Ruby before going away to a quiet place with a soft gallop.

Alex had dozed off...the knife still on his hand, and the little piece of apple in the other...he hadnt heard anything.
Danoeil stared at her reflection, the way her face was twisted in pain, she knew she couldn't go back for now. She took off her boots and dipped them in the water, covering her reflection. She thought about the time she'd worn that gorgeous dress- the party- the goodness of feeling beautiful...she sighed as the sun started to descend.

Telowen started getting antsy without Danoeil. She wandered toward Alex and Vaan. She whinnied at Vaan and nudged him. She had no idea why Vaan had left with Alex...and why they couldn't be together. Telowen walked over and put her wet nose in his face, nudging him in a hello.
Alex wope up slowly, but didnt open his eyes, he just reached the horse's face..."C'mon Vaan...let me sleep a bit... I need to rest..." He then heard another horse whin. And he could recognize that horse was he opened his eyes to see which was the horse nudging him..."whoa!.." he exclaimed, with a jump..."Nathaniel's horse¿?.." He asked himself...."'re Teloween!!.." He yelled... Kain glanced his way, puzzled..."I cant believe this is really happening!?!?." Alex yelled, he was standing and with his hands on his head....He let his back against the tree, beginning to sob quietly, and bringing his hands to his face, so no one could see.
Kain watched, he knew something was going on...but he just couldnt go and ask...
"Teloween...where is she?." he asked quietly....and mounted her, he knew the horse would take him to her.
Alex wope up slowly, but didnt open his eyes, he just reached the horse's face..."C'mon Vaan...let me sleep a bit... I need to rest..." He then heard another horse whin. And he could recognize that horse was he opened his eyes to see which was the horse nudging him..."whoa!.." he exclaimed, with a jump..."Nathaniel's horse¿?.." He asked himself...."'re Teloween!!.." He yelled... Kain glanced his way, puzzled..."I cant believe this is really happening!?!?." Alex yelled, he was standing and with his hands on his head....He let his back against the tree, beginning to sob quietly, and bringing his hands to his face, so no one could see.
Kain watched, he knew something was going on...but he just couldnt go and ask...
"Teloween...where is she?." he asked quietly....and mounted her, he knew the horse would take him to her.

Telowen seemed to stall for a moment, not used to him riding her, but took him into the woods. The area around started getting dark but Telowen kept trotting.

Danoeil breathed deeply and pulled it together, she had to get back to camp. She laced up her boots and then started back to camp.

Telowen whinnied and Danoeil whistled for her, so she came, but when she saw who was riding her, she kept walking- fast.
Alex noticed she was walking she just forced Teloween to run a bit until he catched up with her, dismounted her in the blink of an eye...and still in the dark forest, he pulled her by an arm turds him...but he didnt say anything...he couldnt make it... he was so sure, that he just held her close...
Alex noticed she was walking she just forced Teloween to run a bit until he catched up with her, dismounted her in the blink of an eye...and still in the dark forest, he pulled her by an arm turds him...but he didnt say anything...he couldnt make it... he was so sure, that he just held her close...

She stood there akwardly for a moment arms by her side. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and kiss him and tell him she loved him over and over, but she just stood there. "What are you doing?" she asked.
"Why did you do this?.." He asked, breathing heavily that he barely could speak.."This is dark, and how do you expect me to know is you...who i am holding?.." Alex began to speak steady again..."dont deny it...Danoeil.."
"Why did you do this?.." He asked, breathing heavily that he barely could speak.."This is dark, and how do you expect me to know is you...who i am holding?.." Alex began to speak steady again..."dont deny it...Danoeil.."

"I did it for you..." she whispered. "If you couldn't love me as a scared girl afraid of who's going to hit her...I figured maybe you'd be able to love me as a girl who could stand her own ground in battle." she looked up at his face. "I love you with more love than I thought I was capable of giving...and if it takes beating death itself to keep you loving me, I'll do it." she choked, but refused to let one tear slide from her eyes. She pushed away from Alex, standing a few feet from him and smiled sadly.
He couldnt see her very well, but after she separated, he could still sence she was there..."I think I made the right decision now.." Alex told her, chuckling a bit after remembering all the times he cursed himself for leaving her. "Probably you wont believe me if I tell you I love you the same, or more. And that wont change, even if you're a scared girl, a tough girl who stands alone-it doesnt matter.." he one step back..."I dont want anything to happen to you on that war, so I will protect you with my life...I know I cant stop you from being here, you changed your hair, that scar on your face, you did a lot for this... for a stupid selfish like me.." He gave another two steps back, turned, and left to where Vaan was.