Fantasy world rpg

Richard was riding along the road to delvier a message to the kingdom of teynard for you see the knights of the gold cross did not serve anyone they where own kingdom in a sense and
had 5 provinces under their control . and he saw a party of people and saw those to fellows plus another man " oh hello " he said
occ: U cant just pass and say "oh heeeelloooo" Because they're knights, and they'd hardly respond to an completely unknown person, u should better say u're taking that to the kingdom, and meet them there. Since yet, they're on their way still.
Maxin smiled. "I might as well tell you, sir knight, that I was banished from all civilization when I was 13 years old." He laughed. "See, it is all apart of the adventure. That's why I dodged my brother and such- I knew they would recognize me, even years later." he smiled. "I'm not allowed in the market, but I figured I might as well have fun at a party...of course, I stole the clothes and things, but it's really no big deal, if they caught me here I'd be hung anyway."

Aerin stood there shocked... "But... wh-what? How?" She shook her head trying to understand... "It can be!" She put her hands to her face and turned away... She was confused and scared.. How could that be? Why? Her shoulders shook then she regained herself and turned back to Maxin with questions in her eyes. "Why were you banished?"
Aerin stood there shocked... "But... wh-what? How?" She shook her head trying to understand... "It can be!" She put her hands to her face and turned away... She was confused and scared.. How could that be? Why? Her shoulders shook then she regained herself and turned back to Maxin with questions in her eyes. "Why were you banished?"

"Eh...had too much fun I guess..." he shrugged. "I don't really know, they didn't tell me, just gave me two choices, death or banished. That was a long time ago though..." he sighed.

Alex was a bit separated from the group and didnt say anything. Completely emotionless and with his hair covering his eyes, he definetly looked weird and tougher. He heard a familiar voice..."Where are we off to?.." Alex gasped...No way... He glanced back, finally pulling the hair slightly away, and looking at what seemed to him, a boy, really a kid. He did not recognize her, the hair was blonde and that scar, bah!...Probably it was Alex's imagination, He shrugged and rushed a little more...

"To the Kingdom of Teynard, kid.." The instructer replied..."What's your name, kid..I dont remember asking you to join.." He frowned. He then suddenly noticed how Alex was taking distance..."Hey!! Im your captain again Alexander!!.." He yelled.
"Now, kid, tell me.." The instructor asked again, looking back at the blonde little boy.

Alex shrugged and slowled down, growling.

"Sorry sir..." the boy said slightly backing away. "It's father always wanted me to be a knight, to stop being 'momma's boy', this is my chance to shine show my father I can fight for my country just like he did." The little boy frowned. "I'll do anything you say sir, and stay true to the end! Just let me join! I'll do anything..." the little boy pleaded with the instructer. "I'll prove a good knight!" The little boy glanced toward the other knights...his eyes stalling on Alex, before he returned to the instructors face. "By the way, my name is Nathaniel..." he added with as much dignity as he could get.
The instructer sighed..."Fine, um, Nathaniel..." He said since he didnt tell him his last name.."We need more young men like you on Teynard.." He gave him a smile...."How old are you?.." He asked him another question.

Alex didnt know why, why would he now stay close to the bunch and listen to the conversation...His voice, there's something about that kid's voice.... Alexander looked back again, he had a diferent way to look at people now, and this time he stared, it wasnt just a glance, he stared and listened.
The instructer sighed..."Fine, um, Nathaniel..." He said since he didnt tell him his last name.."We need more young men like you on Teynard.." He gave him a smile...."How old are you?.." He asked him another question.

Alex didnt know why, why would he now stay close to the bunch and listen to the conversation...His voice, there's something about that kid's voice.... Alexander looked back again, he had a diferent way to look at people now, and this time he stared, it wasnt just a glance, he stared and listened.

Nathaniel glanced at Alex, and lowered his voice. "Uhm...18 sir..." he answered carefully, making sure to keep his voice manly. He smiled back, but it didn't reach his eyes- his vibrent green eyes. Telowen turned her head and whinnied at Vaan nodding her head up and down.
Vaan whinnied back, Alex frowned, that seemed like a laugh, after it, Vaan nooded up and down as well. "What the...its going on?.." Alex looked to the front again, with a huge confused look on his face. "Anyway I shouldnt care!!.." He exclaimed, noticing he had yelled it a bit.

The instructer frowned at him..."Shouldnt care about what?..Alexander?.."

Alex gulped..."Nothing, sir.." he replied looking away. "Welcome, kid.." He told Nathaniel.
Vaan whinnied back, Alex frowned, that seemed like a laugh, after it, Vaan nooded up and down as well. "What the...its going on?.." Alex looked to the front again, with a huge confused look on his face. "Anyway I shouldnt care!!.." He exclaimed, noticing he had yelled it a bit.

The instructer frowned at him..."Shouldnt care about what?..Alexander?.."

Alex gulped..."Nothing, sir.." he replied looking away. "Welcome, kid.." He told Nathaniel.

Nathaniel raised an eyebrow at Alex. "Probably broke some girl's heart when he rode off to war, probably getting revenge for something she said..." Nathaniel stated to the instructor while staring at Alex. "I know my pa did when he went off, leavin mama here by herself to wonder if he was alive..." And then he looked down at the ground. Nathaniel urged his horse onward, riding- without a saddle.
Alex glared at him, his mouth slightly open in surprice...How on earth, could he possibly know about that?...Its not..revenge, no, or is it?... Alex began to argue with himself in his confused thoughts...She broke my heart, too...for gods sake, I know I did break her heart...It just was best for both!! How our relationship started wasnt the best, we, just, couldnt... He tryed to convince himself, he was looking down, but he was deep in thoughts, not even noticing where he was going with Vaan.

At the while, the instructer chuckled at Nathaniel comment..."Is he right? Alex, he is, isnt he?.." He watched Alex with a grin accross his face..."Yeah, probably, you broke that girl's heart, that girl with who you escaped with the first time.." Alex wasnt listening to him..."Alex!!..Alex!!.." He called. And a branch snapped him back to reality..."Yes...what, what sir?.." he asked, looking back...
"Aw...nevermind, kid.."
Alex glared at him, his mouth slightly open in surprice...How on earth, could he possibly know about that?...Its not..revenge, no, or is it?... Alex began to argue with himself in his confused thoughts...She broke my heart, too...for gods sake, I know I did break her heart...It just was best for both!! How our relationship started wasnt the best, we, just, couldnt... He tryed to convince himself, he was looking down, but he was deep in thoughts, not even noticing where he was going with Vaan.

At the while, the instructer chuckled at Nathaniel comment..."Is he right? Alex, he is, isnt he?.." He watched Alex with a grin accross his face..."Yeah, probably, you broke that girl's heart, that girl with who you escaped with the first time.." Alex wasnt listening to him..."Alex!!..Alex!!.." He called. And a branch snapped him back to reality..."Yes...what, what sir?.." he asked, looking back...
"Aw...nevermind, kid.."

Nathaniel rode proudly, not laughing at all, completely stone faced. He kept riding, perfectly elegant and smooth, even though he lacked a saddle. Telowen put up an awful fit for not being able to trot next to Vaan as they usually had, but Nathaniel was in charge. Nathaniel kept his face forward and never once turned toward Alex, keeping light conversation with the others in the company.
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Alex felt sadder, and quite unconfortable. Yes, they were about to pass by that forest. They had to make their way through it, ride probably three more hours, and they would be back in the Kingdom of Teynard.

The kid was ahead of Alex. Yes, another suspcious thing. They way he rode, and also the horse herself!. "Ah come on stop it!.." Alex mumbled to himself, just couldnt get his eyes off, noticing how he watched every detail that made him even more confused, or close to the thruth. He decided he would talk to him, for god's sake, she was his lover!, how could he not know her that well...

Slowly, he catched up with him. And spoke a normal.."Hello, again.." They rode next to each other, and Vaan seemed happy about it..."Im Alexander Elric, and, as i said, welcome.." His eyes studied him, but he was too focused in waiting for an answer.
occ: U cant just pass and say "oh heeeelloooo" Because they're knights, and they'd hardly respond to an completely unknown person, u should better say u're taking that to the kingdom, and meet them there. Since yet, they're on their way still.

ooc: fine lol
ic: richard was taking the message and he then said to the party " what are doing along this road its dangerous "
"Eh...had too much fun I guess..." he shrugged. "I don't really know, they didn't tell me, just gave me two choices, death or banished. That was a long time ago though..." he sighed.

Aerin tried to smile but it didn't really reach her eyes, "Oh..." She held her hands behind her back hiding them because they were shaking. She looked down then back at Maxin, "So... wh-what about," she swallowed, "us?" A loose curl of her fiery hair fell into her face. Her eyes held more than words could say...
Alex felt sadder, and quite unconfortable. Yes, they were about to pass by that forest. They had to make their way through it, ride probably three more hours, and they would be back in the Kingdom of Teynard.

The kid was ahead of Alex. Yes, another suspcious thing. They way he rode, and also the horse herself!. "Ah come on stop it!.." Alex mumbled to himself, just couldnt get his eyes off, noticing how he watched every detail that made him even more confused, or close to the thruth. He decided he would talk to him, for god's sake, she was his lover!, how could he not know her that well...

Slowly, he catched up with him. And spoke a normal.."Hello, again.." They rode next to each other, and Vaan seemed happy about it..."Im Alexander Elric, and, as i said, welcome.." His eyes studied him, but he was too focused in waiting for an answer.

The boy turned to face Alex. "Hello Sir..." he answered, addressing Alex with authority. "And I'm Nathaniel, Nathaniel Dormir." He spoke friendly, but officially, as if they were talking about how much a chicken cost. Then Nathaniel turned to face the front and kept riding.

ooc: fine lol
ic: richard was taking the message and he then said to the party " what are doing along this road its dangerous "

Nathaniel turned to look at Richard. "We all face a hard road ahead, good Sir, it matters how we react to the dangers..." and then continued onward.

Aerin tried to smile but it didn't really reach her eyes, "Oh..." She held her hands behind her back hiding them because they were shaking. She looked down then back at Maxin, "So... wh-what about," she swallowed, "us?" A loose curl of her fiery hair fell into her face. Her eyes held more than words could say...

"What about us Aerin?" Maxin looked at her. "Do you really think I'm going to let some stupid law get in the way of this relationship?" he asked, taking her hands in his.
Then Alex's mouth opened slightly in surprice..."You again?!.." He asked as if a reaction, and the looking down, slightly embarrassed, he cleared his throath..."You, what are you doing here?.." He asked. Keeping his eyes on Richard, still riding next to Nathaniel.
"However..." Alex began...You seem to be following us, maybe, you.. He continued in his thoughts..."You dont have to worry much for us, Im getting tired of you worrying for our safety, i said i appreciatted it but, I guess you dont realize you seem to be stalking us.." Alex was being sharp, and he didnt care...
"And why would that be?.." alex inquired..."You dont have to, I dont need-Want you to care for me!!..." He told him..."If you're delivering that message for out Kingdom, you should be avoiding knights!.."
"What about us Aerin?" Maxin looked at her. "Do you really think I'm going to let some stupid law get in the way of this relationship?" he asked, taking her hands in his.

Aerin smiled slightly, "I don't know anymore Maxin. My life has been clear and now it isn't anymore. How will we see each other?"