Fave hobbit?

Everyone likes Bilboand Sam, everyone loves pippin and merrin,
but who we forgot? only a few remembered Frodo,
who first and foremost sacrifices his life to take the ring to mordor right?

3 cheers for frodo! :D
Well, Sam is pretty much the best, let's be quite honest here. By Tolkien's own word, Frodo becomes a bit "rarified" by his great suffering--a bit distant. Bilbo, Pippin and Merry don't "air time" necessary for fuller character development that Sam gets. Who else provides that unique mix of loyalty, fearlessness, and humor, as well as the weaknesses we can all so identify with, but Sam?

Still, all these hobbits are great. Off the cuff, speaking of the sort of "second tier" hobbits, I personally like the Gaffer, Sam's dad. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree.
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Favorite character is by far Legolas!! Cause i am deeply in love with Orli, but fav hobbit is merry cause Dom is super hot and has a fab personality!! Watch him in LOST!!
Well...it is a good thing you seem to be deeply in love, but, if I may ask, ilovewilliam, what about the characters? Were there any personality traits that you particularly liked about Legolas or Merry? :)
favorite hobbit?


he is funy at the beginging, but near the end, when funny is not really what you wnat, he becomes seroius whilst being postive at the same time.

isnt that kind of what a hobbit is? someone who is cheerful and funny, but even when serious, very positive.

Frodo. So deep, so wise, so tough, determined, fought and dug in deep to the bitter end. Never has there been a greater hobbit. Elf-friend, story teller. Dreamer. Merciful to Gollum and Saruman. He learned all his lessons well.
That's hard but I'd say Merry because he's funny but he also fights plus he's in Rohan (my 2nd fav place in Middle Earth) and because I love Dominic Monaghan!
Hey, Elijah Wood's performance as Frodo is fine!
I just don't know if he was properly cast but he
did the best he could with his role.

The same with Viggo Mortenson. He wasn't quite right for
that role, but he pulled it off.

The rest of the cast is perfect, except for Liv Tyler as Arwen. Who annoys the heck out of me sometimes when I watch, and then not so much at others. She's fine too.
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