Glorious Food II (Please Don't Delete)

by and started pelting acorns at them for their comfort. But devourers of fondu aren't usually all that fond of acorns, so the acorns brought no comfort. Finally,
scrub the poor victims with said towel until they were blue in the face. The Hitchikers belonged to The Order of Cleanliness, and felt that any dirty person in their presence was an abomination of...
sterilizing vat (full of super-hot water and who knows what chemicals) and picked them up in order to pop them in. They were holding them suspended over the vat when...
Smog came running, and said, "Let go of my prisoners!" The hichikers were very surprised, and when they saw that it was a Duffer (horror of horrors :p), they...
immediately reached out and caught Dernhelm too. She was definitely not cleanly sterilized, she needed to be added to the sanitizing stew, and...
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she was so terrifyed that she kicked one of them hard enough that it bled. The hitchikers were horrified by the sight of (dirty!) blood on one of their own, that they...
grabbed their towel and started cleaning themselves up while screaming that a towel was the best thing in the world. Unfortunately all of the duffers (and Dernhelm, who isn't one of course :p) didn't have a towel, so....
Therefore, they all bowed down to the hitchikers, but with thoughts of rebellion seething in there hearts. The hitchikers, however, could read there thoughts, and when they discovered the thoughts and feelings going through their heads, they...