Glorious Food II (Please Don't Delete)

"DADBURNIT!!STORMTROOPERS AREN'T EASY TO CLONE!!" Shouted the knight clad in green armor-the one masterminding the stormtroopers that had been squashed...- He glared at the potato-which seemed to ignore him entirely. "Very well...If you will not join me..." He zapped the giant tater with gillions of volts of lightning!!! :eek: The tater hollered n' yelped... :D
"ICE CREAM FOR EVERYONE!!!" The rabbit went and didn't take the ice-cream, but had a healthy carrot instead. The turtle and squirrels had ice-cream, then all their teeth fell out! :eek: The rabbit felt so bad that he pulled out his teeth and gave them to his friends. He couldn't chew on the carrot anymore so he...
SpiritedWolf said:
"ICE CREAM FOR EVERYONE!!!" The rabbit went and didn't take the ice-cream, but had a healthy carrot instead. The turtle and squirrels had ice-cream, then all their teeth fell out! :eek: The rabbit felt so bad that he pulled out his teeth and gave them to his friends. He couldn't chew on the carrot anymore so he...
Enlisted to become a Muskateer. But alas, they would not take him...and sadly he was left to the Emerald-Green knight,who was hungry... :D
Something concerning watermelons...But it was drowned out as a gaggle of angry dwarves began to knock the house down w/ a battering ram!! :eek: "HEAVE-HO LADS!" Shouted the knight...who was miffed 'cause the rabbit got away... :D
(I just realized the rabbits name is Emmikins, but it's a boy!)

He went to his friend the cucumbers! (yes the veggie!) And they started singing veggie tales theam song!!!
sat for a while and thought and thought and thought....and then he realized that he couldn't he started to try to figure out a way to get some brains. Unfortunately, it's hard to figure ANYTHING out without brains, but finally....
"We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of Oz!" Sadly, he couldn't find the yellow brick road, so....
purple and yellow are complementary colours, so the road ended up a horrid dirty-gray. The potato...
he realized that he didn't have any eyes to cry with either. Finally he decided to embark on a quest to find the Yellow Brick Road. As his companion, he took the carrot, who is always his companion in soups and stews. So off they