Glorious Food II (Please Don't Delete)

Lady of Lorien said:
a gigantic, oversized butterknife appeared on the scene, greatly enraged at the devouring of its nephews and nieces. The Can followers let out a collective "uh-oh" of dismay, and turned to The Can, but.........
The can had instantly grown 10 times it's size. And in one gulp ate the Gigantic butterknife. However...
the butterknife squirted a steady stream of butter, back OUT of The Can's giant gullet, and covered all the Can's Followers in butter-slime. The duffers were not worried, though, because...
a great GREEN bird appears on the horizon. The duffers gasp in dismay, because that bird is known to foretell the DOWNFALL of the duffers. So they immediately....
opened it's jaws and devoured both the purple AND green birds. However, there soon appeard a....

(it just occured to me....I bet the two worst possible words to say in this thread would be "The" and "End" together. :eek: )
the blue bird is the symbol of dufferly joy and happiness. This is because blue is a similar color to the silver of The Can, and therefore in their minds it has always been related to happiness. However, their joy was soon to be drowned in sorrow, because....
the Magenta bird is their overseer. Suddenly, bird-hunting season opened up, and the duffers were freed of the birds...for a time at they went back to....
to burn a hole in the side of the cheese, they climbed out. Then they realized they had been foolish to burn a hole, thus wasting CW, because the CHEESE WAS SWISS CHEESE and it already had holes. To appease the CW,