Homeschoolers in Highschool, Part Three

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Suri woke up late, she went to take a bath and get ready for a day out that her aunt and uncle had prepare for her and also her cousin Evan was going to be there (he is in college)
" You wish!" she told him, with a laugh. "I'm too fast for you," she told him, still in his arms. "I haven't spent time with you ever since I started dating Dan," she told him, with a sigh.

"You can only outrun me in a _very_ short sprint," Alipang reminded her. "Over any distance, I'll always catch you. But since I won't be in top form again for quite a while to come, I'd better just keep you here in reach." He held her still closer, kissing her yet again. "As for spending time with me....Sweets, it's the way of things that we eventually leave the nest, which means leaving the nestmates; but I confess I'm not in any hurry to see the end of our good times together." Another kiss. "Maybe you could drive me to a movie--but you'd better not try to pay, or we'll have another desperate battle just like this one."
" All right hm you pick what you want to see and why would I pay?," she asked, laying her head on his chest her brother was teller then she was like all guys she know. She got on her tip toes to kiss his forehead " I'm woouldn't trade you in for another brother any day," she told him, with a smile.
For the next minute at least, nothing was said between Alipang and Chilena, unless hugging and kissing counted as talking. Then, still cradling her close against his chest, Alipang whispered in her ear, "I understand the first three brothers you had were not _quite_ as fond of you as I am. Remember that if you hunt your birth parents, you're also hunting your birth brothers. Just something to keep in mind."
Alipang ran his hands and forearms massagingly up and down Chilena's back, then tightened their embrace once more. "Sweets, we can take tentative steps, find out a little bit, without committing you to _meeting_ your birth family even if they do come back from Morocco. Not that I'm pressing you to hunt for them at all! I told you I would support you, and you know about me and my word. You have a right to be curious about those inferior-brand relatives. But speaking selfishly, I don't see any need to improve on you and me, just as we are." And he kissed the top of her head.
" I know I was just think if I do meet them well they want me back or well they tell me they don't want to be in my life again," she told him, tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Tell you what," said Alipang, not letting her out of his arms for an instant: "let's immunize you in advance against rejection. Here's a hug and kiss your first birth brother should have given you {*hug, kiss*}....and here's a hug and kiss your second birth brother should have given you {*hug, kiss*}'s a hug and kiss your third birth brother should have given you {*hug, kiss*}'s for your birth father {*hug, kiss*}....and for your birth mother {*hug, kiss*}....and one in case they had another baby after moving to Morocco {*hug, kiss*}....come to think of it, they might have had twins {*hug, kiss*} you're vaccinated."

His tone grew serious. "No matter what happens, * I * want you in my life, Chil-Chil. I love you. So this is from me;" and he kissed her one more time.
She laughed " I'm not sure if..," told him, her pocket was buzzing " Weird who would that be?," she asked, looking down at her id " Al do you know this number?," she asked.

OOC: Lets say her birth mum :]
Reluctantly, he at last relaxed his embrace to give her freedom of movement. "I never saw that number before, not even sure of the area code."

OOC: There's no way the birth mother could know of Chilena's interest at this point, though of course she could _coincidentally_ be calling.
Alipang kissed Chilena's hand that held his, as he waited to learn what she was hearing.

Meanwhile, the Imadas were almost ready to open the Pansit Paradise for the first set of customers it would welcome today: the Redemption Free Church volunteers for the Smoky Lake Labor Day picnic.
The voice from the outher side sound like a woman " Hi is this Elizabeth?," she asked.

" yes, I'm Elizabeth to whom am I speaking with?," she asked, looking up at her brother with a confuse look.

OOC: Can you play her for awhile Uncle Joe? I mean the lady.
OOC: I can play her part, but I don't know what you want. Do you maybe want her to be divorced from the birth father? The birth father to be dead? In prison? Recruited into Al-Qaeda?
The unfamiliar female voice almost choked up. "This is someone who owes you--the word 'apology' doesn't cover it--I would say someone who owes you a new life, except that I know already that Eric and Cecilia Havens have given you a life of wonderful love. to your neighbor Mrs. Capshaw. Tell her you received this call...and tell her that the caller told you to tell Mrs. Capshaw, 'The rabbit is out of the hat.' She'll explain more to you; and please don't be angry at HER, even if you get angry at me."

The line went dead.

OOC: There, that gives us more time to flesh out the needed "history."
She was about to say something when the phone went dead " Al I think I think that was my mum," she told him, shaking her head.
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