How old are you?

15. Sophmore in highschool. All of my fellow classmates think that I am a Junior of Senior though. haha. Three out of my four classes I am the only Sophmore. It's interesting to say the least.

A ton of my mom's friends thought that I was a Senior _last_ year! :rolleyes:
I'm 18 (19 in November!) but people generally think I'm quite a bit older. I think partly it is because I'm so tall, but also, I tend to be fairly calm and quiet most of the time.
Wow, besides my brother and a few others I'm one of the youngest people here! I'm 12 1/4 although I'm very tall for my age and most people when they first meet me think I'm at least fourteen. And my mom tells me I can act like I'm very old sometimes but I'm truly a six-year-old at heart. ;)