Idea for PC trailer!

~Rogue~ said:
Aww thank you! I'm still working on it! Might try a couple of different ideas - someone suggested using the song The Battle but I'll have a fiddle.

~Rogue~, I have to say, that trailer was brilliant! I saw you used LOTR, and maybe a sneaking thing from Pride and Prejudice?'s really good! ;) :D
u guys know what i can't wait for?

i can't wait for P.o.t.C. III to come out! i'm pretty sure it's ganna have the narnia trailor to Prince Caspian! that would be worth the $8.00 alone! don't u guys think so?
I had an idea. At the end of the LWW trailer, Aslan was on a hill and he roared. Maybe they could do sort of the same thing but instead of Aslan, it's Caspian blowing the horn