In the Heart of Anvard (My Kingdom For a Horse): Free RP

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Flower listened to the conversation with little intrest. She liked it there though, because it was like being in a family again. She had not felt this safe since before she left home, before the winter.

'I miss mama, and Mid, and my brothers and sisters.' she thought, 'I wish that they were all here now too.' Flower knew that wish wouldn't come true though. Midnight was far away, and if the rest of her family was still alive, so were they.
'I'm here having a good time, but who knows what Mid is doing. I guess thats why he sent me away though.' absently she reached for something, though instead she acidentally put her paw in Harmony's drink.
Harmony, who had survived extremely unsanitary conditions as a fugitive, laughed off the incident. In fact, she DRANK FROM the cup Flower's paw had gone into. "Yummy, cat-flavored cider! This could become popular," she laughed.
"Heh." Flower withdrew her paw. She was glad Harmony didn't seem annoyed or freaked out about the incident.
"I'm going to go outside for awhile." she said.

'Leastways there I can think and not stick my paws in peoples cups.' She thought.

Flower jumped down from her seat and went softly outside.
Humans wearing Narnian-style clothing were milling around in the street, speaking to locals. Fragments of the conversations were audible, seeming to indicate that the Narnian humans had only just arrived in Anvard this very day, and were now looking for employment as Dar and Mathan had been. Something was also being said about Mer-People and Marshwiggles.

The snatches of conversation reached Flower's ears. Through them she learned enough to know that there was a way back to Narnia, by boat.

As much safer as it was in Archenland than in Narnia, Flower desperatly wanted to go back to Narnia. Archenland, Anvard, was altogether too crowded noisy and didn't have enough wilderness for Flower's liking.

'I want to go back home, to Middy. Even if I die, I'll still die at home, not of old age here. And I'll see Mid again. But Mid sent you here to keep you safe, if you leave.... Yeah well Mid's never been here, he wouldn't have sent me here if he knew what it was like, and I wouldn't have left either. Mid would've done the best thing for you and you know it. Yeah but I'm as old as him, I can take care of myself!' her internal battle with herself went on for awhile, until she came to her desicion. And when Flower made a serious desicion, there wasn't much anyone could do to stop her.

"I'm coming Midnight!" she called. Then ran forward, to where she hoped the harbor was.
Dar followed Vandrick into his house.

....and got merged into the progress of time already assumed to have happened, as Vandrick and Hilsa integrated the newcomers into their prosperous household.

Two or three hours previous to the above, the Narnian family beckoned by Woefulgut gave Arlis an earful of the depredations and wanton violence inflicted on Narnia by Jadis.
Flower didn't know how long she ran, but when she was quite a distance from the house she stopped and sat down to regain her breath.

'I wonder if I'm doing the right thing?' she thought, 'I mean, I never even said goodbye to any of my friends, and I have no food...' she shivered as a cool wind blew past her. Though on the wind she caught scent of the sea. Since she lived so far inland she had hardly even smelled it, but her older brothers had told her of it.

Standing she turned and began to run again, towards the direction the smell had come from.
"Did I just hear the cat yell something outside?"

"I believe you did," said Mathan, starting to get up.

"Be at ease, lad," interjected Vandrick. "It wasn't a cry of distress. I've met Narnian cats before, and they do have a tendency to be impulsive. We don't own Flower, so let her pursue what she thinks she must."

Anvard was on a river, not on the seacoast; but a strong ocean-smell clung to the ship "Forlorn Hope," which had come up _from_ the ocean today (and which until recently had been _under_ the ocean). The first mate Gareth, having gotten Siawn and Locrian settled into the crew, noticed Flower approaching their pier and called out, "You there, you're a _Narnian_ cat, aren't you?"
Flower had been hoping to not be noticed, but her mother had aways told her to 'make the best of things'.

"I suppose I am, sir, because I can talk." a plan began to form in Flower's mind.
"And actually I was looking for a ship bound for Narnia, do you know of any?" she inquires, talking as much like a grown-cat (or her brother Midnight) as she can.
First Mate Gareth

"You're looking at the ship that's bound for Narnia, BACK to Narnia, only we don't know how soon we can sail. Our captain gave away most of his gold and silver to the passengers, to give them a chance of making a new start here. We'll need some kind of backing from here to be able to provision the ship for the northward run. Since you're from Narnia, you'll understand that we're evacuating humans OUT of there. No merchant vessel on ordinary business will sail TO Narnia ever again while Jadis lives."
Flower didn't know when Jadis would be killed or die normally (I'm expecting that at least SOME Narnians don't know what happened in MN) but it wouldn't be soon enough fot her. At least if she went on this vessel bound for Narnia, she would have a better chance of seeing Midnight again than if she tried to cross the mountians or find her own way.

Her choice made she asked, "Then can I come on this ship, please?"

"If you mean, can you step on board at this moment, then so you may. But it may be quite a few days before we can get underway again. Once we ARE underway, though, you can be useful not only by killing any mice that sneaked on board here, but also by climbing the mainmast to stand lookout duty. Your slight weight would be gentle on these aged timbers."
Flower shrugged, "I can wait." she said, "And in any case it'll be faster than any other way I come up with." she spoke partly to herself and partly to Gareth.
"My name's Flower by the way."
Flower thought a moment then spoke, "Well there was a resistance gathering, good number too. And my friend gryphon and I were rescuing some of the survivors of a village ravaged by the witch. And there were some other creatures and humans who were coming thisaway, and they must have reached here by now because two of them I've seen.... Thats about it." she said, but didn't add that her brother was one of the resistance.

"Yes, I heard a longshoreman say that a Gryphon frequents the Northaway Inn. I wonder where the rest of the Gryphons have gotten to? It surely would be useful to have one or two of them with us when we do head back north to rescue more humans."
Flower began to get uncomfortable because of the direction the subject was going, so convinentally she changed it.
"So, whats your name?" asked the little cat.
"My name is Gareth. Before the Witch came, I was a stonemason; but my sister was married to the captain of a small ship, so I learned much about sailing." His face darkened. "Creatures of Jadis murdered them when I was not present, as they were burning ships; she was trying to prevent the very thing we are doing, evacuation of humans. This ship had to be provided by the Merfolk."
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