In the Heart of Anvard (My Kingdom For a Horse): Free RP

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Suddenly a dusty-cloaked nomad caught sight of Flower and pointed. "It is Mreeludi!!" he cried out. Falling to his knees and beckoning his fellow tribesmen, he added: "You see? She came in the form of a small cat, flying on the back of a great winged cat! Just as the saga says!"

A moment later, all the nomads were bowing down to worship Flower, loudly babbling out something about her being a goddess.
Blinking a very confused Flower whispered to Retaw,
"What are those people talking about? Do you have any idea what they're doing? Is Aslan somewhere?" the little cat's questions spilled out unchecked.
Retaw, though he was almost as young for a Gryphon as Flower was for a Cat, had heard from his now-deceased father about the cult of Mreeludi. He took the initiative to speak to the nomads: "Hear me, visitors to this land! The one you see is NOT the Mreeludi whom you worship, nor did she take such a form with intention to deceive you. She and I are mortal creatures. Please do not let us interfere with the business you came to do." Retaw refrained from telling them that there was not even any such person as Mreeludi, because he didn't want the nomads to start rioting and attacking Archenlandish locals. If this happened, Retaw could be forced to do the thing so repugnant to all good Narnian creatures: shedding human blood, that of the nomads.

* * If a Mod cares to do it, these nomads could be used from this point to stir things up a little more.
Flower confirmed Retaw's words.
"No I certianly am not!" she said in an outraged squeak, the little cat was altogether embarrssed and outraged that anyone would think that of her.
"Retaw, can we get out of here... Now?!?!" she squeaked.
"As soon as we find our addressee;" and the Gryphon made a short air-hop to carry himself and Flower out of the immediate neighborhood of the pagans. Then he began asking after Cobdrin the poultry-seller.

Siawn tucks his parchment under one arm and rubs at his chin as the marshwiggle addresses him. The entire time, he appears to be studying the passengers intently, his expression alternating between hope and what might almost read as despair.

“Then you are the one I should seek out, my good captain, rather than the other way around. I have no authority such as you seek, I am afraid. Rather, it seems I am fated to become one more of the petitioners for your services. My—“ Here the young man pauses, clearly in the grip of some strong emotion.

“My mother journeyed north, some weeks ago, when we first heard rumors of what was taking place there; she was in search of my father, who had been called to Narnia on some pressing business near Beruna. I have not seen either of them since, and there has been no word. I had hoped they might be aboard your vessel. Could your return accommodate two more passengers? My sibling and I have little choice but to do what we can to pick up their trail…please. I cannot pay much.”

The young man hangs his head. “But I will work for you. I have to see for myself. I hope you understand.”

"I have known bereavement, young Son of Adam," said the greenish mariner, in a voice more authentically solemn than standard Marshwiggle grumbling. "And I have known want and privation, life being what it is; therefore, by toil and frugality, despite all disasters, I have accumulated some fair means of subsistence to get me through hard years. By Aslan's grace and the efforts of the Merfolk, I did not have to spend any money to obtain my ship here. Well, apart from getting new sails made. Strictly speaking, I used barter; Narnian money hasn't as much meaning now as it had just a year ago. In these dubious times, we are between the paws of the Lion.

"I will take you and any kinspeople you bring on my voyage back north; but beyond the responsibility any sea captain bears, I cannot answer for your safety. Our easy escape the first time may not be repeated. First, however, I must see what I can do to find lodging for my refugee passengers, AND still seek to report to some official of Archenland's King."
After that very odd instance, Flower made it a habit to try and stay in the mail-pouch whenever she could when they were on the ground, to avoid further problems.
When the back-and-forth mail delivery flight was finished, Retaw brought Flower straight back to Anvard's Northaway Inn {had to name it sometime} where Goewyn and the other human survivors of Ninecatcher's party were housed. Then, after some food and rest, the Gryphon took to the sky to see if he could find any other Gryphons who might have emigrated to Archenland.

Hours prior to this, Captain Woefulgut introduced Siawn and his brother to the handful of Narnian men who had staked their fortunes on remaining with their Marshwiggle benefactor as permanent crew of the "Forlorn Hope." This done, Woefulgut set out in search of _somebody_ in authority to whom he could explain his pro-human undertaking.
#.@. Siawn .@.#

Something flickers in Siawn's eyes, but it is swiftly gone. He gives a thin smile.

"I thank you, captain, for your service. Locrian and I will be prepared to sail with you as soon as wind and tide permits."

He turns to the younger man by his side, obviously his brother, a hint of a more reassuring smile forming. "We will find her, lad, rest assured. And you will know more of the world as we do."


The castle steward, a portly gentleman of middle years by the name of Arlis, exits a meeting on trade routes with the Lone Islands, passing outside the castle gates with a nod to the sentries. His gold chain of office gleams faintly, and he lets out a low sigh as he heads in the direction of the local tavern, intent on procuring a meal.
One of the most competent-looking of the Narnian men who had sailed with Woefulgut now approached Siawn and his brother. "Peace to you, lads. My name is Gareth. Am I correct that you two are interested in joining us for the voyage back to Narnia?"

When Woefulgut beheld the official, he strode flappingly toward him, doffing his hat as he went. "Sir! I crave a word with you! I have only just come from Narnia by sea, bringing human refugees. I need to let someone in authority know about this, for we don't want to go behind the backs of the authorities."
~ ~ I've been officially told that time is fluid, so let them arrive. And let them bump right into Vandrick the tanner, because why not?
The wagon pulled up to a stop at the tanner's place of business and Dar got out. He then waited outside for his brother to exit the wagon as well.
The orphan girl Harmony, who had been taken into Vandrick's household, was nearby--for Vandrick and his wife were NOT forcing her to toil and slave every minute. When she saw the style of clothing Dar and Mathan wore, she cried out cheerfully, "You came from Narnia!"

"So we did, maiden," replied Mathan; "and we are no beggars. We seek a means of earning our bread by honest labor."

"The people I live with have a leather business," Harmony told him, "and they are trying to enlarge it."
~ ~ Yes, Harmony AND the natural-born children of the widows Goewyn and Pindra were sheltered by Vandrick's family after the winged horse brought them to Anvard. Then Flower the cat located them after the women had caught up.

Vandrick soon was introduced to Dar and Mathan, who made a good impression on him.
"Sir, my brother and I grew up in a tanner's house. We have both learned the trade. We understand that you may be looking for people who will help you to expand your business."
Vandrick nodded. "This is not the way I would have wished my business to increase, but the fact is that the royal army needs to be enlarged and better equipped. Although the magic of Jadis cannot bind Archenland as it has bound your homeland, evil creatures in her service can violate our borders. And the evil power at work to the north seems to give evil creatures amazing degrees of power and ability. So our own defense capability must be heightened. This inevitably includes a need for more leather products of various types. Thus, I definitely have work for you lads. I was going to train even this ten-year-old girl in tanning; with you here, she still can learn the trade, but she might better employed in fine detail work on finished items."

"We shall work for you," declared Mathan; "and may the Emperor-Over-Sea grant that we give good satisfaction."

~ ~ Vandrick now can fade into the background, as we see what progress Woefulgut makes.
Flower was bored. She didn't feel like staying put either. So the little cat decided to explore.
Walking out into the street, Flower was greated by many new smells and sounds she never knew existed. She felt very small and scared, for she had only been in this part of the city once, looking for the children, and then she had been so intent on her mission she had not noticed much else.

Flower shivered and began to walk forward mechanically. Her eyes darted back and forth to one new sight to the other.

'I want Middy.' she thought. Then as if making up her mind, the kitten ran forward and was soon lost in the waves of people.
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