In the Heart of Anvard (My Kingdom For a Horse): Free RP

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"Are you able and willing to go back out again tomorrow?" the innkeeper asked, after the Gryphon had said goodnight to Flower.

"Provided my human friends are satisfied with the hospitality I am buying for them from you. I can't speak for Flower, but I hope she'll come along again. She was very helpful."

"And so the landlord and landlady here have been to us," Goewyn assured Retaw. "Compared to the predicament we were in scarcely two days ago, lodging here is like being pampered royalty."

* * If I've kept events straight, this thread is now a full day ahead of the "Great Woods" thread, and close to catching up with "Northern Marshes."
Flower peered around the corner.

"Never underestimate how well I can hear, Retaw; of course I'm coming with you tomorrow! It'd be rude not to, after all I'm staying here too. Now g'night to all." then she disapeared around the doorway corner.
~ ~ I propose that this day be considered ended for this thread. Other threads need to synchronize, so maybe this one should wait now.
Suddenly, a sound was audible to Drainor's ears: the sound of a very large number of armed men moving to surround him. A great amount of metallic odor accompanied the human odors. A stern voice spoke from directly in front of the blinded Werewolf:

"Stand fast, in the King's name! You have been recognized and identified as a Narnian Werewolf. We have more than enough force here to slay you even if you had your sight, and we are informed that you have lost it. If you yield and do as you are told, your life will be spared. Make any hostile move, and you will have more arrows and spears in your body than you have teeth in your mouth."

Drainor laughed out loud. "Do you honestly think your empty threats will intimidate me?" He then took his wolf form and sniffed around. there were about 20 armed men surrounding him. He then turned to the leader and licked his lips. "You act all brave and tough now because you have your small army with you, but you honestly don't know what I am capable of."

Suddenly, before anyone could even blink, Drainor leaped high into the air, and over the armed men. He then dashed away. Being a werewolf, a particularly fit one at that, his reflexes were faster than that of humans. He also was able to leap large distances. He heard the sound of a river near a wooded valley not too far ahead. He hoped he would make it in time.

ooc: Drainor is now exiting Archenland.
OOC: First of all, I'm not certain why Drainor was IN Archenland to begin with. Have you been posting in this thread?

Secondly, as far as time, I'm content to let it be night and allow for the threads that need it to be able to catch up. Feel free to pose what your character did to round out the day in your next post, or just have them awake the next morning.


Gordon walked into the palace's front hall. Everytime he entered, he thought about, the monarchs and other great people who had walked on the same floor he was walking now. He came back to reality as he noticed the glares of the guards and noble men standing around the room. He smiled and walked to the familiar door on the right. Opening it he was hit by the pungent smell of candles and wax, and the darkness of the room. He walked forward to the dark, oak table and waited for his dispatch.
The small man sitting behind the desk looked up and growled, " Name?"
"Gordon Hambren."
The man looked through his notes and said sharply, " You're off duty. come back in a day or two and we'll give you a new mission." Gordon's heart leapt hearing "off duty". He thanked the sergeant and walked out of the palace, planning what he was going to do with his time off.
NPC Archenlander

Vandrick the tanner encountered Gordon outside the palace. "Greetings, young sir; do you happen to know whether the quartermaster of the guards is available? He was going to give me a list of leather goods the troops would have use for."
Flower was up very early in the morning. She sat in a windowsill in the inn, watching the sun's first rays peeking over the horizon.

'Wonder where Middy is right now?' she thinks.

The gryphon soon joined his little feline friend. "I saw something interesting from the inn roof when I woke up. Soldiers and workmen were leaning out windows and climbing ladders, stringing iron chains back and forth across the streets at a level not much higher than a tall human's head--as if they wanted to prevent a hostile flying creature from swooping down on citizens in the street, or prevent one IN the street from taking off."

Goewyn told them, "It was the creature we called Snowman, the blind werewolf. We had spotted him coming into the city, and the soldiers tried to detain him. But the same curse of evil power that enabled our former neighbors to be cast into a fatal sleep, seems to have given Snowman the power to leap higher and farther than I ever heard of any Narnian werewolf leaping, and he got clean away. So they're putting obstacles in the way of any other troublemaker leaping out of reach like that."
"If its a werewolf can't they change into human form anyhow? So how'd you tell him from a normal Archenlander I don't know. But I guess sometimes humans are silly... No offense to any present company." Flower says, her last words directed towards Geowyn and any other humans in hearing range.
"Goewyn and I both had seen him IN his human shape," Pindra explained simply.

"He and his kind had better stay out of MY way," growled Retaw. "I've already proven that gryphons are more powerful than werewolves. But let's find out if we have more customers writing letters."
No guests immediately at the inn asked to send letters, but some residents of the capital had heard of the new service, and were beginning to bring letters to the inn. Most remarkable, a royal official brought two sealed scrolls, with the King's request that these be delivered before any ordinary letters. "Their contents are identical," the courtier explained; "they are for the garrisons at the far east and west ends of Archenland, alerting them to watch out for potentially hostile infiltrators like the werewolf who was here yesterday--and instructing them to take measures to interfere with high-mobility creatues, meaning no offense to you, Sir Gryphon."

"No offense taken," Retaw assured him. "And for the greater good of our new homeland, we will deliver those royal messages first."
"As soon as you possibly can," replied the royal official. "Those citizens who have not yet brought their letters for you to carry, will understand the greater urgency of improving the kingdom's state of readiness."

"It shall be done, sir," the Gryphon replied. "Come on, Flower, let's get my carry-pouch reattached to me, and you and the letters IN the pouch."
The female worker who had spoken to them the first time they approached the inn made sure that the pouch was properly secured to Flower's satisfaction. Then, once the messengers were on their way, the maiden ran off to attend the NPC topic in the RP seminar.
Gordon smiled at the tanner an answered, " I'm not entirely sure, but if you go to the palace and ask someone in the hall, they whould be able to tell you. Or if you don't find out there, just ask the directions to the barracks and drop them off there." left the Archenlander and walked downhill towards the small apartment he lived in.
So Vandrick the tanner thanked Gordon and proceeded on his errand...because whether or not this was allowed to be _depicted_ without a three-week wait, the Archenlandish Royal Army did need to be supplied with saddles, boots, belts, and other leather items.
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