The dawn broke for Larto. "Oh, so you're exiles! Well, I never got to speak with a Gryphon before, or with very many Talking Beasts, though I did converse with a Mer-Man once." He started with Flower back toward Retaw, doffing his cap in respect to the awe-inspiring creature. "A good day to you, Master Gryphon. This marvellous Cat says you've met my sister?"
"Indeed," Retaw confirmed. "She was kind enough to give us a drink while we were on our journey to the coast; and she asked us to tell you that your nephews are well--"
"That's a relief! They were both sick for awhile."
"They seemed fully recovered when Flower and I saw them: pleasant lads, about six and four years old. Also, Sweetpool says that she and your brother-in-law sold the prize breeding ewe for a good price."
Larto bowed bobbingly several times, as if to a great lord. "Oh, thank you, good sir! Always good to be hearin' some good news of kin. You won't hold it against me if I get back to work. I need the wages. Squire Spalik, Aslan bless him, bought the freedom of a Calormene slave girl, and bein' already married himself, he's lettin' ME marry her! A good-natured lass she is, name of Tazgara. Um, I don't s'pose you'll be passin' back by my sister's homestead so's you could tell her?"