
How much Irish are you??

  • Full Irish

    Votes: 5 4.7%
  • Part Irish (Any Percentage)

    Votes: 102 95.3%

  • Total voters
Well, because we're all at least partially Irish, then, in a sense, yes. :) But there's bound to be someone who actually lives there sulking 'round....:D
AND I LOVE YOUR AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS MY FAVORITE SHOW IN THE ENTIRE WORRRRLLLLLDDD!! Gah, but Season 2 don't come to el-USA until spring... :(
It's okay Charn_Tim, you're welcome here even if you've only shaken hands with an Irish person! :p JK.

I did the poll, Driad. Just informing you. ;)

haha, thanks! I can claim a little more than that though! I also work in an astronomy research group with several folks from University College Dublin. Everytime we have a meeting and I hear them talk, I'm always jealous of their accent! :)
Oi! I haven't been there..nor have I lived there...and what I just said was repetitive but oh wells. I think I've seen enough pictures to make an image in my mind. But the feeling of being there I have to yet to master.
hmm thats a little broad lol :D

Ok well I just heard this Irish song that my friend showed me called:

The Blood Of Cu Chulainn (I think)

Supposedly its the intro to "Boondock Saints" as well..its a great song :)
My Irish roots stay with me no matter where I go. Let the Irish blood in me have it's way! Besides, who wouldn't want to be associated with such a wonderful thing!
Irish is as Irish says.

The only thing bad about the Irish, and this is gathered from what I've heard so if you disagree please speak up. Is that the Irish have a tendancy to be more depressed then others, more often then not. Anyone share that view?
I'd have to say no. I mean, no more than any other nationality. Perhaps we seem a bit more...emotionally motivated than others. Of course that is a large, LARGE generalization. Most are very poetic and light-hearted in nature. We can be deep, if you will. Melancholy, maybe. But depressed? No. Even in comparison to others, I wouldn't say that we are more depressed.
Ah, the Irish pride.

Yeah maybe depressed was too strong of a word..Melancholy works the way I mean it. But as for emotionally motivated, I believe the Italians have taken care of that. But I doubt anyone can match us in pride.