
How much Irish are you??

  • Full Irish

    Votes: 5 4.7%
  • Part Irish (Any Percentage)

    Votes: 102 95.3%

  • Total voters
I think NY is very Italian, and Irish, but I know in the city, there is pretty much a little bit of everyone. I know with FaunFan, theres a lot of Irish in Boston. Dropkick Murphys :D

Thank you for finally admitting it. ;) I love the Dropkick Murphys!

Is the America Stonehenge Irish somehow?
I like them too. "Warriors Code" :D

So its bigger than the English one? Thats interesting. But is it real stone? or like plaster. Stonehenge is one of the great mysteries of our time, too bad it is slowly deteriorating.
I like them too. "Warriors Code" :D

So its bigger than the English one? Thats interesting. But is it real stone? or like plaster. Stonehenge is one of the great mysteries of our time, too bad it is slowly deteriorating.

Yeah, its really stone, its over 4,000 years old
Summer? because it's warmer I assume..?

Yep I'm certainly no gene/heredity expert, so to me, I think its like the lottery, unfortunately you only hit the minor jackpot. :eek: I'm just kidding : P
I really think that it's whatever gene is more prevalent within the family. Like for some odd reason, my one is brother is blonde and blue-eyed, whereas the rest of us are brownish/black hair and brown/hazel/green eyes (my grandpa's eyes are blue though).
Yeah, my brother and I have green/hazel eyes. His hair was red when he was little (like really red...superbly red), and now mine's got that tint in it. The genes are great though. It's wierd, cuz my brother and I look so much alike--you can always tell that we're related. It's great though. But going back to genes, my mum's got black hair and blue eyes. and my grandma had reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes. The pools are bigger...just an interesting though random note is all.

I have thin brown hair with blond highlights and "astonishing" blue eyes. My sister [20 months older than me] has thick strawberry blond hair that looks like a carpet of gold and light blue eyes that look grey-ish.
NOBODY CAN TELL WE'RE RELATED!! LOL It's so funny. We tell people we're sisters and they're all :eek:.
Thats funny Faunfan. My brothers and I all look alike even though we are different. People will say to my mom, how one of us looks like the other, or a combination of both. :cool:
That's scary actually ... because everyone tells me how Kara [my nine year old sister] looks exactly like me. And when I see pics of myself when I was her age .... I see their point! :eek: LOL she calls me her twin, even though there's a six year difference. :rolleyes::p
That's scary actually ... because everyone tells me how Kara [my nine year old sister] looks exactly like me. And when I see pics of myself when I was her age .... I see their point! :eek: LOL she calls me her twin, even though there's a six year difference. :rolleyes::p

Haha! It's the same with me and my 6-year-old sister.

Thank you for telling me I'm not alone!! :eek::p

..... On a completely different train of thought ..... I can't wait for St. Patty's Day!!!!

At the end of Valentine's Day, I said to my dad, "Well, next up ....... ST. PATRICK'S DAY!" And he was like, "YEA!!!"

Yes. We are both insane Irish people who like St. Patty's and parades and wearing green. Oi. :rolleyes:
:DA funny thing my grandpa (who is full irish) said, True irish don't have to wear green. I always thought that was funny, but I love green anyways
My favorite color is green. :) Which is slightly weird to my friends 'cause every girl my age is either "Light blue! Oooo, the sky!" or "Blaaaaack, duuude. We should all be emo and run into kniiiiives."

With the exception of my older sister, who is pink all the way.


.... I'm surrounded by idiots.

Green is very pretty ........ the color of shamrocks and grass and poison and snot.

Although poison can occasionally be another color.

*cough* Pardon my mad ramblings.