Kirsten Dunst

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. I thought the movie was ay too messy. Kirsten played cool. Agreed and now Godfrey can't force me to watch a ,movie of her because I did :D Wait...he can still force me to watch the spiderman movies :eek:
Wow...there were some movie stars I've thought were maybe good-looking...but am I ever glad that I keep myself detached, at least somewhat, from their lives!
I laugh myself crazy about SG his latests obsession and it is fun! I don't mind if he keeps on talking about her. He doesn't have to stop according to me. I am as crazy about MJF and if he wasn't married already, I wouldn't mind marry him :D
Haha that GG Marrying thing didnt last long lol. If only I knew MJF I would so send him to ocme and visit you along with the paramedics just incase you have an heartattack or something. :p
The Star Trek: TNG episode she was in was called Dark Page. I think it is in the last season. It is where Lwaxanna Troi has a mental collapse and goes into a coma.

The Star Trek: TNG episode she was in was called Dark Page. I think it is in the last season. It is where Lwaxanna Troi has a mental collapse and goes into a coma.


Thanks, I'll have to check it out. I totally want to buy Wimbdon now. Kirsten looks so pretty in her tenis outfit :eek: