Hmm I'm not sure whether I like her ed or blonde haired.
That's a hard question SG. Probably not so much three because in the other two she was in it quiet a lot and was really focused on because Peter/Spiderman saught after her. I really liked the first one though bwecause well it was the first movie and the first time of actually seeing her in a blockbuster movie. So I'd say I really liked her in one but because I think two is my fave I would say 2.
I liked her a lot in all three. The first one was great because she was younger and like you said it was her first blockbuster. The second was prehapes the best because not only was Peter seeking her but she also found out he was Spider-Man. In Spider-Man 3 her role was kinda rocky. Her caree went sour, she got hurt by Peter (Physically and emotionally) and she lost a good friend. All in all I think she did a great job in all three. But to answer your question, I would say I really liked her the best in Spider-Man 2
Thats what I said.
I was so happy when she finally found out that he was Spiderman and that he likedher. I was like finally! But I was really scared that she would still get married to that guy ntl but all was okay as she ran through the pigeons in her wedding dress