Less than 1.00 days!

Are you going to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader the movie?

  • Definitely -- midnight screening opening day!

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • Yes, looking forward to it

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Yes but without a lot of expectations

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • (not sure)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • No way!

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
I can not wait. Everyone in my school will know of VDT and it's release date before it comes out :p. I'm going to visit a friend half way across the country for four days, and the second day is dec 10th. I am SO going to a midnight showing - or at least an EARLY showing =D.

Thanks for the tips about.. how to watch the movie I guess? I adored the first trailer, but was quite shocked as more and more came out and I compared it to the book more and more...

I think going into the movie and just watching it - reserving judgement for AFTERWORDS, is a dang good idea :p!
I think going into the movie and just watching it - reserving judgement for AFTERWORDS, is a dang good idea :p!

Yes, I think those of us who are excited about the film should make an oath like what AK suggested, that we won't read the book immediately before the release, and we will go into the film without expecting to see an exact reproduction of the book, and we won't decide whether we love it or hate it until the credits roll -- or until the credits end in case there's a bit at the end of the credits that might sway us.

Write it up, AK, and we'll all sign it here ...
I can do that. ;)

"I_______ solemnly swear that in the days leading up to the December 10th release of Dawn Treader, I will not read the book or listen to the audio drama. I also swear that I will reserve critique and judgment until after the end credits have rolled and I have left the theater. I will also spend a little time to reflect on the movie before deciding my feelings.

I can do that. ;)

"I_______ solemnly swear that in the days leading up to the December 10th release of Dawn Treader, I will not read the book or listen to the audio drama. I also swear that I will reserve critique and judgment until after the end credits have rolled and I have left the theater. I will also spend a little time to reflect on the movie before deciding my feelings.


I just swore that out loud with my hand over my heart. lol

but I hardly think it'd be a problem for me anyway as it was only till after Prince Caspian came out on DVD that I realized how bad it was as a Narnia adaption- in the theater and afterwards for days and weeks I loved it and argued with my cousin that it was a good Narnia movie.:rolleyes: I don't think that of PC now but its likely that I will do much the same for Voyage- however I do hope that once the adrenaline rush I get goes down I will still think that it is a great Narnia movie.:D
I know the book so well that it doesn't matter if I reread it or not.

All I can swear is that I will regard the movie as I do all other movies based on books. I look at them as both an adaptation and as a stand-alone movie.

I can do that. ;)

"I_______ solemnly swear that in the days leading up to the December 10th release of Dawn Treader, I will not read the book or listen to the audio drama. I also swear that I will reserve critique and judgment until after the end credits have rolled and I have left the theater. I will also spend a little time to reflect on the movie before deciding my feelings.

Thanks, AK! I am taking the oath. I may start a new thread in November just for that purpose -- and get everyone to keep an open mind!

I agree MrBob, I have read the book a billion times, too. :)
Are you even going to watch it?

Be Honest- I know that some of you might not want to see VDT because of the changes. so.....are you going to watch it or not?

I am going to see it:D
I don't know how much good a thread like this will do except to start more squabbles among those who are willing to give the movie a chance and those who are not...

But yes, I plan to see it. I wanted to go to the midnight showing, but i'm not entirely sure I don't have school the next day, so if that's the case I'll go on opening day. I know my parents are really excited to see it, so they'll definitely be seeing it with me. ;) It'll probably be one of my birthday presents since I have a birthday the following week.
I'm also definitely going to see it.

Just because we hear about a lot of changes doesn't mean the movie will be bad.

And now I will make a Not-Typical-Of-A-Book-Purist-Announcement:
Sometimes changes in the movie make even better than the book. Like the Slumdog Millionaire movie,based on the novel by Vikas Swarup.I love both the movie and book,but to tell the truth,the movie did come out better.


Although the Narnia movies have a loooong way to go before they get even close to beating the books. That was just an example above. It's pretty hard to beat C.S. Lewis,I really like his creativity. His writing style is also pretty epic.
I read a little about the changes, and some of them are a little strange/worrying,but oh well. Let's just hope VOTDT comes out more Narnia-ish than PC.

So yea,I'm going to see the movie,I'm really excited.:D
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I'll probably buy the DVD once it comes out, although my family doesn't go to the movies.
DEFINITIELY going to see it ... maybe even a couple of times!

Singing Dryad - I agree with you, although I love the book VDT and I'm not sure what changes they could make to improve it.
I told my family all I wanted for Chirstmas were tickets to see Dawn Treader.:D
Yes I am going to see it in the theater! I am going to watch it over and over and over and over again until the movie theater people kick me out. xD

Small changes in the movie I can deal with, as long as they don't throw in some random stupid unnessicary things like they did in Prince Caspian I'll be fine. Like I've said before though I'll no doubt love Dawn Treader for the first few times I see it, then I'll start realizing flaws about it.;)