Less than 1.00 days!

Are you going to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader the movie?

  • Definitely -- midnight screening opening day!

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • Yes, looking forward to it

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Yes but without a lot of expectations

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • (not sure)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • No way!

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
I will give the new movie a fair chance. If it's good, I'll even go again. As I've said, there can be changes that DON'T ruin a story. The problem with "Prince NON-Caspian" was that Andrew Adamson CONSCIOUSLY DESIRED to contradict the very SPIRIT of what Mr. Lewis had written, and his success at doing what he wanted to do, made the movie a failure.
Somebody said that their family doesn't usually go to movies...mine usually doesn't either; in fact, if we see one movie in theaters a year we're doing well. (We've seen 2 this year; I've seen 3, but only because "Knight and Day" is a movie I saw with friends).

If we go, it's nearly once in a blue moon, but you couldn't pay my dad not to see Narnia in theaters. No siree. I think in some ways he's more excited than me.
YES!!! i'm sooooo going to see VDT!!!!!! My mom said my sister and i can see the midnight premiere and then I will see it again with my friends on the day and maybe again some other time:p:D:D I'm excited to see how the movie will be:D
NO This thread is redundant but I won't tell the mods .

Is it your place to tell the mods? :rolleyes: I don't believe it's redundant; amdd wants to know who will see it and who won't. There is no need to make that kind of remark because if the mods feel like it's a repetitive thread, they'll merge it with something else...besides, didn't inkspot post in this thread? She's a mod so she obviously doesn't think it's redundant. Good grief.

amdd, that's cool that you're in the Navy. :D I appreciate military people! ;)

narniahp4ever: I'm jealous! I so want to go to the midnight showing but I probably won't be able to. *sniff*
Thanks AK, yah, I didn't think this was redundant -- maybe I'll add a poll for who is going and who is not. :) I am definitely going!
I'm going to see VOTDT at least twice. The first time will be by myself and then I'm going to see it with my family. I'm looking forward to it but I hope it is not as bad an adaption as PC. It's one of my favourite books in the Chronicles of Narnia series and I'll be upset if it is treated poorly:( I still want to see it though.
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AK, it was posted in invisible ink because it was not a serious thing. Of course I had already seen Inky's post. Duh!
I'm going to see VOTDT at least twice. The firt time will be by myself and then I'm going to see it with my family.

I saw PC 3 times, LWW 2 times, so I've joked that I'll have to see Dawn Treader at least 4 times to outdo how many times I saw PC. ;) somehow I think I'll be lucky to see it twice.
What's with the title 'Are you even going to watch it?' It sounds negative.

I will go to the theatres either the day it comes out or on the weekend depending on my schedule.

Tough question for me. My parents don't approve of movie theaters, so I wouldn't see it until DVD time. But I wouldn't be offended by spoilers. They could be very valuable, telling me whether I should spend money on it or not.
Um.... YES! :D Definitely. Probably not going to see it at midnight, but I'm really looking forward to it. I know I saw PC at least twice in theaters, so I'm thinking that I'll see VDT 1-2 (or more) times, depending on how good it is :p