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Are you going to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader the movie?

  • Definitely -- midnight screening opening day!

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • Yes, looking forward to it

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Yes but without a lot of expectations

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • (not sure)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • No way!

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
I couldn't possibly understand why.

I would love to see Narnia in 3-D IMAX. However, likely I'm only going to see in theaters.

I don't know if I'd want to see it in 3D...after hearing how it affects some people's minds (like with headaches or dizziness), I just don't know if I could handle it. Plus my dad gets motion sick super easily, so 3D would be a very bad idea....but I might have to see it once in 3D, just to say that I've done it. ;)
i may see it when it comes out im not sure... after seeing the trailer it made me feel uneasy....

Are you quoting me because you mean seeing it in 3-D particularly? If you are, than I do agree that the trailer's 3-D isn't that great, but I personally have faith that they're making it better right now. Also, in IMAX theaters, (I have never actually been to one, but from what I've read and heard) the 3-D should be much better just because of the size of the screen.

Aravis Kenobi said:
I don't know if I'd want to see it in 3D...after hearing how it affects some people's minds (like with headaches or dizziness), I just don't know if I could handle it. Plus my dad gets motion sick super easily, so 3D would be a very bad idea....but I might have to see it once in 3D, just to say that I've done it.

Personally I've never had any bad effects from 3-D, but from what I can tell, people have headaches from 3-D for the same reason people get headaches from wearing new glasses. So theoretically, the only way to get the headaches to stop from 3-D is to watch more 3-D. :rolleyes: The only way for you to tell if your going to have problems is if you really go to see one, though.
I saw PC 3 times, LWW 2 times, so I've joked that I'll have to see Dawn Treader at least 4 times to outdo how many times I saw PC. ;) somehow I think I'll be lucky to see it twice.

I've only seen PC once (I can't bear to watch it again!) and I've seen LWW numerous times (once at the theatres). Let me know if you see VOTDT 4 times!:D
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If the movie's good enough, they may show it at my school (they showed LWW here, but not PC). Here's hoping, anyway.
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Are you quoting me because you mean seeing it in 3-D particularly? If you are, than I do agree that the trailer's 3-D isn't that great, but I personally have faith that they're making it better right now. Also, in IMAX theaters, (I have never actually been to one, but from what I've read and heard) the 3-D should be much better just because of the size of the screen.

Personally I've never had any bad effects from 3-D, but from what I can tell, people have headaches from 3-D for the same reason people get headaches from wearing new glasses. So theoretically, the only way to get the headaches to stop from 3-D is to watch more 3-D. :rolleyes: The only way for you to tell if your going to have problems is if you really go to see one, though.

Oh yes, the size of IMAX really makes a difference in movies. When we saw The Polar Express and a Christmas Carol in IMAX (both at different times), you really were able to see the details better than in a regular theater. The thing about IMAX, is that if you're doing a helicopter shot, flying over something, it nearly feels as if you'll fall out! I can just imagine what it would be like in 3D.

One of my friends wanted to see Narnia, so maybe she and I will go see it in 3D. I really am wanting to, even though it's more money.
Tough question for me. My parents don't approve of movie theaters, so I wouldn't see it until DVD time. But I wouldn't be offended by spoilers. They could be very valuable, telling me whether I should spend money on it or not.

Mikeeeeee! Not going to see it in cinema? That's terrible. :p

Thank you whoever added the poll. I think most of us are going! :D
But I wouldn't be offended by spoilers. They could be very valuable, telling me whether I should spend money on it or not.

I read all the spoilers I could find on the Prince Caspian movie before it came out, to the point that I knew practically everything that had changed in any way--Peter, the Caspian-Susan romance, Susan's warrior-queenness, the White Witch scene, the castle raid--everything. It was pathetic. And I'll probably do the same for VDT if they don't show it at my school and I have to wait for the DVD. I'm a bad person. Very bad.
I read all the spoilers I could find on the Prince Caspian movie before it came out, to the point that I knew practically everything that had changed in any way--Peter, the Caspian-Susan romance, Susan's warrior-queenness, the White Witch scene, the castle raid--everything. It was pathetic. And I'll probably do the same for VDT if they don't show it at my school and I have to wait for the DVD. I'm a bad person. Very bad.

Nope, not bad at all. Before I was allowed to see LotR, I read all the movie scripts, saw everything I could get my hands on, and knew the plot pretty thoroughly before I saw the movies, so I knew everything that happened. I knew the ending of King before I saw it...but with narnia I'd rather be surprised.
yep as far as i know i'm going :)

yep as far as i know i'm going to see it probably after it comes out in the movie theaters, i'm hopeing that's what i want for Christmas i'm hopeing we can afford to go see if not then i'll either rent or buy it on DVD :) i also hope that it will be in 3D & 2D at the local theater :) i can wait to see VDT dispite the adaptions i'm going
i wanna see it:D I'm gonna try to drag my family in there as soon as possible, although it shouldn't be too hard. We love Narnia:D:D:cool:
I really don't know if I'm going to go see this movie. First of all, I hate going to the theaters nowadays. The previews for other movies, even several "family" movies seem very dark to me when looked at beneath the surface (which is how I tend to look at everything in life, "beneath the surface"). Second, there appear to be so many changes in this movie that I'm not sure I would really enjoy watching this interpretation of the novel. I won't list the alterations to Lewis' story, but I will say that some of the powerful Christian themes lose their meaning when baseless interpretations substitute clear intentions. Third, I'm not impressed by the visual effects. Oddly enough, I find some of them unnecessary (perhaps a misuse of the film's budget). Why create, for example, an elaborate invisible magician's house when you could easily film an existing British manor interior so as to capture the description found in the book.

Those are just a few reasons why I'm inclined, at this point, to boycott this film. :(

My love for Narnia remains and grows stronger every day. Will I be able to reconcile that love with this movie? Only time will tell.
I really don't know if I'm going to go see this movie. First of all, I hate going to the theaters nowadays. The previews for other movies, even several "family" movies seem very dark to me when looked at beneath the surface (which is how I tend to look at everything in life, "beneath the surface"). Second, there appear to be so many changes in this movie that I'm not sure I would really enjoy watching this interpretation of the novel. I won't list the alterations to Lewis' story, but I will say that some of the powerful Christian themes lose their meaning when baseless interpretations substitute clear intentions. Third, I'm not impressed by the visual effects. Oddly enough, I find some of them unnecessary (perhaps a misuse of the film's budget). Why create, for example, an elaborate invisible magician's house when you could easily film an existing British manor interior so as to capture the description found in the book.

Those are just a few reasons why I'm inclined, at this point, to boycott this film. :(

My love for Narnia remains and grows stronger every day. Will I be able to reconcile that love with this movie? Only time will tell.

Tony Nixon (Rynelf) was interviewed (the interview is posted on the homepage), and he said that the themes of spirituality and faith were still intact. I don't really think that "appearances" are enough foundation to decide whether you will or won't see it. Okay, I don't have any problem with people deciding not to go see it, but boycotting the film isn't the way to go. Do you know why? It makes other people not want to see it. Boycotting implies that you will be loud in your opinion and you will try to convince others not to see it. The following statement will not start an argument because I'll ignore any posts addressing it as such: Prince Caspian's failure was in part due to people who decided they would boycott the film, thereby influencing other non-book fans to abstain from seeing it.

That said, I don't think anybody, not even me, has the right to say whether it'll be good or bad because truth be told, none of us knows (except for maybe a few) what is going on in the movie. Pictures and clips, and to some extent the trailers, take out of context what's in the movie. The interview with Tony Nixon really boosted my confidence in the movie. Will it be exactly how I imagined it? No, probably not because I am not a fan of the book. I've always found it boring and slow. But I don't think anybody really has the right to judge the movie simply because it doesn't meet their criteria. Heck, if we did that, LWW wouldn't have met my criteria because I thought they could have stuck a little closer to the book! But the spiritual integrity was kept. I didn't know that when I saw the trailers. I only found that out when I saw the movie itself.
Come on everyone, you have to go see it!

I think it's going to be much better than PC. I think the Eustace boy is perfect for the part. Can't wait.
I didn't know VOTDT was going to be in 3D. I'm only going to see it in 2D. I think 3D is a waste of money and it also gives me a headache. It will be a much more enjoyable film even if there are major plot and character changes.
I only want to see it in 3D because I think it's about the only film worth seeing in 3D...and I've never seen anything in 3D, so I want to say I've done it.
I have to admit that even if the film was pretty terrible I would still go to see it sixteen times (Exaggeration, but as many as I can possibly manage) and I think the rest of us should follow suit for a few reasons.

1. If we want to see any more Narnia movies made during our lifetimes, we have to make sure this one makes enough money to guarantee some sequels.
2. The next one they will look at making would be "The Silver Chair" which is a much more contained story. Even if they mess up VDT really bad (Hoping they wont, and it looks good) I think Silver Chair will be easier to do and it has amazing characters.
3. Selfishly I want all the Narnia books made into movies! If we don't support the movies that wont happen and then who knows when we'll see any again. I think they deserve another chance after a kind of lackluster (In my opinion of course) "Prince Caspian" and I want them to make the rest of the movies if at all possible (Or at least "Silver Chair" and "Horse and his Boy").
i think i'd give it a try. the new director might bring in something more narnian than the previous films. but i don't think i should expect much. i just hope it stays as close to the book as possible. i love the Voyage of the Dawn Treader! :)
I have to admit that even if the film was pretty terrible I would still go to see it sixteen times (Exaggeration, but as many as I can possibly manage) and I think the rest of us should follow suit for a few reasons.

1. If we want to see any more Narnia movies made during our lifetimes, we have to make sure this one makes enough money to guarantee some sequels.
2. The next one they will look at making would be "The Silver Chair" which is a much more contained story. Even if they mess up VDT really bad (Hoping they wont, and it looks good) I think Silver Chair will be easier to do and it has amazing characters.
3. Selfishly I want all the Narnia books made into movies! If we don't support the movies that wont happen and then who knows when we'll see any again. I think they deserve another chance after a kind of lackluster (In my opinion of course) "Prince Caspian" and I want them to make the rest of the movies if at all possible (Or at least "Silver Chair" and "Horse and his Boy").

Specter REALLY needs to add some "like" buttons to the forum!