Mutants(like X-Men) II

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Carmen came to the kitchen with her hand on the side.
' Hello?," She ask with a confuse lookin her face.

Shiloh had fallen asleep after losing so much blood. Steps from the hallway startled her. "Hello?" the voice whispered. "Carmen?" Shiloh spoke, releaved that Carmen wasnt hurt, and better yet, could help her with her pain. "Carmen, over here!" she said dryly, trying to be as loud as possible for Carmen, but only a mumbled cough came out.

Josh walked along the cobblestone path exhausted and fusturated from his unsuccesful search for lady Katsunaru.

JOSH!?!?!?!?!?!?! OMGSH!!! Youre on!! How are you!?!?!?! ^_^
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Carmen ran over to her sister.
" Oh what on earth happen?," She ask.

Shiloh clenched her sister's arm,"Ill tell you later, just help me stand. I need to go to my room." She leaned most of her weight on her sister as they climbed the stairs, pain moving swiftly through Shiloh's weak body.
She close her eyes while her sister pull her down.
" OK here we are sis," She told her,
She gentle put her in her bed and placing her hands over the woud and started to heal it.
Josh walked along the hall to his room, he wondered where everyone was; yet again it wasn't a big deal to know. Once in his room he unpacked, and then sat on his bed.
She close her eyes while her sister pull her down.
" OK here we are sis," She told her,
She gentle put her in her bed and placing her hands over the woud and started to heal it.

"Thanks..." Shiloh gulped. After a few minutes, the wounds on her stomach and wrists healed. From her place on the bed, she sat up, although still in pain. She nodded her thanks to her sister. For a moment there was silence then, "Morgrid came to me in the garden....he reminded me of my meeting with him and Mathieus..." Shiloh half smiled at her sisters worried look. "Dont worry about it. It's my problem, not yours. "
Axel was walking down one of the many halls. Hmm... More and more students are coming back... How odd.

OOC- *Debating with self on whether to bring Blake back*
Axel was walking down one of the many halls. Hmm... More and more students are coming back... How odd.

OOC- *Debating with self on whether to bring Blake back*

ooc: lol. maybeeee, then you can tell Saffron to come back....

ic: Destiny sat in Starbucks reading a manga book, while drinking her hot chocolate.
"This is getting gooooood."
OOC- ... Okay, if Saffron has Marissa come back, Blake will too. >>

IC- Axel walked down another hall. Bored.
Carmen was walking back to her room when she bump into Axel.
" Oh I'm so sorry about that," She said not looking up at him.
Josh stood in front of Shiloh's door, but before he could open it the curse markings appeared on his arms, face, and any other visible skin. "Oh I forgot it is a full moon tonight", he thought aloud to himself. He then walked on down the hall.
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