Mutants(like X-Men) II

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Once a quiet place had been found, she sat, pulling the coat against her and beginning to think. Time passed and she soon grew calm enough to meditate, something she hadn't done in a while. As she breathed in and out, she was unaware of the tears that streamed from her closed eyes.
Darkness, pain, isolation and much more was what filled his past, what was with him now, and what will be with him in the future. "Has there been brighter days?", he asked himself as he sat now with back against the wall.
She felt icy wind rip across her cheeks and opened her eyes. She wiped away the tears and curled up against her knees, digging her nails again into her flesh. As they cut into her, she felt a release, a sudden calmness spreading through her body.
He sat there just thinking, is there any way to get to the light?. Soon he came to the decision there was no way. His bangs covered his blue eyes as they scaned the floor in thought.
She walk out side with her hands on her head.
" Josh were are you?," She ask

Kitty on the other hand was with Bobby and Rouge.
She smiled.
" Good I just need to know if our sister is all right she been actting alittle wired when I saw her," She told him.
She nodded.
" Yea if you didn't disappear on us you well know that I'm your sister but no you had to go somewhere like Chris did," She told him,
She got a little closer to him she was shaking she didn't know what to do know.
" Oh Josh what am I do I been loosing everyone first Chris now our sister?," She said with treas rolling down her cheek.
She smiled weakly.
" Thanks Josh hm can I get you anything for the main time?," She ask,
Treas still rolled down her cheek.
Carmen walk around the halls trying to think.
" Oh what am I do now?," She ask herself,
She came to her room picking up the twin and went to the gym.

The Twins walk around the gym .
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