My Chemical Romance Fan Club

And oh thanks a lot for that I stole it:D:D, Who wouldn't agree with you? You are right. Tsk too bad, really too bad. MCR don't deserve that, they write the most beautiful songs in the whole dang planet.:p:p Famous Last Words is really taking myself off.
WARNING! Suitable for strong hearts only, you're about to see a pic of Gerard

HA ha ha ha ha ha ha hah a ha ha ha ha hah a hah ah a ha hah

Pfhhhttttttttt lol i saw that on photobucket. XD

OMG I GOT A BOOK CALLED "MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE: This Band Will Save YOur Life" by Reinhardt Haydn, I'm only on the 2nd chapter, and I HIGHLY recommend it!!!! It has everything about mcr not promoting self-harm that I've been trying to tell people in my family and outside my family for the past friggin year. :rolleyes: Anyway, it's a beautifully well-written biography with quotes and pictures and stuff. I bought it a Hot Topic for $19.95 plus tax, but it was DEFINATELY worth it!!!
Amazon sells everything... Now all I need is a job so I can have monies so I can buy it! =)

I can't belive that they are blowing the whole MCR thing out of proporsion. They are creating a moral panic by saying that. (A moral panic is when the media takes an event thats not that bad and making it worce). There were some other bands that she loved and talked about all of the time but The Sun chose to focus on just MCR. Its ridicules. The sterypotypes that suround Emo's are just going from bad to worce...
Yeah loverble, you're right. And I hate it when people use the word 'emo' like it's some vile disease, like leprosy or something. Like, 'She was an emo so it was only natural that she cut herself and listened to death bands and committed suicide.' And is it me, or does the media seem to be ENJOYING reporting all these 'emo suicides'? It really makes me angry.
Amazon sells everything... Now all I need is a job so I can have monies so I can buy it! =)

I can't belive that they are blowing the whole MCR thing out of proporsion. They are creating a moral panic by saying that. (A moral panic is when the media takes an event thats not that bad and making it worce). There were some other bands that she loved and talked about all of the time but The Sun chose to focus on just MCR. Its ridicules. The sterypotypes that suround Emo's are just going from bad to worce...

Yeah loverble, you're right. And I hate it when people use the word 'emo' like it's some vile disease, like leprosy or something. Like, 'She was an emo so it was only natural that she cut herself and listened to death bands and committed suicide.' And is it me, or does the media seem to be ENJOYING reporting all these 'emo suicides'? It really makes me angry.
*visits thread and takes interest in the conversation*

Very good points, guys. "Emo" has become such an annoying term to me lately because of the constant stereotypes people associate with it. For the people who stick the label on themselves, it's a culture/lifestyle that's totally different from what the rest of the world sees. It's because the world makes judgments. :rolleyes:
^^ What concert? We were talking about how good 30stm are live. Lawl.

And I'm fine thank you loverble :D Happy cos exams got over today.
^^ What concert? We were talking about how good 30stm are live. Lawl.

And I'm fine thank you loverble :D Happy cos exams got over today.

I think it's hilarious u are becoming a fan...since oh god if u look back to the beginning of this thread how OBSESSED I was....sick to say the least lol, you do know hahaha.

My opinion- after seeing them 4 times, I frankly got bored...since they haven't released an album since 05 and i listened to them since 04. I loved them though, and sure I haven't stopped, but it was time for something new...meeting all of them was always fun also (you do know I did hahaha once upon a time those stories). Shannon is by far the nicest. Matt and Tomo were always chill (and yeah no more Matt), Jared, well it depended on the day hahaha...but yeah I think it's cute you are getting into them! It's just the majority of the fans that always bugged me. I myself am a member of the ECHELON, but out of all of the bands I have seen live- they have the harshest group of fans to be around which is so unfortunate (ie they weren't very nice for the most part from my experiences).

BTW Wed- I saw Cinematice Sunrise (Craig from Chiodos' side project) with My American Heart (who were a lot of fun), Daphne loves Derby, and Empty Orchestra. It was my second time seeing CINSUN (and their second tour- I plan on going to every one haha), they were awesome as always! I can't believe I've seen Craig's bands 6 times lol! He's just so awesome, and yeah come another month I am seeing them again! I know my taste has grown a lot harder than what a lot of you I know listen to- but i PROMISE Cinematic Sunrise is light- it's great stuff...the first EP came out on the 13th check it out PLEASE! I won't bug you all with pictures, since I overdid myself with Bamboozle pics a few pages back lol!