My First Fan-Fic

Magrim turned away from the tree quickly to face Peter, who was brandishing his sword at the wolf. Magrim grinned evilly and said, "Come on! We've been through this before. We both know you don't have it in you!"
"Peter, watch out!" Susan screamed.
The other wolf had been moving to try and get behind him, but Peter turned just in time.
Just then, Aslan and many of the other Narnians from the camp, came running in. Aslan pinned the second wolf to the ground and said to the Narnians, "Stay your weapons; this is Peter's battle."
Peter glanced at Aslan at the others and then turned back to Magrim. The two circled each other, each watching to see what the other would do.
"You think you're a king," Magrim snarled, "but you're going to die; like a dog!!" Then, the wolf jumped at Peter. As Magrim jumped, Peter drove his sword into the wolf's belly, killing it.
All three girls screamed, certain at first that Peter would be killed. Susan was the first out of the tree, jumping down and running over to Peter as fast as she could. Lucy and Emily came down after that, and Lucy ran over as well. Emily, though, stood a little ways back, watching the three embrace each other. Lucy was crying a little bit.
Aslan then let the other wolf get back up, and it immediately ran off through the trees. "Follow him," Aslan said. "He will lead you to Edmund."
Then Aslan turned to Peter and said, "Kneel before me, Son of Adam."
Peter looked questioningly at Aslan before kneeling on the ground in front of him.
Aslan placed his paw on the boy's shoulder and then said, "Rise, Sir Peter, Wolf's Bane." The Lion smiled and then said, "and never forget to clean your sword."
Peter rose and after looking excitedly at his sisters, looked down at his sword, which was still dirty and bloody. So Peter whiped it clean on the grass and then sheathed it again.
"Oh Peter!" Lucy cried; running up and hugging him.
Susan put her hand on her brother's shoulder and smiled. "Well done," she said.
Emily walked up and shook his hand, congratulating him.
"Emily, Daughter of Eve," Aslan said.
Emily turned quickly. "Yes, Sir?"
"I must speak to you about something very important."
"Yes Sir." Emily wondered what on earth it was.
Emily followed Aslan away from the others. Finally, they stopped.
"You hide many secrets from your friends, my child," Aslan said quietly.
Emily nearly jumped in surprise. She hadn't expected this. "Yes, Sir," she stamered.
"Why is that?" the Lion asked her.
"Because I was afraid to open up, Sir."
"Because you were insecure, my daughter?"
"Yes Sir, I suppose I was; I still am, a little, I think."
"And why is that?"
"Because I was afraid that I had no purpose."
Aslan looked at her and said, "My child, everything has a purpose, because nothing that I have made ever has no purpose. I love you the way you are and you are perfect to me. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you have no purpose or that you are meaningless, because they are telling you lies. You have been listening to lies. Do so no longer."
Emily looked up into the lion's face. "Yes Sir," she whispered. She was confused. "Sir?"
"Yes, my daughter?"
"Sir, you said that everything has a purpose. What was the purpose of my little brother, my father, and David's deaths? Why was I always rejected? Why is my mother so - so - I don't know. What is my purpose?"
"My dearest child, you have a greater purpose than you know. And there are some things that we were never meant to understand; no matter what it is. You may not see the big picture now, and you may never understand everything that happens, but it is all by the will of my Father, and it is for your good."
Emily was silent. It made sense, more sense than anything had in along while.
"My child, I have a gift for you."
"Yes, my child. I give you the gift of security. You have been insecure for to long." And then, the lion breathed on her.
"Thank you sir," she whispered.
The lion smiled.
"I have one more question."
"Ask away."
"Sir, what does the inscription on my sword say?"
"Bring it here, and I will tell you."
About an hour after that found Emily sitting down by the stream bank, leaning down and trailing her fingers in the water lazily.
Emily looked up quickly. "Yes?" It was Peter.
"You alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I'm much better than I've been in a while."
"That's good," Peter said. "Well, I was just coming to check on you." He turned to go.
"Peter, wait!" Emily said.
He turned back. "What is it?"
"I - I have something that I would like to tell you; you and your sisters."
"I'll go get them, if you like."
"Would you?"
"Of course."
"No problem, Em."
She blinked. He had been calling her that for a long time now. David had called her that, a long time ago....
Lucy was the first one to come back down to the stream. She sat down beside Emily and the two girls waited for Peter and Susan. They were soon there and as she sat down, Susan said, "Peter said that you wanted to tell us something, Emily."
Emily stared into the water and nodded slowly. "Yes, I - I can't keep secrets from you any longer."
"What do you mean?" Lucy asked.
"Well," Emily said, "I've - been hiding a lot of things from you that I should have told you along time ago, but I was afraid to."
Susan smiled. "Emily, you don't ever have to be afraid to tell us anything."
Lucy put her hand on Emily's shoulder. "We'll always be here to listen."
Emily smiled weakly. "I know." She took a deep breath. "I suppose I should start from the beginning then."
Emily took a deep breath and then she began, "I used to lead what could have been called 'a nomal life'; much like the lives you lead. For a while I was very happy and carefree, just like anyone should be. But the war changed everything. Wars normally do."
Lucy nodded. "We know, Emily."
"First Father left, and then David. David was my cousin," Emily said.
"Was?" Susan asked.
"Yes. Both he and my father were killed; within two weeks of each other. David was the older brother that I never had. We were very close. I was devestated when we got the news that he was dead. It was almost to much to bear after father died like that. A week later, my little brother Ryan was killed in an air raid."