Gentle Voice
Active member
" Al you well get a girl don't worry," she told him, falling asleep in his arms like she use to when they where little.
"Glad to get to talk to you before the CHAIR Force," Trivizas quipped. "Of course, if what you want is really good baked potatoes in the chow hall, they ARE the service for you. But if your taste is for blood..." He noticed Brendan glancing at his prosthetic arm. "Ah, you see my Luke Skywalker transplant? I promise you, the Al-Qaeda man who did this to me lost a lot more than an arm, and no, he DOESN'T get seventy virgins where he is now."
"So I'm told," agreed Alipang, cuddling her warmly and rubbing her back and shoulders. "But that doesn't explain why she ran off after barely starting to renew a relationship with you. Speaking of relationships: you didn't forget while you were snoozing that I did tell you I love you, did you?"
"And you should be, son. At least half of what you hear in the media about Iraq is pure LIES, put out by jerks who would RATHER have more of my brothers and sisters die, than admit how much good we've done there. Yes, we, I was there too, and my right arm still is there someplace. Listen--" he wrote something on a brochure; "--I'm giving you a name to look up online. A reporter named Michael Yon, Wye-Oh-En, who tells the truth. Once you find his articles, they'll speak for themselves." He handed over the brochure. "But to get back to my sales pitch: do you have any specific questions?"
She laughed " Yes, Al you did and I'm not sure myself," she told him.
TRIVIZAS TO BRENDAN: "The best officers I ever worked with, in any branch of service, were ones who had BEEN enlisted servicemembers first. But with the way things are these days, if a young man or woman's as smart as I think you are, it might be best for the country if THOSE types hurried up and got themselves officerized. You realize that we train ours in Annapolis with our squid cousins? The sailboating's good on Chesapeake Bay, incidentally."