Person Below Me VI


There ya go. ;)

TPBM likes drawing on and off the computer
We are the DLR. We do not draw, unless we are drawing recruitment posters. You are welcome to join our cause, unless you have shown disdain to our DLF.
We are the DLR. We do not draw, unless we are drawing recruitment posters. You are welcome to join our cause, unless you have shown disdain to our DLF.

Caspian: *brandishes a frying pan at the DLR* GET OUTTA HERE YOU SCURVY KNAVES!
Dorthy Well, at least his vocabulary is improving.

TPBM has a messy/unorganized living space
Yes, I quite like lattes. Mochas, too.

TPBM will type their response with their chin.

(Hah, I typed this entire post with my eyes closed! I typed THIS with my eyes closed, too!)
Nah, unless someone I know is in it. ;) (You get in the papes, you're famous, you're famous, you get whatever you want!)

TPBM will know quote something from the Narnia books or movies
We would not stoop so low as to think of food while the DLF suffers.

The person below us knows that suffering is more important than food.
Those who value the health of their bodies above the suffering of their souls demean themselves.

The person below us knows what is truly important.