Person Below Me VI

I wish. The one time I had the chance to see a solar eclipse was when I was in band class and couldn't step outside to look. :rolleyes:

TPBM is in a band/orchestra.
That actually wasn't what I meant. :rolleyes:

No, I've only had one experience with hay bales but it was pretty fun.

Tpbm canNOT see snow from where they are sitting
I know :) I just wanted to cover up the fact that I'm not very savvy with all the settings on the forum... But I don't think I'm invisible?! You're the mod, you tell me :rolleyes:

No, I can't, and no, there isn't any snow. Apparently we're having like 64°F here tomorrow!

TPBM still writes actual letters with envelopes and stamps and all that.
We write emails, with viruses attached, and send them to anyone who has expressed intolerance of the DLF.

The person below us admires the DLF for his consistency and dedication.
Thankfully not, but I usually have one or two pimples somewhere on my face. They tell you it's a teenager thing but they lie. Pimples are here to stay.

TPBM likes to use long sophisticated-sounding words.
We shall never retire. We shall defend the DLF until the day we die.

Anyone who retires is evil and ought to be working for the DLR instead.

The person below us will join the DLR and work to reverse the abuse the DLF has suffered.