Peter's horse or Ed's horse?

The unicorn as i think that unicorns in general are magnificent creatures, even if they arent real.
well i ride competatively, like on a national level(my horse is in FL right now!!- i am doing the winter circuit stuff!!) but i love both of the horses cause they both dont have that bad of conformation and i really like them both. I heard that skandars horse was kind of fiery and liked to attack the other horses too!!-found that is the official movie companion!! yah but i love all horses so they r both very awesome!!
ilovewilliam said:
well i ride competatively, like on a national level(my horse is in FL right now!!- i am doing the winter circuit stuff!!) but i love both of the horses cause they both dont have that bad of conformation and i really like them both. I heard that skandars horse was kind of fiery and liked to attack the other horses too!!-found that is the official movie companion!! yah but i love all horses so they r both very awesome!!

hey! u ride competitively? thats cool!

do you think they did a good job then? I do, Skandar (and I think Will too) hadn't even rode a horse before filiming and they learnt pretty quickly dont you think?
Oh, I love Philip. He talks! How can you not love that?! But the unicorn was simply gorgeous. My mum drooled. I thought it looked real too. Very nice. :)
i'd have to pick Phillip. Plus, I think any unicorn would be deeply offended by being referred to as a horse. Unicorns are much more noble creatures.
I would have to go with the Unicorn, mainly because how he was portrayed. The fact that Peter rode him so unbelievably well --bareback and with NO bridle, even-- and the the "Unicorn" was so amazingly well trained, I'd have to go with the him. I've been riding horses for three years, and have owned my own horse for two. I know what kind of training, time and extreme effort goes into training, so seeing the "Unicorn" in action really impressed me.
I think unicorns because they are so majestic and lovely, they are more interesting than normal horses in my opinion, although i do like normal horses too:)
I was actually disappointed with the unicorn. For one, it didn't speak, and secondly...a unicorn traditionally is NOT just a horn with a horse attached to it. It's horse-LIKE but NOT a horse. In the illustrations for "The Last Battle", the unicorn Jewel has the traditional beard, cloven hooves and lion-like tail that REAL ;) unicorns have. I wish the producers had spent a little CGI on the unicorn and at least have given it a proper tail. And had it say a few words.