Peter's horse or Ed's horse?

judyfromkansas said:
I was actually disappointed with the unicorn. For one, it didn't speak, and secondly...a unicorn traditionally is NOT just a horn with a horse attached to it. It's horse-LIKE but NOT a horse. In the illustrations for "The Last Battle", the unicorn Jewel has the traditional beard, cloven hooves and lion-like tail that REAL ;) unicorns have. I wish the producers had spent a little CGI on the unicorn and at least have given it a proper tail. And had it say a few words.

Yeah your right they could have made it better, in my Opinion he should have talked but if he was a talking beast Peter shouldnt have even been riding it, or even if the unicorn didnt talk he should have ridden it.
longliveaslan said:
oh Hannah_L - that is a cool horse! have a horse too but she is black/brown...and my name is Hannah to! cool! LOL :)

Cool! I love horses, I don't know what I'd do without mine! Do you ride competitively? I mostly do local dressage and one day events, but she is a good long distance riding horse too!

I thought William did really well to ride bareback and without any bridle, and I can understand how much training it must of taken the horse to get to that stage.. It was quite inspiring! They say that men ride better bareback then with a saddle, but I have galloped bareback a number of times, and although it's good fun, you need alot of balance!

I thought Phillip was really cute, he had a sweet face and was really funny, although it was kinda sad at the end of the film when he says
'im not getting any younger you know'
Well as a rider- both boys rode very well, but I doubt that it was their first times ever on a horse, but they did do the more intensive training before the movie. Skandar was very good, but Will was fab, because he had really great posture and a tight leg. It actually takes a lot of strenth to look that still on a horse, especially bareback. I know this- been riding for 11 years now and believe me its not easy stuff!!
actually will said it was his first time riding bareback. and having ridden for several years myself i can agree that it is difficult. its very impressive that he learned to ride so well while still having to act. It also says a lot about the horse trainers.
I LOVE the unicorn AND Phillip. Did anybody know that the voice of phillip was really named Phillip?? Just a funny thought.
I definetaly agree that riding bareback is sooooo hard!! I have been taking lessons for 3 years and my sister has a horse that I ride, and if that was william's first time riding bareback then WOW!!! i wish i was as talented as him!!!! hehehehehehehhe!!!!!
Hannah_L, your horse is very beautiful!! I am saving up for a horse (my parents are making me pay for it).
yeah edmunds horse

wills was a unicorn
*coughs fruity**

why couldnt he have a black stallion(sp) or a mustang


but i can see why the unicorn
u know magical creature and everything
AnimeKitten said:
yeah edmunds horse

wills was a unicorn
*coughs fruity**

why couldnt he have a black stallion(sp) or a mustang


but i can see why the unicorn
u know magical creature and everything

LOL...unicorns are pimp but not when peter is riding them soo i choose edmunds horse.
huh??? :confused: :rolleyes:
i think the unicorn was gorges!!!
i know - it was so cool that he rode bareback and w/o any halter or bridle! i ride bareback all the only - actually i never use a saddle, but still it's hard - especially galloping - but sooooooooooo FUN! it must of been especially hard b/c of that speed and with all the armor - i think will did GREAT!!!
did you know it took him 7 months to train?!
^^^that was were i read that! ok anyway i think he did great and i think philip was cool too! so funny! :p ;)
actually will did use a bridle when riding the "unicorn", it was just clear so that it appeared that he was not using one.

i'd have to pick philip as my favourite because he has so much personality.

it would have been totally awesome if unicorns lived for an extremely long time and that the unicorn peter was riding was jewel from the last battle
I thought both horses were very VERY beautiful! White horses have a certain elegance to them and darker ones well...I love the fact that they have color. (and if they get dirty it's not as noticable hehe) I can't really decide between both of them though the fact that Edmund's horse's name was Philip cracked me up! During the movie I started teasing my brother about the horse having the same name! lol
narnian@heart said:
actually will did use a bridle when riding the "unicorn", it was just clear so that it appeared that he was not using one.

i'd have to pick philip as my favourite because he has so much personality.

it would have been totally awesome if unicorns lived for an extremely long time and that the unicorn peter was riding was jewel from the last battle
How do you know that was Jewel? There could be many unicorns in Narnia. Besides the Last Battle was, like, CENTURIES after LLW.
I loved Peter's horse. Did anyone think it looked like Shadowfax from LOTR? No wonder; they were both Spanish Andulusians. Not sure on how to spell that correctly.
aravis3 said:
I loved Peter's horse. Did anyone think it looked like Shadowfax from LOTR? No wonder; they were both Spanish Andulusians. Not sure on how to spell that correctly.

uh yeah
i was watchinhg it this morning and the scene whith Gandalf and Shadowfax
came i was like

i think the horse would of looked better without the horn