Peter's horse or Ed's horse?

Sir_Peter_Wolfsbane said:
Unicorn!! Unicorns are just so beautiful, majestic, and magical.

Plus the horse who played the unicorn, that gorgeous Spanish Andulusian, is just stunning!

Of course! Spanish horses are the best in the world and Arabs too I s'pose! :)
Sir_Peter_Wolfsbane said:
Are you sure? Because Shadowfax passed away in 2003.

In the Lord of the Rings they used 2 white horses for Shadowfax. (Check out LOTR: ROTK extended edition DVD) Which one are u mentioning here? If 1 dies, they still have spare. :p

Anyway. In answering the issue of the thread, in either talking horse or unicorn? I'd go for Unicorn! I remember they did told something about unicorn in the Harry Potter: Sorcerer's Stone. The Centaur told that the blood of unicorn...or was it their horn... can extend the life of a person but their life will be curse.

As for Edmund...THEY SHOULD HAVE GIVEN A PEGASUS INSTEAD! & command the archers + Gryphon Fleet + Phoenix. HAhaha...this reminds me so much of LOTR F-15 Eagles in ROTK vs. Fell Beast. :D Woohoo, air forces rocks!
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Flamazon said:
Of course! Spanish horses are the best in the world and Arabs too I s'pose! :)

Talk about Spanish & Arab horses...i'd say both horses are equally good. Just look at how Antonio Banderas rides in The Zorro & The 13th Warrior (he plays the arab as the 13th worrior) They said Arab horses are smaller than the Northern European's.
Interestingly, the first, last, and only mention of winged horses in the Chronicles is in Nephew. Aslan makes Fledge "the father of all winged horses", but after that there are none mentioned, not even in passing.

Hope Fledge didn't have an - er - "accident".

he he i'd love a unicorn but phillip is really pretty too!! But i was kinda surprised that they used either in the film cause in "The horse and his Boy" doesn't it say that narnians would never dream of riding a talking horse. And in "the last Battle" there's a unicorn called Jewel and i'm sure you're not really supposed to ride them either.. but hey, they're both really cute anyways :)
I kept wondering? Is William Moseley a good horseback rider since no saddle was on his Unicorn? Why must Phillip be put on a saddle? If u've develop a relationship with such horses (in Narnia) they'll look after why worrry?

Its the same thing when Susan & Lucy rides Aslan at 180km/ph! No seats! :D
she-elfwarrior19 said:
Yeah your right they could have made it better, in my Opinion he should have talked but if he was a talking beast Peter shouldnt have even been riding it, or even if the unicorn didnt talk he should have ridden it.'s hard to believe that a creature as essentially magical as a unicorn COULDN'T talk. I know that in Narnia there are talking and non-talking beasts, but that applies to the everyday sort of beast I think.
yeh Will is a really good horse rider - apparently better than his stunt double person - hence the bareback. his favourite animals are horses as well!
judyfromkansas said:'s hard to believe that a creature as essentially magical as a unicorn COULDN'T talk. I know that in Narnia there are talking and non-talking beasts, but that applies to the everyday sort of beast I think.

My cousin's Parrot & Mynah talks! :p So i wouldn't be suprise when Susan Pevensie was shock seeing a bird "psst" at her in front of Mr.Tumnus's house. :D

Susan: Did that bird just 'psst' us?

Hahaha...I laughed at that time.
Sir_Peter_Wolfsbane said:
Are you sure? Because Shadowfax passed away in 2003.
the first horse passed away, and the second one is alive and thriving is in currnet residence in Sand Bernardino, CA. My horse is better! (check out sig)

-Jewel's rider
That makes sense. Just one Shadowfax just wouldn't do. So thanks!!

And your horse is lovely! What is that lovely creature's name?
I didn't know about one of the Shadow faxes dying, but I do know that there were two Shadowfax horses. Names were Blanco and... oh darn it, I forgot. Haven't watched that part for over a month. It's a tragedy. Got to watch it again soon. What's even more interesting is that Ian McKellen didn't do the riding. It was somebody else, really good at riding. And it never says that Peter's unicorn doesn't talk! For shame, thinking that a unicorn doesn't talk. Tsk tsk. Oh, yes, it doesn make another mention of the flying horses, in the Last Battle, as they're going 'Further up and further in!' Polly and Digory say that they remember this place, and one of the animals says, 'Then it's true, that in the beginning of Time you two were taken this way by the father of flying horses?' or something like that.
Correct about the flying horse! They flew that horse (Fledge) in The Magician's Nephew.
Sir_Peter_Wolfsbane said:
That makes sense. Just one Shadowfax just wouldn't do. So thanks!!

And your horse is lovely! What is that lovely creature's name?

Scenic Delight; AKA Angel...

An i think that the unicorn was Jewel.but I'm not sure of it..............I'll check my sources...............
i was lookinga t some of my picteures, and there is bosal on the horses head. it white, and it belnds in with the color of the horse.

LowKing_Skandar said:
do you like peters horse the unicorn, or edmunds horse phillip?????

i like both!!!!!!
well i like eds horse phillip i just don't like unicorns thats all ;)
Impreza said:
Talk about Spanish & Arab horses...i'd say both horses are equally good. Just look at how Antonio Banderas rides in The Zorro & The 13th Warrior (he plays the arab as the 13th worrior) They said Arab horses are smaller than the Northern European's.

Definitely! And yes, Arabs are smaller than their northern brothers. Do you know what kind of horses those were? (in both Zorro movies and the 13th warrior) Those horses are just gorgeous! And remember how in the 13th warrior he was mocked because of his horse's small size? Sure proved them wrong! :)