Peter's horse or Ed's horse?

I would have to go with both. My mom had a white arabian, so i like white, but brown was the color horse i wanted!!! another thing, it really amazes me were everyone gets this crazy pictures of skandar and everyone!!
Ed's talking horse was just plain awesome, and it was impressive to see how flawlessly they made him talk.

However, I am inclined to pick the Unicorn b/c it reminds me of one of my favorite charachters from the books series, Jewel.
I didn't really like either of them. Not because I don't like talking horses or horses or antyhig like that. I have horses and I am CRAZY about them but because I think they destroyed the dignity of talking equines by having ppl ride them. Its not a joke! It made me so mad..... :mad:
I'd definitely have to pick the unicorn. Oh, and when you guys reffer to the unicorn as "white", he's actually gray because of the dark muzzle (sorry if I'm acting like a know-it-all about horses :) )