Peter's horse or Ed's horse?

I like both, but my favorite unicorn would be Jewel from The Last Battle. The horses used in LWW were beautiful though.
What Edmund rides in the film is not a Unicorn at all, just a "plain" Talking Horse. In the brothers' training scene, the first sight of Peter's Unicorn lets us know, even without the Unicorn saying anything, that Peter has been given a fabulous creature to ride on. But we don't find out that Edmund also has a more-than-ordinary horse UNTIL the horse talks to him. Which reminds me: although I understand that "Philip," the name given to that horse in the movie, was the name of the man who did his voice, this name is appropriate in its own right--because it is rooted in "hippos," the Greek word that MEANS "horse."

As for the objection by "Susan Pevinsie," Mr. Lewis does say that Talking Horses are not used for riding _except_ in emergencies, when "everyone must contribute." The battle against Jadis, WITH the preceding training, counts as a time for Talking Horses to make a contribution.

Joseph Ravitts, author of "Southward the Tigers" (Writing Club)
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One should not call Phillip Ed's horse, because talking horses do not belong to anyone, they are their own. I personally do not prefer either, when I get a horse of my own it will be Black with a white blaze and only one sock.
I'd like to fly on a Gryphon--provided a seatbelt could be rigged up somehow, and the Gryphon would promise not to turn upside-down. I'm fairly okay with heights as long as you don't disorient me by turning me upside-down.
Um.. I love them both. I love Phillip`s humor and the Unicorn is just SOOOO beautiful. And yes Andulsians are very pretty! It`s so cool William is a horse lover like me. :D :) :D :)
As for the objection by "Susan Pevinsie," Mr. Lewis does say that Talking Horses are not used for riding _except_ in emergencies, when "everyone must contribute." The battle against Jadis, WITH the preceding training, counts as a time for Talking Horses to make a contribution.
this is true! and who better to teach the boys to ride in a time of such great need than a talking horse and unicorn?

anyway, i think the unicorn was gorgeous, but phillip's 2 little lines made him a very lovable character.
I'd like to fly on a Gryphon--provided a seatbelt could be rigged up somehow, and the Gryphon would promise not to turn upside-down. I'm fairly okay with heights as long as you don't disorient me by turning me upside-down.

You should go for a flight with my brother :p (he's a pilot, well he's almost finished his training.) He'll turn you upside-down and every other thing trying to make you sick! :D