Pirates? Anyone else a pirate? Come on, be a pirate.

Accy could see the ship clearly now, it had stopped so they must have seen her. It wouldn't be long now... she could just rest a minute, she was cold...so cold....
The girl's eyelids closed and her grip on the wood began to slip.

IOWW swam faster towards the girl, seeing she was begining to slip.
"Keep holding on! I'll be there soon!" She shouted above the waves. Whether or not the girl heard her, IOWW had no clue, but the gap between them had shortened to about 15 yards.
Dripping, IOWW and the girl were hauled back up onto the deck. The girl, however, was unconscious. "We need to get her to a bed," the wizard said.

"And get her into some dry clothes..." IOWW added as she crawled aboard. She rung out her sleeves and took off her boots to empty out the water.
"On second thought...grab me a pair too."
IOWW went into her temporary cabin and changed into her dry clothes.
"How is the girl? She looked exhausted when I grabbed her." IOWW asked Olorin.
"As far as I can determine, she has no life-threatening injuries," the wizard replied. "I can do something about the fever, but even so it's likely to take a couple of days."

OOC: I have to go now, sorry...
"As far as I can determine, she has no life-threatening injuries," the wizard replied. "I can do something about the fever, but even so it's likely to take a couple of days."

OOC: I have to go now, sorry...

ooc- No problem...see ya!

ic- "Good." IOWW bid adue to Olorin and headed in the direction of the Captain.
Let's just say Malaci flew off when I left, k.
Sorry I haven't been playing, haven't had the time nor the energy to.

Malaci and Aiwenor had flown to the coast of Costa Rico, then to five islands called the Five Deaths. They both landed on an island called Isla Muerta, and found a cave. The gryphon was too scared to enter the cave.
"Oh don't worry." He crawled inside, but the gryphon stayed put. He came in to see the cave with treasure everywhere, hanging off the walls and even in the puddles. He started picking things up and looking at them, deciding that they were very old.
He felt strange here, thirsty, and cold. As he drew farther into the cave, he found a hill, covered in gold. At the top was a stone chest. He crawled up to the top, but not before slipping on some gold. He looked at the chest to see strange Aztec symbols on it. Malaci pulled out his staff and blew the lid off to find exactly 882 gold coins. Each had skulls on it, but two pieces were bloodstained. Malaci's eyes widened at this site and he picked up a piece, and felt the weight of it. Malaci pulled a large bag out of his cloak and started stuffing the coins into the bag, and getting other prizes and objects in the cave. and stuffed it back into his cloak as if it weighed nothing.

He crawled back out to see Aiwenor keeping a watchful eye on him, her eyes were wide. Malaci gave her a stare, and suddenly felt cold, like he was dead. Though he didn't feel sick, he pondered for a moment but decided he wanted off this island as soon as possible. He pulled out of his cloak some type of dead animal and fed it to Aiwenor, who happily gulped the small mammal down. They rested for two hours and took flight back the way they came.
"Well now that our trip has been delayed, I think it be best if we concentrate on getting to our final destination as quickly as possible. I jest been told that a ship was seen a couple of miles from behind us. I've got herkimer on the wheel and everyone else on the sails and downstairs rowing. Sean tells me that it be dangerous fer us pirates to be sailing the seas these days. Awards are given if our heads are brought on a silver platter," Aravis said. She came inside the room where IOWW and Olorin had been talking. "Where be the victim? Is she alright?" she asked.

"aye, Olorin was jest tellin' me 'bout it. It looks like she'll be fine once she wakes up," IOWW said.

"Good to hear that. IOWW I will need ye to lead downstairs. I 'ave the prisoners rowing along side some of the pirates. So far, not good. But we need as many people as possible. I can't jeopardize me crew again," Aravis said. She recieved a DV from Lucy about some disagreement that was going on in the Kitchen. "Arg...there be more important problems than that!...'scuse me..."
Fish said:
Fish's insides turned cold. "Arr...we don't need baby-sitters," she said angrily. "It's obvious ye don't trust us, so why are ye bothering with any o' this? And...jest how closely will ye be following?"

"Jest so that we know how long it'll take if we need assistance," added Machia quickly, throwing Fish a dirty look.

The Wizard stood up from where he had been seated on the boat deck. "Lord Beckett, I believe the time has come to slow down Aravis' progress towards Spain."

Beckett smiled. "Then if it pleases you, do as you must, Lord Saruman."

Saruman raised his arms out towards the sky, his staff in his right hand, and a sudden wind rushed about him. He began to say something which carried over the horizon, chanting in an ancient Mannish tongue (which none on earth would have recognized, the language itself being native only to Arda) and clouds swiftly began to cover over the skies. While the waters remained calm towards the Endeavour, near Olórin's ship the seas began to toss and turn violently - so while it seemed Aravis' ship was progressing, at the same time they were being held back. The rain pelted the ship, thunder boomed and lightning streaked across the now dark and stormy sky.

"This should hold them at bay, even if for a short while," the Wizard said, smiling to himself. The Endeavour continued to advance, followed closely by the Dauntless, where Fish, Machia and Norrington were preparing for battle....
On her way to the kitchen, Aravis was suddenly thrust forward. She shook her head and got up as fast as she could. She ran out to deck where she saw black clouds hovering over the ship. "This be a supernatural storm. The work of a wizard!" she thought. Outside of the kitchen she could see a light flickering. "What in the world?!" she said as she came in.

"Cap'n! the lanterns broke when the ship lurched. We need water!" Lucy said.

"Aye, I'll give the command. Let the door remain open. Hopefully the rain will be of some help. I'll be right back," Aravis said. She ran across deck yelling. "Git all the buckets ye can find and fill 'em with water! Fire in the kitchen!" she yelled.



"Oh now, tell me ye 'ave good news?" Aravis said stomping her foot on the ground.

"Nay," IOWW said. "The prisoners escaped. Be on the lookout fer them, Tom already has on in custody. Apparently, a pirate was stabbed by one of them when the ship lurched."

"K, I'll send word of it. I'll be on the lookout as well. Send the wounded pirate to a safe place," Aravis said as she kept walking.

"Nay! He's already dead." IOWW shouted back.
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