Pirates II -- Come on, Be A Pirate (Please do not delete)

The albatross floated on the wind high above the land. A dense forest was spread below. Suddenly, he sighted several dense columns of smoke. He swooped in for a closer look.

OOC: Sorry to poke a hole in your theory, IOWW, but the rate of time that passes on Earth to time that passes in Narnia isn't constant, remember? The first time the Pevensies left Narnia for a year, about 1000 years had passed. The second time they left for a year or so, however, only 3 years passed. And the third time, when Eustace and Jill came back, about 70 years had passed. So really the pirates have no definite way of knowing how long it's been in Narnia. :

ooc- Well...I tried. :rolleyes: haha Oh well. She can dream.:D
ooc- aye, well, it's not exactly fun if you all know to age Machia and Fish five years in your heads... Part of the whole storyline right now is that we aren't supposed to recognize each other for awhile...:rolleyes::p

ooc- Yeah, I felt like making her sound smart. :D

ic- Azgar, when is that bird going to be back here?" IOWW was gowing impatient, she really wanted to go ashore.
ooc: Alright, alright... :p

ic: The albatross spiraled out of the sky and landed on the deck. The air began to shimmer again, and Azgar was standing there, his face beaded with sweat. "Whew! I'm out of shape, I haven't flown for so long..." he said.
IOWW glared at him. "WELL?" she asked. "Are you going to tell us what you saw?"
"Oh, certainly..." the wizard replied. "It appears that Saruman has attempted to industrialize Narnia. There is forest for about a mile inland, but then there is only desolation. Acres and acres of desolation...
"It does not appear, however, that Saruman has populated the forest with monsters. All I saw were some Orcs chopping down trees and throwing them to the fires. I think it would be safe for us to land at night, although it might be a better idea to find somewhere first that we can set up as base. Are there any islands nearby that we could use?"
ooc: Alright, alright... :p

ic: The albatross spiraled out of the sky and landed on the deck. The air began to shimmer again, and Azgar was standing there, his face beaded with sweat. "Whew! I'm out of shape, I haven't flown for so long..." he said.
IOWW glared at him. "WELL?" she asked. "Are you going to tell us what you saw?"
"Oh, certainly..." the wizard replied. "It appears that Saruman has attempted to industrialize Narnia. There is forest for about a mile inland, but then there is only desolation. Acres and acres of desolation...
"It does not appear, however, that Saruman has populated the forest with monsters. All I saw were some Orcs chopping down trees and throwing them to the fires. I think it would be safe for us to land at night, although it might be a better idea to find somewhere first that we can set up as base. Are there any islands nearby that we could use?"

IOWW pulled out her map, "Well..let's see, we're about here..." she pulled out a piece of charcoal and put a dot in their perceived location.

"Five miles south-west of Brinn and seven miles north of Galma. Although I'd rather not go to Galma because of it's closeness to Cair Paravel, Brinn is quite a ways north of any land our old allies used to live in. Those are the closest islands. All the rest are too far east."
IOWW stared intently at the map, trying to figure out how long it would take to get to each island.
ooc: All sorts of things. Basically, the pirates had a big fight with Saruman and managed to get away, they got to Narnia, now they're wondering what to do.

ic: Azgar leaned over her shoulder, looking at the map. "Why don't we try Brinn?" he suggested, "It seems to be rather remote. Saruman's infection might not be so strong there."
ooc: All sorts of things. Basically, the pirates had a big fight with Saruman and managed to get away, they got to Narnia, now they're wondering what to do.

ic: Azgar leaned over her shoulder, looking at the map. "Why don't we try Brinn?" he suggested, "It seems to be rather remote. Saruman's infection might not be so strong there."

"Aye, Brinn it is, then." IOWW folded the map and putit back in her pocket.
"If you'll excuse me, I have some navigatin' to do. " She smiled and went off to direct the ship towards Brinn.
"Turn her aorund, mates!" She shouted to the pirates at the helm," we're heading north east. What's our current position?"
"I'm not sure..." one pirate replied," we were just told to stand here..."
"Well, go get me compass then!" IOWW shouted in reply. The pirate ran off with haste and returned soon with IOWW's compass. Soon, she had the ship sailing towards Brinn.
Desolation...destruction. These were only a means by which the great Saruman would fuel his mighty war machine. Too long had he stood idle, not realizing that true power, true strength, were just within his grasp. The One Ring had become his true obsession, and his desire for it was very strong. Narnia, what more could this empty land be but a means through which he could amply prepare for war? Though in truth he was considered Sauron's lieutenant, he knew in his heart that Sauron would soon become a name, a relic of the past. The name Saruman would reign supreme, and those who ever sought to contend with his will would be brought under subjection to it.

"Milord, we still haven't enough fuel to feed the fires, not enough to-"

"Then don't just stand there and tell me! Continue what must be done, no rest night or day!"

Understanding, the orc taskmaster immediately withdrew from the library at Cair Paravel. The old wizard resumed his evening study, and slowly sipped his wine from a golden goblet that had once been in the possession of High King Peter. He smiled to himself.
Desolation...destruction. These were only a means by which the great Saruman would fuel his mighty war machine. Too long had he stood idle, not realizing that true power, true strength, were just within his grasp. The One Ring had become his true obsession, and his desire for it was very strong. Narnia, what more could this empty land be but a means through which he could amply prepare for war? Though in truth he was considered Sauron's lieutenant, he knew in his heart that Sauron would soon become a name, a relic of the past. The name Saruman would reign supreme, and those who ever sought to contend with his will would be brought under subjection to it.

"Milord, we still haven't enough fuel to feed the fires, not enough to-"

"Then don't just stand there and tell me! Continue what must be done, no rest night or day!"

Understanding, the orc taskmaster immediately withdrew from the library at Cair Paravel. The old wizard resumed his evening study, and slowly sipped his wine from a golden goblet that had once been in the possession of High King Peter. He smiled to himself.

ooc: Saruman!! Jeff!! Good to see you again!! How have you been? :D

As you've no doubt already seen, you've returned to Narnia and have complete control of it... Well, except for the small band of rebels (Really small), housed in Aslan's How and led by Fish and I and of course the rangers... :cool:
ooc: This is GLORIOUS news for Saruman!! It means...let the games begin! :D I've been well overall, sad that I haven't spent more time here among my dear friends (i.e. you, etc., etc.). Hope all's been well with you and the others also.
Can I join? Is this only about pirates coz i seem to read about LotR
Can we make up a character who is not a pirate?
Ahoy thar! Aye, of course you can join!! This thread is mainly for the pirates but what sort of character were you thinking of making? I think we can probably find the perfect place for you....:D

ooc: This is GLORIOUS news for Saruman!! It means...let the games begin! :D I've been well overall, sad that I haven't spent more time here among my dear friends (i.e. you, etc., etc.). Hope all's been well with you and the others also.

Aye, all's pretty much been going good... Very slow though... Many of our attempts to attract more people (Example: here) haven't worked too well... But we're still hopeful... And we have the two year anniversary coming up so that might attract more of the "old crowd"...:D
Definitely wish for the glory days to come back again, when we were all so active and having such fun. The story telling makes our RPG all the more fun. How could I forget the fun memories we've made? I loved the intro to that 455 years after Narnia thread btw!

I'm out for a bit, but later perhaps we can find a way to cause a small skirmish against Saruman's dimwitted orc slaves. :D
Ahoy thar! Aye, of course you can join!! This thread is mainly for the pirates but what sort of character were you thinking of making? I think we can probably find the perfect place for you....:D

Can i be a pirate spy or something? Hang on...ill put together a kind of personality

EDIT: Name: Jossette (but refuses to answer to that. She only answers to Jo)

Personality: Clever, Acts on impulse, knows a bit about magic. Is hard hearted when it comes to looting. Good at swordfighting.

Looks: Auburn hair, light brown eyes, is pretty short

History: Was a spy for the pirates earlier. Spyed on evil wizards. Has worked for sometime under the apprenticeship of a good wizard

^ Will that be Ok?
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Can i be a pirate spy or something? Hang on...ill put together a kind of personality

EDIT: Name: Jossette (but refuses to answer to that. She only answers to Jo)

Personality: Clever, Acts on impulse, knows a bit about magic. Is hard hearted when it comes to looting. Good at swordfighting.

Looks: Auburn hair, light brown eyes, is pretty short

History: Was a spy for the pirates earlier. Spyed on evil wizards. Has worked for sometime under the apprenticeship of a good wizard

^ Will that be Ok?

That sounds great! See, we're really a bunch of misfits, anyway. Most of us come from 18th-ish century Earth, but we basically allow any character from 17-18th century Earth, Narnia, or Middle Earth, so we also have dryads, wizards, and have had an elf or two along the lines... A general pirate power from the beginning has been the power to teleport, so you can have that power as well. You said you are familiar with magic, so if there is some other small power you would like to have along with that, that's fine. We just ask that you stay away from "god-modding" (i.e. "Jo whispered a spell and all the sudden the other ship sank and all on board died"). The power of teleportation also has its limitations. Basically, we can only teleport fairly short distances. The longer the distance or the more short distances, the less strength we have until we get the chance to rest. Well, we have some PMs explaining all of this better, so I'll just send those to you...:)

-Liz- Fish
Emmy felt the ship change course under her feet, it brought a smile to her face. After too much time on Earth, she was finally to her true home! No more wondering if her brothers or sisters hid behind every wall, no more wondering if she would ever teleport again, no more non-pirateness. She had always hated being human, and even being a Ranger for a short time didn't appeal to her, so being a pirate was all she had left. Her old power was gone for what is supposed to be a very long time, but knowing its spontanisity, it had a chance of peaking again at any time, causing major destruction in its wake. But that didn't matter at this time, all that mattered was the waves beneath her feet, the wind swirling around her, and the pirates which were considered her new family, and friends for all eternity. Then the smile ceased, she could tell that the world had changed, making it many years since she had last been there. Destruction wounded the entire shoreline, making her wonder just exactly how long they had really been away?
Rebels and bandits. Thieves! What more did they want but to come and steal, for that was all they were, the remnant of Narnia who had rebelled against Saruman's wise rule.

The wizard glared at the Dark Elf who stood before him. In all respects she was a beautiful creature to behold, with hair as gold as the sun, a pale face and eyes as green as emeralds. She certainly wasn't what one might call a Dark Elf, but indeed such was the key to her success in drawing in and destroying so many of her own enemies. Magistrix Elleana served as one of Saruman's lieutenants, and it was she who oversaw all of the demolition and progress of operations for fueling the wizard's great war machine.

"My Lord Saruman," she began. "All that is needed is to send out armies to squash the band of rebels. They are so few they pose no threat at all to operations, much less to you here in your high abode."

"Nonetheless," the wizard said, standing. "I will not tolerate any form of rebellion. You know what must be done, Lady Elleana. They must either be slain, or enthralled and made to serve for their impudence."

"Be it even as you have desired, Lord Saruman." The magistrix bowed, and then proceeded to leave the castle. Heading to the armory, she gathered together a host of soldiers, and they were not just foul orcs, but also included many of the very same loathsome creatures that once served the White Witch.

"Go forth and destroy this rabble!" she shouted. "Any who have the great fortune of being spared from death, bring here...they, too, shall serve!"

The warriors went out to meet the rebels in one of the forests. For the orcs, nothing but the taste of blood was on their minds, as they starved for their enemies...