New member
The crewmate Said " Sir Sir we just seen Other people on this Rock "
"Natives "
" No they look like Englishmen "
" English what are they doing in the middle of nowhere "he said asking himself " Well Gather the men we are going to find this intruding English and slit thier throats" he said with a cunning grin as he gathered he crew the loaded their muskets and pistols and sheathed there cutlass's and other instruments of death
they all moved out marching in two line formation
While the FF were discussing plans to explore inland at that hour of the night Aravis heard a cracking sound far in the distance. She quickly got up motioning for everyone to be quiet.
"I heard something," Aravis whispered.
"I think I've 'eard it too!" Fish said.
Twilight quickly grabbed her cloak (don't know if she wears one but oh well

"Everyone, take out yer swords!" Aravis DV'd everyone.