ooc- actually, I think we shot at them...
And Grey, I have the same question: are you another pirate that we just met, or are we pretending that you've always been a part of our crew?
And Tiff, I'm not quite sure what you had planned for the mysterious stranger, or if you had anything in particular planned at all... So, tell me to delete if you want to...
ic- Fish rolled her eyes at John, knowing full well that he'd never have a gnat's chance in winning a duel against Aravis. And anyway, she was presently more occupied with the now-still figure in the brush. Keeping her hand on her cutlass, she crept forward. She heard heavy breathing from a few feet in front of her as she drew her cutlass and pushed aside the bush...
"Ca--" Fish looked over her shoulder and saw Aravis brandishing her cutlass at John. "Oh, nevermind, ye and Twilight be busy," Fish muttered. "Machia! IOWW! I think ye'd all better come here..." Resheathing her cutlass, Fish again looked down at the terrified person in front of her. "Oh, and Fyn, if ye could be so kind as to bring a medical kit as well..."
ooc- there you are, Machia...

Run with it if you want to...

If you have no ideas, then type something and I'll post again...