New member
Twilight hit the sand and ran, not towards the ship but towards the woods that bordered the beach. She wasn't sure whether they were actually in Narnia, but with a ship to launch she figured that it wouldn't hurt to try to find some heavy duty help. Twilight took off her bandanna as she walked into the soft light of the forest. Surrounded by the trees, tall and short, young and old, Twilight closed her eyes and listened for a moment. Her many long braids moved in the wind, echoing the sighing rise and fall of the many tree branches above her. She cocked her head to the side and opened her eyes. Moving slowly to her right she reached out her hand and touched a slim ash tree. A slow smile spread over her face and she suddenly wrapped her arms around the tree. Moving quickly Twilight ran through the clinging branches of an old willow and patted it happily on the trunk. Elated, she laughed her heartiest and ran out of the woods.
Stopping by the side of the pirates new ship she called up to Machia: "Ahoy there first matey! I think I have news that ye'll be glad of! I happen to know that we are back in Narnia, and among friends! These here trees be some distant relations of mine. Can't say I've been to many of the family reunions, but they recognized me and I know some of them. Some of the trees be dryad's trees, and some of them be alive and walkin', talkin' trees, if ye know how to listen... And best of all they've agreed to help us out of our spot O' trouble." Twilight grinned as Machia and the rest of the pirates stared over her shoulder at the woods. Already many of the large trees were moving through the sand and earth towards the ship. Running thier roots gently through the ground so as not to trip up any of the pirates on shore, the trees planted themselves carefully around the ship and with an effortless movement, sent the ship floating into the sea. The large willow picked up pirate after pirate in it's long, strong branches and set them into the ship as if they were small toys.
Twilight climbed to the top of the old willow and leaped back into the ship. She stuck her bandanna back on her head and bowed and waved to her dryad and tree kindred as the ship finally headed out to sea. Then turning, she saw Fish, still rather winded from her ride in the willow's branches staring, incredulously at the waving line of trees that the ship was even now sailing by. The Capn' came up and put her arms around Twilight and Fish's shoulders. "Now Fish, if only ye were actually related to the fish," mused QA48, "We'd be rulin the world by now." Twilight grinned and poked Fish with her unloaded pistol. "Now let's go find our heading!" She suggested as the trees faded into the distance.
ooc: Now the ship is on it's way, so feel free to write about ship board things and discuss where we should go in Narnia.
Stopping by the side of the pirates new ship she called up to Machia: "Ahoy there first matey! I think I have news that ye'll be glad of! I happen to know that we are back in Narnia, and among friends! These here trees be some distant relations of mine. Can't say I've been to many of the family reunions, but they recognized me and I know some of them. Some of the trees be dryad's trees, and some of them be alive and walkin', talkin' trees, if ye know how to listen... And best of all they've agreed to help us out of our spot O' trouble." Twilight grinned as Machia and the rest of the pirates stared over her shoulder at the woods. Already many of the large trees were moving through the sand and earth towards the ship. Running thier roots gently through the ground so as not to trip up any of the pirates on shore, the trees planted themselves carefully around the ship and with an effortless movement, sent the ship floating into the sea. The large willow picked up pirate after pirate in it's long, strong branches and set them into the ship as if they were small toys.
Twilight climbed to the top of the old willow and leaped back into the ship. She stuck her bandanna back on her head and bowed and waved to her dryad and tree kindred as the ship finally headed out to sea. Then turning, she saw Fish, still rather winded from her ride in the willow's branches staring, incredulously at the waving line of trees that the ship was even now sailing by. The Capn' came up and put her arms around Twilight and Fish's shoulders. "Now Fish, if only ye were actually related to the fish," mused QA48, "We'd be rulin the world by now." Twilight grinned and poked Fish with her unloaded pistol. "Now let's go find our heading!" She suggested as the trees faded into the distance.
ooc: Now the ship is on it's way, so feel free to write about ship board things and discuss where we should go in Narnia.

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