ooc: Sorry IOWW! I shouldn't have left you hanging like that. I knew I had a big school project, and I should have just left off posting for a bit. But I'm back now. Sorry!*IOWW the Iasc* said:ooc- Continued from my last post:
ic- The Dwarf looked at IOWW and Twilight defensively.
"Talk? You want to talk?" The Dwarf had an angry look on his face. " She didn't bother to talk when she burnt down our villages! Nor when she tortured our people!"
"It wasn't her!" IOWW shouted defensively," She was being controled! You've known her since she was a child, why wont you give her a second chance? It was a dark time, Master Dwarf, but times are getting darker. And we need your help!" The Dwarf stood silently for a moment, but then slowly lowered his bow. Aftwer calling the names of five other dwarves, he told Twilight, IOWW and Eladin to come in. So, they walked slowly into the cave. Although they would have felt much more happier if they weren't being held at arrow point by five dwarves.
ooc- lol, don't worry about it. You had a project to do.Twilightdryadhobbit said:ooc: Sorry IOWW! I shouldn't have left you hanging like that. I knew I had a big school project, and I should have just left off posting for a bit. But I'm back now. Sorry!![]()
ic: Twilight's face burned, but it was so tan that only she would notice the redness. She couldn't help remembering the time when she would have been welcomed into the dwarves camp with a bone crunching hug and a cup of tea. Now her misdeedws while under the wizard's control had so erroded thier trust in her that they didn't allow her in thier homes without guard. As IOWW, Eladin and Twilight stepped into the gloom on the dwarf cavern the old dwarf frowned and motioned to one of the younger dwarves. Twilight tried to catch the leader's eye, but he stared at the floor as if half ashamed, half sad at what he was doing. The younger dwarf stepped forward and said:
"Weapons please."
IOWW raised her eyebrows at Twilight and Eladin brought her hand to her long hunting knife as she brought her own eyebrows together.
"I'm sorry Eladin," the young dwarf continued, "But after certain recent events where even our old friends have been the cause of devastation for we dwarves, we do not allow anyone, friend or foe, inside of our caves if they carry weapons. To be able to talk at all you'll have to leave them in our custody."
Eladin was used to such things after living in a suspicous society ruled by Saruman for a few months, and yielded her weapons to the dwarves. IOWW on the other hand looked to Twilight, who was ranked higher than her, and the Master Gunner and weapons specialist on the ship. Twilight seemed frozen for a minute, then she unhooked her belt, and almost lovingly lowered it to the ground. At least four muskets were intercrossed on it. She undid her other belt, letting six pistols a cutlass, a knife and three powder horns to the ground. Finally she unbottoned a sleeve and revealed a tinier pistol. IOWW recognized this as the pistol that Twilight possessed that never missed whatever target Twilight chose once a day. The dwarves whispered a little among themselves as the young dwarf recieved this pistol. Twilight could have easily concealed it from any search, yet the fact that she'd handed it over to the dwarves proved her sincere desire to be friendly, at least a little. The dwarves piled Twilight's weaponry in a corner. But Twilight wasn't quite finished. She took off her bandanna, letting a small bag of powder fall to the ground. Out of a pocket she took a small bundle of matches. She grinned at IOWW and whispered "All done."
IOWW smiled and unpiled her much less formidable arsenal. The dwarves, seeming to be a bit less on edge and looking a little more foolish, followed Twilight and IOWW as they walked deeper and deeper into the dwarf caves.
ooc: That was fun. And no, that's probably not totally the end of Twilight's aresenal. She had to leave some of it on the ship!![]()
*IOWW the Iasc* said:ooc- lol, don't worry about it. You had a project to do.
ic-IOWW observed the dwarves cave, feeling a bit safer. Twilight let them have weapons that Aslan probably didn't even know she had. If she could trust them, then IOWW could aswell.![]()
The Dwarves led them into a wide room. There was a large wooden table in the center, with dozens of chairs surrounding it.
"Sit." The Dwarf master told them. As IOWW, Twilight and Eladin took their seats, the Master Dwarf took a seat on the opposite end.
"What is it that you wished to speak about?" he asked. The remaining dwarves were circled around the table.
TheMachinist said:Battle Royale
Yeah. Smith 'll come in later.
Twilightdryadhobbit said:ooc: Is this quote out of character? It's kind of cryptic.
ic: Eladin left the meeting of Twilight, IOWW and the dwarves for a minute to DV the Ranger's camp.
"Lady Chloe? Anyone? This is Eladin, and we have reached the dwarve's caves. They've apparently accepted Twilight again, and we're discussing plans for battle. How do you fare?"
The Dwarf nodded, a great grin upon his face.Twilightdryadhobbit said:"What I want to talk about it what's already on all of yer minds." Twilight answered, sitting with difficulty on one of the short wooden chairs. Beside her IOWW and Eladin stretched thier legs way out under the table, peeking underneath to make sure that they weren't going to bump into a dwarve's booted foot.
"Excuse me Twilight, but the dwarves want to hear from the... er... trusted Ranger first." The younger dwarf seemed doubtful about answering this, but the old dwarf's face remained stony, and he stared at the table rather than in Twilight's eyes. He was beginning to make Twilght nervous. She and the dwarf leader, the last descendant of Dr. Cornelius (Sp?), friend of King Caspian the 10th, had always been Twilight's great dwarf companion, and he had known her since she was small child. She had stayed with the dwarves for a time when she was growing up, and they had a very close relationship till Twilight unwillingly went on a rampage.
"All right then Master Dwarf," Eladin answered, glancing at Twilight and the slowly boiling IOWW. "Though I must point out that if Twilight were being controlled by the wizard, it would have been extremely poor planning to make her get rid of weapons she could easily have used to defeat your party of dwarf guards, merely to gain access to this council chamber." The Dwarf Elder shifted slightly in his chair but said nothing.
"Well, as Twilight said, we've come on business that is also very close to your heart. You may not know that the pirates have returned to Narnia, and are planning a siege on the Wizard in Cair Paravel. However, you no doubt know that Saruman's evil minions are moving through Narnia, burning through the woods, even woods containing the trees of dryads, at will. The pirates, Twilight especially, being half dryad herself, are as appalled at this loss as we Rangers are. Sadly, we are not enough to take on all the parties of Uruk-Hai as well as storm Cair Paravel, and other duties that our Lords demand. Therefore we were hoping we could count on the dwarves to help us dig trenches that could be filled with water to prevent the fires from getting to the woods."
"Aha, so you're aiming to use us, as the wizard and his minions did the Black Dwarves?" The Elder dwarf spoke up, but he stared at Eladin, not Twilight or IOWW. "Perhaps you Rangers have been so wrapped up in defending your own camp that you've forgotten how much we dwarves have suffered. We lost our homes, our means of making a livelihood, all because of the wizard and those who aided him." Twilight made a motion as if she was about to speak, but then became still again. "The only asset we have now is this defensible home, which, apparently, is not as secret as we might have hoped. Perhaps you'll be content with allowing us to keep this a secret from our enemies, if that is even possible, and leave us in peace to deal with our troubles as we can. We want the wizard gone as much as any in Narnia, but..." Here the old voice cracked, and he stared bleakly around the table, "I cannot afford to leave my people unprotected. Those who would be strong enough to dig are those who protect and care for those who are still wounded or too young to help. And our dwarf cousins are helping archenland with thier troubles with the cruel Princess of Tashbaan. They have sent little aid. How can we fight and keep our people protected?"
"By sayin yes to us!" Twilight bounced out of her chair and leaned over the small table, causing the dwarf archers to grab for their bows. "Do ye think we'd ask this and not have a plan fer protectin ye? I know ye were hit hard by.... the wizard and those who worked for him... those who hate themselves fer it, even if they couldn't prevent it... and so were the Rangers, and even the pirates. But if we all stick together there'll be enough fighters and enough protectors to go around. And I just wish ye'd look at me and tell me that this is all wrong! Tell me that I'm still the person the wizard tried to turn me into. Then I'll go. And I wont be back."
Twilight's voice almost quavered as she looked the old dwarf in the face. Slowly he lifted his head, almost unwillingly, and gazed into Twilight's eyes. They locked eyes for a long time, and slowly, slowly, a smile broke out on his face.
"He's gone from your eyes, Praise Aslan!" The old dwarf knocked over his chair as he stood up and gave what he could reach of Twilight a bone crunching hug over the table. Twilight, looking surprised and at the same time ecstatic, hugged the old dwarf back. And even though the tall, brown haired pirate and the shrivled white haired dwarf didn't look anything alike a minute ago, at that moment he seemed almost like a father, and she like his daughter. The prodigal was welcomed home. Finally they broke apart, and Twilight swung her many long braids into her face for a minute, and then blinked her suspiciously red eyes a few times.
"All righty, now that's over with, let's get down to business, shall we? And when can I get me weapons back?" Twilight questioned, settling herself in her chair again with her old familiar smile.
ooc: Wow, that was really, really, long. I have to go to bed now, so nighty night all, God bless!
*IOWW the Iasc* said:The wizard nodded, a great grin upon his face.
"Well? What did you ahve in mind?" he asked.
"Well, like Eladin said, the Dryads are being slaughtered. We need to stop this, obviously, but, we can't do this alone...we need your help. To dig trenches for water surrounding the forest is just one small thing that could save our fellow Narnians..." She paused while the Head dwarf talked it over with his ocmpanions.
"I believe we could do that...I could send a couple dozen dwarves and get started on it immediately."
"That's fantastic!" IOWW said, a grin on her face. " Um...Twilight, is their anything else they could help us with?"
Twilightdryadhobbit said:"I be thinkin that they can send some of thier best diggers and warriors with me and you to combat the orcs. Then I be thinkin we can send some of our pirates and Rangers to help protect these dwarves. And also, they seem to be lackin some provisions, which we pirates have. This way it'll be an equal tradeoff between friends, the dwarves'll lend us a hand in battlin the orcs and we'll help them get back on their feet. So right now I be thinkin that we need to DV the Ranger's camp and let them in on our plans. Then we take some dwarves, and perhaps another recruit and head out to stop the orcs. Let's get a move on!" Twilight walked out with Dr. Cornelius' great grandson to DV the Ranger's camp thier plan.
ooc: Lady Chloe, IOWW and I are at the dwarve's cave plotting how we'll stop the fires Saruman's orcs are setting and ambush them as they run through Narnia wreaking havoc. If you're very bored at the Rangers camp you can say you came with us, since I just took along a made up Ranger since there was no one else on when I left. If you want to just post about DVing the camp our plan (Outlined above) or whatever else you want.
"Aye, IOWW, I be here. What be happening? Ye aren't having any trouble, are ye?"*IOWW the Iasc* said:IOWW DV'd the Rangers Camp.
DV:"Hello? Anybody home? it's IOWW and Twilight, and we've got an update..."
DV: "Nay...although, we were at arrow point about 5 minutes ago..." IOWW replied," The Dwarves have agreed to help us stop the burning of the trees, and to help us fight."fish_wwjd_frog said:"Aye, IOWW, I be here. What be happening? Ye aren't having any trouble, are ye?"
ooc- lol, yeah, a bit too much...Tsukyomi said:((If this is too much, tell me.))
High above the Ranger's camp, in the dark clouds, a red dragon circled them. There was a man on it's back, in light armor, who pointed his thick and long sword at the camp. The dragon swooped down, and landed at the edge. Fire danced in it's mouth. The man jumped off, and stuck his sword in the ground. The dragon began to growl.