Twilightdryadhobbit said:
ooc: Sorry, finals week and playing Jadis in a Narnia play is sucking my time a lot. I'll be on for a little, but don't expect me to be here this weekend...

ic: Twilight strapped her weapons on, the belt full of pistols and muskets strapped across her chest giving her a familiar, almost comforting feeling. She saw IOWW and Eladin checking thier weapons as well, and the dwarves were running about looking for thier incomparable dwarf made weapons and armor.
"Arr, I'll take a look outside and see how it would be best to attack these beasties." Twilight announced, slipping out of the cave and peering into the woods. She could see the orcs torches, and hear the raucous laughter as they penetrated deeper into the woods. They seemed to be boasting to themselves about how they planned to burn the woods, however they did not seem to realize that the dwarves encampment was in this woods. Twilight crept farther into the woods and began counting the orcs. It was not a large company, 20 at the most. She smiled to herself and ran back to the cave.
"Good news mates. It be our night fer victory. Gather up yer weapons, and bring along one more thing: Grab as many pots or buckets or pans of water as ye can manage. We'll take 'em by surprise, put out thier lights and then take 'em down. But dwarves, make sure ye stay low and not in the line of our fire after we put out the lights. Sound good? Then let's do it!" Twilight, IOWW and the hearty young dwarves crept out of the cave and toward the menacing sounds of the orc pack. The Tallest orc raised his torch and pushed it toward the braches of a tree, laughing a victorious laugh. Twilight's eyes went almost red as she looked at the tree. She could just barely see a young and frightened dryad curled up at the bottom of it, invisible except to part dryad eyes.
The orc's laugh was cut short as Twilight silently smashed her pot over his torch putting it out. Eladin followed suit, and IOWW crept up behind two huge orc guardsmen and put out both thier torches with one fell swoop. Several dwarves with good aim threw the pots, putting out the other torches. The clearing was plunged into darkness, and the only sound heard for a while was the shooting of Twilight and IOWW's pistols, as well as the nearly silent swish of Eladin's arrows.
ooc: Enough excitement fer ya? Please continue...
ooc: Yay! Excitement!
It's alright, I'll manage. Good luck in your play, Nadia!
ic- IOWW pulled out her cutlass and sliced a nearby orc's head clean off. She moved to another one and did the same, and soon, all the orcs lay dead on the floor; Either shot by one of Twilight's many pistols, Eladin's Arrows, or struck down by IOWW and the dwarves. After they made sure all the tree's were put out, they started going through the orcs to make sure that they were infact dead. that's when IOWW saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned and fired her pistol at the shadowed figure, and it fell. She jogged over to it and found an orc. The bullet had pierced it's leg, and it was staring fearfully up at IOWW.
"Well well well..." IOWW smiled at the horrid creature," Are you going somewhere?" the orc stayed silent. Twilight had also joined IOWW, along with nearly all the dwarves and Eladin.
"I-I-I-" Te orc started stammering. Knowing he was going to die.
"Do you know by chance where othe orcs are?" IOWW asked the orc, her hand resting on her cutlass.
"N-no I don't."
IOWW smirked, and pulled out her cutlass;holding it at the rocs throat.
"You don't? Are you sure?"
The orc looked around quickly and gulped.
"N-Now that I t-think about it..." he stammered," I-I remember something being s-said about f-fove parties being sent out..."
"Really? And where were these parties headed?"
"I-I don't kno-" IOWW put pressure on the orcs throat with her cutlass, "Okay, said somehting about sending the groups more west. Towards Owl wood, the dancing lawn, and the old battleground...J-just before the fords of Beruna..."
IOWW looked at Twilight with a smirk.
"Shall we go orc hunting?" She received a similar smile of approval from Twilght and looked back down at the orc.
"Thank ye kindly, Orc of Saruman." IOWW pulled her cutlass off his neck. " Now, what I want you to do, is head back towards Cair Paravel, and tell the old Wizard, that his evil reign shall be soon coming to an end. If you come back, I'll be killin yeh meself. If you go to one of the other orc groups, by chance that they are stilla live, you wont live long enough to say anything. Now git." IOWW picked the orc and threw him in the direction of Cair paravel. Meanwhile, Twilight directed three Dwarves to shadow him. And to kill him if he changed his path.
"Now, what do ye say we go hunt some orc?" The dwarves cheered in approval.
IOWW decided to DV the camp of their decision.
DV:"Ello? IOWW here...anybody there?"