Machiathemarshwiggle said:Machia suddenly appeared behind the Cap'n's shoulder, "Arrrr.... I thought I heard somethin' movin' through the woods a little while ago..." Machia muttered grimly as he loaded his pistol... "Gar... We should've posted more scouts..." He muttered to himself as he finished loading his pistol and stuck it in his belt... "Arrrr... I'll go in the group on top o' the cave, unless ye think ye need me down in the woods..." The First Mate said, as he slung his musket over his shoulder and took a bite out of the half-eaten apple in his hand....
QA48 said:And arrow pierced through Machia's apple as he was about to bite it. "Aye, that's what ye git fer taking yer time with those bloody apples! Now stop wasting time and git on top of that cave! Take 'bout 7 pirates with ye. The Rangers aren't much and we need as many men on ground as we can. Jack, go and teleport yerself on top of a nearby tree. If an orc happens to see ye, teleport to another tree. And try not to miss when ye shoot yer pistols," the captain said.
"Oh and we shall stick to the rules!" Machia said as they were about to part ways.
Jack in a nervous tone of voice asked, "What rules?"
The Captain was about to rolled her eyes but remembered that Jack was a new recruit. "Shoot Arrows first, the Muskets, then Pistols, and then smoke bombs," she said as she exited the cave.
It was all fight and no play for now on.
ooc- M'kay. Orcs are attacking the Rangers camp. Twilight and IOWW are wtih the Dwarves and are on their way to help fend off said orcs at the rangers camp.ElectricJello said:ooc: I'm back!I haven't been on for like, 3 weeks, so I have absolutly no idea whats going on!
"Machia, behind ye!" Fish shouted at him. But a nasty looking Orc pulled him down (ooc- I'm assuming that that's what you're referring to...?) before he could move. The Orc lifted it's club over it's head and began to bring it down on Machia, but before it could strike, Fish had shot it. The orc fell to the ground, seemingly injured but not dead. Machia scrambled up, and Fish went to shoot it again, but as she raised her hand, another Orc brought it's club down on her wrist. She felt a sharp pain go up her arm and she dropped her pistol, but before she could reach down for it, the Orc collapsed. Electric Jello (sorry, your pirate name has escaped me!) stood behind it with a triumphant look on her face. "Arr...'ello, Fish, all's well, I hope?" She asked, grinning. Fish laughed, picked up her pistol with her left hand, and shot a random Orc dead. "Aye, mate. Thank ye kindly." Fish turned back to Machia, who had already taken out the wounded Orc.Machiathemarshwiggle said:Machia shook his head and peered through the darkness, looking for a target... He found one and released an arrow... The arrow pierced the orc's aromor and it fell to the ground... At that moment he heard another musket fire a few yards behind him, followed by a frightened cry... The First Mate turned just in time to see Hastings, one of the younger pirates, come hurtling out of the trees and run straight into him.... "Help!" he gasped, clutching Machia's jacket, "They're right behind me!!" Machia heard the harsh voices of orcs coming from the trees where hastings had just come from, getting nearer and nearer....
"Arrrr.. get off me!!" Machia growled, trying to push Hastings away, but he had a tight grip on Machia's jacket... Suddenly five orcs came crashing out of the trees and towards the First Mate... Machia heard the sound of bows firing and a second later two of the orcs fell, with Ranger arrows lodged in their armor... "ARRR!! Get off!!" Machia shouted as finally managed to get free of Hastings grasp.... Then with one swift movement, he drew his cutlass and killed two of the orcs.... The other one made a move towards Hastings but Machia had already teleported behind him and finished him off... The First Mate turned back to Hastings,
"Arrrr... Get below in the cave..." He ordered, "Ye're jus' goin' to get yerself killed up here... Now move!! I'll cover for ye..." He said, as he picked up his bow again..... Hastings nodded and quickly scrambled down to the entrance of the cave... The First Mate bent his bow again, fitting another arrow to the string... But before he could find another target, something grabbed him from behind and threw him backwards...