Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

The Shirley Temple version ends happily which is nice.:D
The version I have and the book does have a happy end (she goes to live with her father's friend) but the inbetween stuff is sad.
10,I better get off now.Bye GG!:D
The Shirley Temple version ends happily which is nice.:D
The version I have and the book does have a happy end (she goes to live with her father's friend) but the inbetween stuff is sad.
10,I better get off now.Bye GG!:D

10 bye, I'll hopefully talk to you tomorrow ;)
10 I'm working on changing mine but the picture I wanted is the wrong format so I'm off to find another one ;)
10! I love the hat!!


I'm still trying to change mine but now that I have the picture photoshop has stopped working entirely
10, I'm still disappointed that it isn't pink (it was in the books...), but the purple is still cool looking :D
10, yup, I haven't been very interested in HP but I still love Lupin and Tonks (my profile pic)