Roleplay By Monologues

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There was only one chance, and the Doctor took it: he told the used-car salesman that the shouting man wanted to buy a car...told the telemarketer that the used-car salesman was dying for a vacation in Cancun...and then knocked out the remaining man's cellphone with his sonic screwdriver.
But then a stranger with dark hair and a dark beard approached Peter, who had dismounted his unicorn. With a big smile, the stranger began: "HI! I'M BILLY MAYS HERE WITH THE AMAZING UNICORN HORN POLISHER. THIS PRODUCT WILL POLISH YOUR UNICORNS HORN SO BRIGHT YOU WON'T NEED TO BUY ANOTHER HORN POLISHER AGAIN! JUST WATCH WHAT THIS BABY CAN DO!!

And he proceeds to demonstrated the "Unicorn-Horn Polish."
So Peter prayed to Aslan. Aslan brought Jadis back to life just long enough to turn the obnoxious salesman into stone, then sent her back to Heck.
At the Born-Again Snow Queen Reservoir, the Finneys and the engaged couple ate their grilled trout and raw carrots, drinking soda which Mrs. Finney had brought to supplement the now-finished cider. When they had finished and cleaned up, the parson signalled Joel to keep the fire going. With its warmth helping them to postpone departure from this blessedly tranquil place, the parson opened his Bible and explained the third chapter of John's Gospel to Queenie: NOT only the sixteenth verse, the WHOLE chapter, with a deep explanation of the new birth given to human souls through faith in Jesus. Queenie drank it all in like a baby feeding on her mother's milk.

For a change, they then sang some songs around the campfire. That is, Emmett and the Finneys sang; Queenie did not yet know any of the songs, but she was happy to listen.

This was enough to do outdoors, though; the sun was getting low in the sky. So Joel put the fire thoroughly out with sand, and they prepared to leave.

Back in the SUV, Emmett and Queenie were not slow to resume, wink wink nudge nudge, "shaking hands." But presently Louise Finney said, "Queenie, would you mind putting into words what you expect marriage to be like?"
In Bat-Bat's bat cave, his vampire alarms began ringing, and the place sounded like a little Bavarian clock shop at noon. This was doubtless a tip from one of his deep cover operatives in the field. He silently thanked the lonely warrior.

After triangulating the signal, Bat-Bat saw that it originated from another thread righ here in The Dawn Treader section. "This is vampire-free territory," thought Bat-Bat. "Who dares to talk about them now."

Immediately he took off for the "Writers" thread with the full intention of putting a stop to that nonsense.
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"I know that marriage will be almost as complete a turnaround for me as knowing Christ is," Queenie said to Louise from where she nestled happily in Emmett's embrace. "All my life I wanted to take, to rule, to dominate, to command, and to frighten others; but now, I would rather DIE than go back to being as I was. And with Emmett, I will have a man to whom I can be endlessly glad to GIVE--to give and give, to give all that a woman can give to a man, then seek to have more SO that I can give still more." She punctuated her speech by leaning her blonde head against Emmett's head.

"What about you, Emmett?" said the parson.

Emmett didn't need to stop to decide his answer; it was the answer which he had waited a long time to be able to speak, waiting since long before he knew to what woman it would pertain. "I plan to give all I can, likewise, and to take with gratitude what my wife gives me. And one other thing I plan to take: RESPONSIBILITY, to look out for her welfare, and to do all that's in my power to protect her from any kind of harm or sadness."

Louise briefly leaned her own head against her own husband. Loudly enough for the couple in back to hear, she said, "Titus, do you realize what those two are doing? They may not realize it themselves, but they're getting started on composing their wedding vows!"
Since they had been singing (and listening) around the campfire, SongsofLife decided to ask Emmet and Queenie to start thinking about what song they would like her to sing at the wedding ceremony. Songs invited the parson and his wife to join in the discussion, too, for she knew they would have some good suggestions. Joel wanted Songs to sing "Sittin' in a Tree", but Songs gently advised the young lad that the song needed to have something to do about Emmet and Queenie's love and marriage mirroring God's love for us.
The above-mentioned conversation took place at the entrance to The Octopus Garden, where "Songs," a friend of Copperfox, had met the fishing party after their return from the reservoir. They were still going to have a snack here; Emmett felt he owed Copperfox some business, and besides, he did like the old sailor's bean soup, one item Copperfox prepared personally.

They had "Songs" sit with them. When the owner came to greet them, Emmett asked him, "Squid-boy, could you please let Queenie an' Songs hear the song you sang as the weddin' processional the day you married Janalee?" Copperfox got a faraway look, but nodded, and softly sang a short song which he explained was done by an early Christian band called Love Song, which also called this song the same thing. The tune (which Copperfox remembered as being by Chuck Girard) was wistful, to a 3/4 beat, with a haunting shift in the first line from G major to G major-seventh, followed by an even more haunting major-to-minor shift...

"Come, lend an ear to a love song,
Ooh, a love song; let it take you, let it start.
What can you hear in a love song?
If you can feel it, then you're feeling from the heart.

All the emotions, true feelings of life,
Are what music of love is about,
If you are listening with peace in your heart
And no doubt.

So, come listen now to God's love song;
If you can hear it, we will never be apart."

They could all see Copperfox just barely managing to get through the song and keep his composure. When the old veteran (of more things than one) finished, he took refuge in turning to singing-technique talk, something in which he and "Songs" were on common ground. "You notice, _________ ," he said, using her actual given name, "that the emotion in that song is kept under control: no howling or squealing or sobbing or ooh-babying. It comes across in beauty and elegance..."

"...and makes a _listener_ feel it all the more," Songs finished for him, squeezing his hand in understanding.

When Copperfox had excused himself, Emmett noticed that all three women seated with him had moist eyes. All of them knew about Copperfox, one way or another. Queenie whispered to her fiance, "Should we really have been pulling him into our discussion? Were we rubbing his nose in what we have, when it's the same thing he lost--twice?"

Emmett drew her closer to him. "Don't you cry for my pal--well, not too much, anyway. He ain't the lowdown sort that wants everyone _else_ to go lame because _his_ foot gets caught in a prairie-dog hole." Turning his eyes on Joel: "It was partways for _your_ benefit, son, that I wanted old Papa Joe, as some call him, to have his say. Boy, the time's to come when you'll know what the excitement's about; but you got to know there's _more_ than the excitement. Love's an _investment_ also: you pour yourself into it, you stake yourself on it, with no turnin' back. You put your cards, your chips, and your gun on the table, knowin' you can lose--but knowin' that bein' too yellow scared to try is a still worse loss.

"Look at Queenie here: when she was turned away from the dark side, she came lookin' for me, not knowin' if I'd have any part of her...but darin' to try. And Songs there: without pryin' into her life, I know she's rode some cactus-lined trails of her own, but still has hope in the Lord. Love--toward God and toward fellow mortals--demands a lot from us, Joel: demands that we hope an' believe an' persevere an' so on. The burdens are different for different folks; but the final reward that awaits is the same. An' somethin' so great merits gettin' sung about a whole bunch."

It seemed like awfully rambling talk to the boy; but being a cut above the average eleven-year-old, Joel Finney strove manfully to absorb it.

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Queenie looked at her beloved Emmett. " I once knew what it was to be loved but it took me a long time before I realized how it felt. The taste of hate is bitter. It destroyes you. It kills you and it consums your soul. Long have I waited before I finally could open my eyes and now that I did I can't understand I could life for so long. I'm not only glad you gave me a second chance darling but I'm the most glad Aslan gave me a second chance".

Louise smiled. " That's because Aslan knew you would chance. There isn't anything Aslan won't know. He knows everything before we even think of it. He felt the good inside you coming forward and that's why he only warned you. He knew you would turn back to good again".

Queenie felt the joy in her heart and looked at Songs. " Songs dear, are you going to sing on our marriage? I would love that".
"That's right; I wouldn't miss it," said Songs. "I'm open to suggestions for _what_ I'll sing."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Somewhere...someplace dark and forbidding...the evil shapechanging woman was going to work. Knowing Copperfox to be a man with convictions of right and wrong, she needed to know more of his history, his vulnerabilities, if she was to seduce him AWAY FROM his convictions. And having a sort of time-tracing psychic power, she was able to pick up a strange temporal trail...seeming to consist entirely of female voices. Not the voices of his two beloved but departed wives; these were voices which had sounded in times when Copperfox was single and unattached. The evil woman listened, getting a feel for her intended victim's life experience.

"I love you, you're wonderful, you're so smart it's like you're from another planet...Oh, go away."

"Don't leave me! Never leave me! We go together like peas and carrots!...Aahh, who needs you?"

"I want to marry you, more than anything; I'm totally committed to you in a commitment which nothing can ever shake or destroy...Oops, too late, I just changed my mind."

"Darling! Dearest! My life has no meaning without you! I must have you--! Wait, wait, you didn't think I really _meant_ any of that, did you?"

"You're the greatest--a shining star! You have no equal...So maybe I'll permit you to serve me like a slave."

"I can't live without you, you are the meaning of my existence, I worship you...Oh, drop dead."

The shapechanger thought she saw her attack vector: make him feel respected, wanted, needed. She would see if she could swipe away the Octopus Garden manager's job from that straight arrow Mrs. Wallace, and then start playing on Copperfox's loneliness....
Having seen their elite team of supervillians thwarted, the Evil Uses quickly attempted to retreat back to their Phone Booth but were stopped when a laser blast hit right in front of them.

They looked up and too their horror they saw a giant starship flying overhead.

It was the Starship Enterprise, piloted by none other than Dr. Bond, the ship's Captain and Dentist.

"Good shot Dr. Banner!" said the Dentist Captain to the no-longer-angry-or-green-but-still-kind-of-radioactive-mutant-human.

"Thanks Dr. Bond! Now that you fixed my teeth, I don't have anything to be angry about anymore, even movies about sexy vampires who just want to be loved!"

The Starship flew over towards where Billy Mays was demonstrating his Unicorn Horn Polish and fired a phaser directly at his posterior. He jumped up, just missing being hit by the phaser and landed on top of the ship. He jumped in and made his way towards the laundry bay to demonstrate the amazing cleaning power of Oxy 10!
When good-night time came again at the door to the bed-and-breakfast, Emmett and Queenie managed to limit their, ahem, "shaking hands," to less than ten minutes. A big day was ahead of them: tomorrow would be Queenie's first worship service at the Solid Rock Church Of Hope. Everyone in town had met her already by now, but on Sunday morning they would see her as their new sister in the Lord.

The lovers ate breakfast separately in the morning, to facilitate being to church early. Queenie particularly wanted them to be the _first_ people inside the church besides the parson's family, so that she would _not_ seem to be making a grand theatrical entrance to impress her new friends. She wore one of her most tasteful floor-length dresses, in order to humor those obsessively fixated on the delusion that moral character was defined by quantity of cloth. She didn't want to antagonize _anyone,_ even the most shallow and unthinking. Especially them, actually, since they were usually the ones who held grudges.

Being early, they were able to join the Finneys in advance prayer; then they seated themselves, neither all the way forward nor all the way back. They refrained from kissing in the sanctuary--again, so as not to offend the types who like to feel offended; but Queenie did lean her head against Emmett some of the time while they waited for the others to trickle in. Almost everyone entering did come over and greet them.

Soon, Louise Finney started playing the upright piano, which led to the first hymn of the morning:

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine; / Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God, / Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood!

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long!
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long!

Perfect submission, all is at rest; / I in my Savior am happy and blessed;
Watching and waiting, looking above, / Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long!
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long!

Parson Finney did not speak openly about Queenie from the pulpit; he had told the couple the evening before that he would not, because he wanted her to feel that she simply was one of the group, already accepted as a matter of fact. His _sermon,_ though, turned out to be about the Old Testament heroine Ruth....who came from a pagan background that was totally hostile to the true God, yet who learned to believe in the true God and gained acceptance among His people. The very last words of the message were: "...and no one could deny that she BELONGED."

Queenie began weeping with joy and gratitude as soon as she realized that this message had been chosen specifically for her, singling her out in a benevolent way. Her tears were still flowing onto Emmett's shoulder when the sermon ended; but in Emmett's embrace she could feel the love of the God Who forgave her and accepted her.
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Mike Tyson decided to show up at this thread because he refused to follow directions in the writers one. He just wanted to be someplace where he could just beat up people for no reason. He immediately began looking for the "Change" party hacks who were threatening to "redistribute" his money.
Grey Eagle had just been thinking, "He's made a big mistake! Back in regular reality, I wouldn't be able to do a thing to him unless I had a gun. But _here_ where my super-powers work--!" Soon, though, he realized exactly who were the bullying boxer's targets; so he simply gave Tyson a warning not to kill them.

But Grey Eagle should have been watching his back. Somehow, mysteriously, his manager at The Octopus Garden fell sick. Mrs. Wallace didn't die; but a mysterious phone caller, speaking to her husband in silky feminine tones, told him that her illness was from food poisoning. The caller also asked Mr. Wallace not to take any legal action; she said that she was conducting an undercover investigation of shady vegetarian restaurants operated by conservative Christian males who really wanted to make people get sick because they were bitter men clinging to their guns and religion and hating everyone who was different from them.

Somehow, when such a movie-star voice was saying it, this drivel made sense to Mr. Wallace. And the caller prepared to apply for the suddenly-vacant manager's position. She had all the references she could need, what with the Change Party having most of the vegetarians who were not Seventh-Day Adventists.
Of course Mike Tyson being Mike Tyson did not realize that he was actually going to beat people up for a good reason.
After church, the lovers, the Finneys and Joel went to the Octopus Garden for Sunday brunch. They talked of love and belonging and mercy and second-chances. After brunch, Louise and Queenie took a stroll in the park, quietly enjoying each others' company while discussing the events of the past days. Seeing a babbling brook underneath a willow tree, they stopped and sat on the park bench there. Sitting at the other end of the bench was a bonnie lass. They nodded cordially towards each other, these three fair ladies, then introduced themselves.

"I am new to these parts here", said the lass;
"I come from the land near the Tay.
Though I am familiar with this Forum,
Some know me, Sophia Renee.
I have heard of the wondrous conversion
Of Queenie, engaged to Emmet.
And I’m here to encourage and build up
This sister whom I’ve not yet met.

"For you see, though I never was evil,
Of loving I once was afraid.
I had not faith to see what was given
So am not Sophia McBray.
Dearest Queenie, please do not be frightened
For Aslan to you did me send.
I have come to exhort you to prayer
So you’ll not come to my same end."

An old friend of Copperfox' by the name of Duncan, being wise about such things, got wind of the Shapechanger's wicked, wicked plot and began to pray and seek God's wisdom for how to help the lonely Copperfox out of a strangely-familiar situation.
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Somewhere, the shapechanger sensed a strong power aligning itself against her schemes. She did not by any means give up on her plans, but she could tell that her only chance of success lay in Copperfox himself. This power she hated would not allow her in any sense to CONTROL him; she would get nowhere unless HE consented, against better knowledge, to be corrupted.
When Emmett saw that his fiancee and the parson's wife had found a willow tree, he knew they were no longer anywhere near the town of Horse-With-No-Name-Ville. They had made use of Monologues-dimension time-space distortion to take their stroll far off. So Emmett had plenty of time to talk with Jake meanwhile.

"There's somethin' I think you need to be thinkin' on," said the younger brother, in a solemn tone that was far from his usual flippancy. "I know Queenie got salvation and ain't the [ expletive ] that she was no more. I know she loves you an' means well. But exactly what're you reckonin' to DO in your married life with her?" When he saw the gleam in Emmett's eyes, he hastily added, "C'mon, Emmett, you know I mean _besides_ that!"

"You mean there's somethin' else?" Emmett joked, but then sobered. "There's plenty else, Jake. Like learnin'. You've seen how she soaks up everythin' I can teach her. And it won't be all in one direction, either. Even without gettin' back into unclean occultism, Queenie's bound to have a passel of knowledge that she ain't brought up yet, stuff like history of other countries and what-all."

Now it was Jake's turn to kid around: "Yeah, like how she was there to write up the death certificate when Julius Caesar got knifed in Rome."

"Goldang it, Jake, she ain't _that_ old! But don't you go askin' her to tell her true age. Most women don't cotton to tellin' how old they are to anyone who don't know already. It's my own business how I feel about her bein' older'n me. Don't forget, old squid-boy's first wife was fifteen years older'n him, but God blessed _their_ marriage..."
Old Man Willow waved his fronds in time to the catchy rhythm of the poetry. He'd been mighty clever grabbing that man carrying a bench the other day, ever since he'd put a park bench right under his branches any number of people had come to sit.

He wondered if Tom Bombadil was anywhere nearby or if he could get away with at least eating one of them. Being vegetable himself, he most definitely wasn't a vegetarian, though he did enjoy redistributing things occasionally.
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