The Grey Eagle smelled just a hint of rat when, upon his descending from the sky carrying Brenda, the pastor of the First Church of Acquiescence was standing, looking up, awaiting them. The pastor was a woman, with short-clipped hair and a mannish business suit, yet a very feminine-sounding name: Lilac LaRue.
"Pastor LaRue," said Brenda, "I want you to meet my boss, Joseph Ravitts. Joseph, Lilac."
When The Grey Eagle extended his hand, he noticed that the pastor used a "cheating" handshake: that is, she closed her hand not around his hand, but just around his _fingers,_ so that she could exert a hard grip to which he could not reply, enabling herself to come away telling herself that she had a stronger hand than any man. So he subtly retaliated by focussing his telekinesis on her hand, _pulling_ it forward into a proper handclasp, where his _whole_ hand could withstand her efforts to crush it.
"Pastor LaRue, I'll speak frankly," said Copperfox. "I'm a widower, hoping to be married again eventually; and Brenda here is a lady I'm getting to know better. She asked me to bring her here, so you could help her and me to determine how compatible we are spiritually."
"All incarnated souls are compatible," said Lilac, "provided they realize their divine inner compatibility with the Cosmic All. But how interesting to see you _flying_ here. Are you actually a superhero?"
"I am, wherever my powers are in effect. I can only turn into The Grey Eagle in certain time-space environments. But at least, by fighting for justice where my power _does_ work, I can generate ethical illustrations that may edify others."
Lilac brightened, looking at Brenda and then back at Copperfox/Grey Eagle. "You fight for _justice?_ But then you _are_ compatible with dear Brenda! If you like, we can make plans right now for me to perform a non-binding non-exclusive commitment ceremony for the two of you. I might even be able to get musicians for you: the ones we'll have performing here for Kwanzaa, Ramadan and Winter Solstice."
Just like that, Brenda was showering Copperfox with hugs, kisses, and amorous words. But our hero managed--barely, but he managed--to keep enough composuire to object, "But isn't that a little hasty? You _haven't_ really discussed spiritual compatibility with us!"
Lilac's face went abruptly sour. "Just like a _man_ to dodge out of--" she began, then caught herself and resumed her phony smile. "But you _did_ say that you fight for justice, didn't you, Mr. Ravitts?"
"Yes, but--"
"Then that's what counts! You agree with us that economic resources are the property of the collective, that industry must revert to the proletariat, and that all wealth must be redistributed as deemed best by government. That's justice, and that's compatibility! So tell me, Mr. Ravitts, how many bitter sexist fascist racist bigoted capitalist white male fundamentalist private business owners have you punished so far this month?"
Brenda was wincing; Lilac had been under orders not to be SO obvious. "Um, Lilac, Joseph is...he has...Joseph IS a private business owner himself. I work for him."
"WHAT??" Lilac's face now really became twisted with hostility, and her voice took on the unmistakable tone of the feminist socialist: sounding as if she were about to burst into tears of boiling rage. "You're one of the oppressors, _refusing_ to spread the wealth you've plundered from the collective? Why, I'll bet you're also one of those Neanderthal patriots, only hiring U.S. citizens at your business, you filthy rotten--" But the pastor could go no farther; suddenly, telekinesis was forcing her mouth shut.
"You're right on the last point," Copperfox told her. "I do screen out illegals when hiring. But as for not spreading wealth: during the last two years, it is a verifiable fact that I have given _more_ money to the needy, in an absolute dollar amount, than Joe Biden has given; and more as a proportion of my income than Barack Obama has given. That's FACT, not roleplay. But I know that this won't appease you, because I gave according to my _own_ best judgment, instead of leaving everything to the government."
Turning to the disheartened restaurant manager, whose arms had already fallen away from embracing him: "I'm afraid that settles the compatibility question, Brenda. Your job is not affected; you are still manager if you want to continue in the position. But you are definitely not wife OR girlfriend material for me. Be seeing you."
And The Grey Eagle flew away alone, leaving Brenda to chew out the pastor for being so unsubtle.