Roleplay By Monologues

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Pressed for answers by Copperfox, Brenda told the following story:

"You remember telling me how your first wife, as a nurse, repeatedly came up against corruption on the part of doctors and hospital administrators? Well, I'm a victim of the corruption of an evil pharmaceutical company.

"You don't think that very many people see your online columns exposing moral corruption. But _I've_ read plenty of them. Before I ever met you, I admired you for being faithful to _two_ ailing wives in succession. Yes, I knew about them before we ever met. I wanted to meet you, because no man was _ever_ so nice to me. I was wishing so much to have a _decent_ man in my life, that when my sister's husband--expletive obscenity him!--told me that the drug manufacturer he worked for was looking for volunteer experimental subjects, in connection with enhancing youthful beauty, I was interested..."

Copperfox perused her face: actually still beautiful, but now looking more like age 45 than age 25. "So you found yourself in something like a science fiction movie? And now whatever they gave you has worn off?"

Brenda theatrically covered her face with her hands. "That's the essence! Now you see I'm a fraud!"

Moved with compassion, Copperfox gently took her hands away from her face and held them in his own. "You still look younger than I do. In fact, you still look attractive. Even if you didn't, anyone who claims to know me should know that I'm one of the men who value what's on the INSIDE. But it may be more important to ask if your life and health are in danger."

Brenda sighed. "They're not. None of the test subjects has shown any ill effects so far, anyway. But what's the use of looking young if you're going to lose it all in a flash?"

Copperfox released her hands, replying softly, "I sometimes feel as if MY youth flew away in a flash."

Brenda looked him long and hard in the eye. "But what's inside YOU still is there, isn't it? And if you don't think I'm repulsive....maybe I could help you get back a little of that youth."

The lonely widower found that, not having any known reason why it should be his moral duty to resist, he was powerless to resist her leaning into him...hugging his neck with arms that had not suffered noticeably from the apparent aging...and kissing his mouth with lips that did not seem any older than the one other time she had kissed him unasked.
Copperfox's Grey Eagle powers prevented the Mod-Cams from recording _exactly_ what went on between him and Brenda in the storage room; but he later filed a report with the Mods stating, "It didn't actually go very far, but I need to get control of the _thoughts_ it generated."

He knew that he and Brenda needed to make sure where they stood. This was a good time to have something like a chaperone, lest things _really_ get out of hand. So Copperfox found a suitable disinterested party: Smerdyakov the mildly psychotic duck, who needed a break from his efforts to kill off the gremlins which were causing forum crashes. Pointing out his need of the duck's help, Copperfox persuaded him to leave the gremlin-tracking for now to Ling the Chinese exchange student and Shangpo the Orangutan.

Copperfox and Smerdyakov joined Brenda at a park: one of those Colorado parks which are mainly jumping-off points for hiking and riding trails. The setting brought thoughts of _both_ Mary and Janalee to the old sailor's mind, for both of his wives in turn had been granted the enjoyment of Colorado scenery. Good to be remembering them right now, he thought.

Brenda smiled shyly. "You like pets too, I see." Smerdyakov almost uttered something rude, but remembered that he had promised to behave. He did, however, introduce himself, so that Brenda would realize that a reasoning being was witness to her newest encounter with Copperfox.

"Let me be open and up front," the widower told her; "not meaning to be cold--though the weather is!--but because we're both better off if we both tell the truth to each other. You clearly know more about my life than I know about yours. That doesn't offend me, because my life IS open to public inspection. But I do need to know you better, before I can say whether....things....should be allowed to go any farther. Yes, I am a human male, and I _don't_ like being alone. Should it be you to whom I turn so I won't be alone?"

"Yes, it should," replied Brenda, rising and practically hurling herself onto him.

This was a painful moment for Copperfox: wanting neither to lead her on if it wasn't meant to be, nor to put her off if it _was_ meant to be. So he split the difference--responding some, yet much less than both of them wanted at the moment. Then, holding her shoulders so that he would still be touching her yet not quite embracing her, he said:

"This is just the kind of thing everybody tells me to pray about. As if I _didn't_ pray! I've prayed ever since Janalee was taken to Heaven, that God's will would be done about whether I married again..."

"That's the hangup?" she asked. "Marriage? What about just plain enjoying getting to know each other?"

Smerdyakov, worried that his human pal's resolve might be weakening, now interjected, "Copperfox is the kind to mate for life. I know that lots of men finding themselves single at his age decide to run around, wanting to play at being young again; but he wants a committed love."

"Well, so do I," insisted Brenda. "But there's no need to be stand-offish while we're _deciding_ if we really belong together!"--and she sneaked in a kiss on her target.

Copperfox gathered himself. "The very _least_ unclear question is whether you could give me pleasure; I'm already sure of your ability there. But what about our _spiritual_ life? We need to know if we're on the same page."

"In that case," Brenda told him, "just change into Grey Eagle again and fly me right to the Church of Acquiescence. We'll meet with the pastor there. Your duck friend can fly on his own power, can't he? Getting this done right away will relieve you of conflict over what you _really_ want to do, you decent upright straight arrow, you."
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Whoa, Songs, whoa! There IS NO plot, by Emmett or anyone, to lure you to the dark side! What you saw was one of the posts we do here that imagine imaginary posting by imaginary real people. The point was to show how badly some lazy players confuse what's going on! Didn't you see the reference to Bat-Bat "encouraging" vampire roleplaying, when he really does the opposite? And do you think that I would subject you to having your character being specially targeted by evil without your consent?
This looks like a good time to clarify, for any newcomers, just what IS the approach of this RP thread.

Most online roleplays I've ever joined, have been UTTERLY RUINED by three things: neglect, contradiction, and self-exaltation on the part of one or more players. I created this thread in order to satirize those three bad behaviors. Thus, many of the posts here are pretending to have been written by "forum members" who don't even actually exist.
Ooc: I'm completely lost about what is going on here? I hope I am not one of those who ruined it? :eek::(

Anyway........ Queenie was happily trying her new wedding dress. She was looking at herself in front of the mirror when she suddenly heard a voice.
" Hahahahaha! You so look like you used to be when the whole world was lying at your feet. You were meant to be a ruler so why did you change?"

Queenie started to shake and hoped she would never hear this voice again. How could she even forgot? She felt down on her kneesd and begged Aslan to help her. " Please Aslan please!! You helped me once and I know you can help me twice. I don't want to go back anymore! My life is here with Emmett and that's what I want and how it's meant to be! Let it stop! PLEASE!"

Emmett was talking with his brother Jake when he heard a voice behind him. He looked up and saw Aslan. More mighty than ever and he looked at Emmett while his soft voice went into Emmett's head.

" You must go to your beloved one my son. I think it's time for you to ask her what is going on. She asked me to help her which I easily can do but I want you to be there for her as her fiancee and beloved one"
Two store employees who tried to stop Emmett simply bounced off him--to be steadied by Jake as he came behind. Finding the fitting room from which the crying came, he entered and gathered Queenie in his arms.

"What is it, sweetheart?"


OOC: About "Songs":

Before she even joined this forum, she told me that she was worried about dark forces trying to harm or influence her. She is highly sensitive about this, because of bad experiences earlier in life. It took lots of reassuring to get her to join....and as is now apparent, it didn't take much to scare her off unintentionally.

Not long ago, I did one of my make-believe stupid posts by a make-believe stupid person. To show this imaginary person's ignorance of the roleplay, I had him say that supposedly EMMETT was a VILLAIN who would try to corrupt "Songs." Just that, nothing more, was enough to set off her anxieties. And with just that, nothing more, she has e-mailed me that she is quitting the forum and wants nothing more to do with me.

Anyone here can easily find the post I refer to. This is as if, by my merely MENTIONING the existence of fire, she concluded that I was trying to burn her house down.

Definitely an item for "Invented Grievances." I meant her no harm, but she trumps up evil menaces in her head and blames me for her paranoia. This, I don't need.
Horse-With-No-Nameville's main newspaper, "The Nameless News" sent a reporter over to the new Acquiescence Church, but finding no one home at the time he wandered into a saloon, back out and then into the First Caricature Baptist Church where a group of men were busy installing a multi-colored, three tiered recycling fountain in the Baptistry.

"Ain't it purty?" one of the men drawled. "Why, I'm sure this is the best use of alms for the poor ever come up with. I'm sure the Poor will be mighty impressed when they see this nice fountain we done put up for 'em."

"Yup," another one said. "And when we hook it to the sprinkler system we'll be able to baptize an entire churchful at a time!"
The reporter would have been interested to hear what Parson Finney had heard from his son Joel and from Joel's friend Emma, who had respectively scouted "Caricature" and "Acquiescence."

JOEL: All they ever talked about the _whole_ time was money, Dad. I mean really the _whole_ time; didn't even hear the Lord Jesus being mentioned once! And when I happened to look in a pew Bible, it had two chapters CUT OUT in the Old Testament; they were--

PARSON: --the 14th and 26th chapters of Deuteronomy, right?

JOEL (eyes wide): How'd you know _that,_ Dad?

PARSON: Because those chapters prove that it's _wrong_ to say giving to the Lord _only_ counts if it's to the so-called "storehouse." But Emma, what about you?

EMMA: One thing in common, sir: _they_ didn't mention Jesus either! Well, except one time, and that was to say that Jesus wanted the United States to "set an example for peace," by disarming itself unilaterally. The rest of the time, they were talking about how Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Wiccans and Marxists are all supposedly _better_ than Christians...and about....

PARSON: Something hard for you to repeat, honey?

EMMA: Something I _can't_ repeat if this conversation is being reported to The Dancing Lawn, sir. They were saying that--a certain lifestyle--is the most wonderful thing in the world, and that even the slightest criticism of it is the same thing as racism!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Nameless News reporter, however, was to discover something the two children had not. Poking around, he discovered that there was a basement under the Caricature Baptist Church....and that from this basement, a tunnel went off in the direction of the First Church of Acquiescence.

But the _next_ thing the reporter saw was a strange bearded man in _really_ strange garb, like something from the Society for Creative Anachronism. But there was nothing playful in the stranger's manner, as he made a gesture with his hands--and the reporter felt himself paralyzed.

"You have seen too much," growled the seeming wizard. "We must keep you quiet and out of the way, at least until our goal is achieved. Plenty of accommodations in our labyrinth."
Emmett was able to gather from Queenie that she had heard the voice of the evil wizard who first taught her magic...and that he wanted her to return to being evil.

"You have to trust in Jesus, darling--you know, Aslan," murmured Emmett. "You know He's more powerful, without even half tryin', than all sorcerors an' witches there ever was nor could be. He's with us always--"

"But IS He?" wailed Queenie. "I mean, will He _always_ intervene for us? Don't you remember--I can never forget!--how He _allowed_ me to bully and humiliate you and Jake with my magic? Oh, I'm so, SO ashamed of myself! And He _didn't_ stop me from doing that; He didn't stop me from nearly losing forever my chance for love!"

Emmett kissed her cheek. "But you didn't _actually_ lose it, sweetheart. Here we _are_ together! Believe me, I've thought about that day too. I believe that Aslan let you do what you did 'cause He _wanted_ you to remember yourself usin' magic for evil, and the evil almost causin' you to miss the chance for happiness, precisely so that you _would_ be ashamed afterwards--not just afraid of Aslan killin' you, but _sorry_ for what you done. By bein' ashamed enough of your sins, you'll never want to go back to 'em. And you _won't_ go back--not by any free will of yours; and Aslan won't let your will be controlled by an outside power. You got to trust Him."
I found myself shaking after the vision of the girl disappeared...
who was she
why was she on this killing spree.....


Edit: Actual reaction after my dream last night.
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Alyosha began to waddle off again, with Lonny following him, determined to keep him from getting into trouble.
"Quack?" Alyosha said.
"Yes Alyosha," Lonny said. "You may play with your jump rope now if you like, but you must be careful."
"Here it is," Lonny said, handing the purple duck his jump rope.
"Quack" Then Alyosha took the jump rope and and hopped around, quacking happily.
Lonny sat down in the shade of a tree to watch her little duckling.
Finally, after about half an hour, Alyosha wandered back over.
"You want to see Dmitri?"
"Of course Lyosha, I'll take you right over."
"Yes, I'm sure he'll be glad to see you. Come on, let's go, Lyosha."
Finally it was opening night for Indiana Jones and the Adult-Diaper Stealing Mummies, starring of course Harrison Ford. The star himself, at 110 years old attended the premiere in his wheelchair, being trailed by about half a dozen nurses and various hospital orderlies holding oxygen tanks and other resuscitating equipment. Bat-Bat wondered how this poor senile guy was still being used to suck up all the money from the silly Americans with "Celebrity Worship Syndrome."

His ambulance-limo let him off on the red carpet and as soon as he was lowered to it by the wheelchair mechanism, he began waving in the direction opposite the crowd. Finally Ford was rushed inside the theater and his wheelchair was strapped to the rails in the handicapped section. The rest of the attendants filed in and took their seats eager for the movie to start. To their delight, the lights began to dim and the curtains slowly rose. As if on cue, Harrison Ford promptly fell asleep.

The premiere of Indiana Jones and the Adult-Diaper Stealing Mummies was a huge success. The producers, writers, and directors all had wads of cash being transferred to their bank accounts courtesy of those silly "Celebrity Worship" sufferers. Even the hospital nurses and orderlies enjoyed a free popcorn just because they were hanging out with the star. Everyone around the country eagerly gave Hollywood their hard-earned money just to get one more fix for their Celebrity addiction no matter how ridiculous the movie or the celebrity himself/herself were.

The Paparazzi of course had a field day during the premiere by invading everyone's personal space and taking pictures even of the attendee's underarms. That's how close they got. The regular press had a field day, all other B-rated stars wanted their pictures taken of themselves on the red carpet, and some people fainted just for the heck of it during the festivities. All in all, the whole thing was a huge mindless brouhaha.

The one who missed the screening and the after party was the star himself who slept soundly throughout the entire thing.
The Grey Eagle smelled just a hint of rat when, upon his descending from the sky carrying Brenda, the pastor of the First Church of Acquiescence was standing, looking up, awaiting them. The pastor was a woman, with short-clipped hair and a mannish business suit, yet a very feminine-sounding name: Lilac LaRue.

"Pastor LaRue," said Brenda, "I want you to meet my boss, Joseph Ravitts. Joseph, Lilac."

When The Grey Eagle extended his hand, he noticed that the pastor used a "cheating" handshake: that is, she closed her hand not around his hand, but just around his _fingers,_ so that she could exert a hard grip to which he could not reply, enabling herself to come away telling herself that she had a stronger hand than any man. So he subtly retaliated by focussing his telekinesis on her hand, _pulling_ it forward into a proper handclasp, where his _whole_ hand could withstand her efforts to crush it.

"Pastor LaRue, I'll speak frankly," said Copperfox. "I'm a widower, hoping to be married again eventually; and Brenda here is a lady I'm getting to know better. She asked me to bring her here, so you could help her and me to determine how compatible we are spiritually."

"All incarnated souls are compatible," said Lilac, "provided they realize their divine inner compatibility with the Cosmic All. But how interesting to see you _flying_ here. Are you actually a superhero?"

"I am, wherever my powers are in effect. I can only turn into The Grey Eagle in certain time-space environments. But at least, by fighting for justice where my power _does_ work, I can generate ethical illustrations that may edify others."

Lilac brightened, looking at Brenda and then back at Copperfox/Grey Eagle. "You fight for _justice?_ But then you _are_ compatible with dear Brenda! If you like, we can make plans right now for me to perform a non-binding non-exclusive commitment ceremony for the two of you. I might even be able to get musicians for you: the ones we'll have performing here for Kwanzaa, Ramadan and Winter Solstice."

Just like that, Brenda was showering Copperfox with hugs, kisses, and amorous words. But our hero managed--barely, but he managed--to keep enough composuire to object, "But isn't that a little hasty? You _haven't_ really discussed spiritual compatibility with us!"

Lilac's face went abruptly sour. "Just like a _man_ to dodge out of--" she began, then caught herself and resumed her phony smile. "But you _did_ say that you fight for justice, didn't you, Mr. Ravitts?"

"Yes, but--"

"Then that's what counts! You agree with us that economic resources are the property of the collective, that industry must revert to the proletariat, and that all wealth must be redistributed as deemed best by government. That's justice, and that's compatibility! So tell me, Mr. Ravitts, how many bitter sexist fascist racist bigoted capitalist white male fundamentalist private business owners have you punished so far this month?"

Brenda was wincing; Lilac had been under orders not to be SO obvious. "Um, Lilac, Joseph is...he has...Joseph IS a private business owner himself. I work for him."

"WHAT??" Lilac's face now really became twisted with hostility, and her voice took on the unmistakable tone of the feminist socialist: sounding as if she were about to burst into tears of boiling rage. "You're one of the oppressors, _refusing_ to spread the wealth you've plundered from the collective? Why, I'll bet you're also one of those Neanderthal patriots, only hiring U.S. citizens at your business, you filthy rotten--" But the pastor could go no farther; suddenly, telekinesis was forcing her mouth shut.

"You're right on the last point," Copperfox told her. "I do screen out illegals when hiring. But as for not spreading wealth: during the last two years, it is a verifiable fact that I have given _more_ money to the needy, in an absolute dollar amount, than Joe Biden has given; and more as a proportion of my income than Barack Obama has given. That's FACT, not roleplay. But I know that this won't appease you, because I gave according to my _own_ best judgment, instead of leaving everything to the government."

Turning to the disheartened restaurant manager, whose arms had already fallen away from embracing him: "I'm afraid that settles the compatibility question, Brenda. Your job is not affected; you are still manager if you want to continue in the position. But you are definitely not wife OR girlfriend material for me. Be seeing you."

And The Grey Eagle flew away alone, leaving Brenda to chew out the pastor for being so unsubtle.
Brenda _did_ show up for work at The Octopus Garden. Attending first to business, she nonetheless grabbed an opportunity to whisper to Copperfox, "Please, I have to talk to you--it can't just end like this!" Her eyes were pleading, so Copperfox gave her a nod.

When things were quiet enough, they found themselves in the same storage room.

"Pastor LaRue is so accustomed to speaking with like-minded people," Brenda began, "that sometimes she forgets how to express the spirituality of inclusion to those on slightly different lanes of the cosmic highway."

"Oh, I think she expressed herself quite clearly," replied Copperfox coldly. "I was fascinated to find out that I'm a racist and a fascist, who's robbing the people's collective by the very fact of having started a business."

A subtle bit of wordless language occurred at this point: Brenda leaning toward him just a little, and he leaning away from her slightly more. Without commenting on this, the Shapechanger continued: "But it wasn't anything against you _personally,_" she insisted. "She already knows how kind you were to me when I cut myself, and she really thinks you're better than the bourgeois social stratum you happen to be in. She hopes--I hope--to show you that the collective is nothing other than the universal love of God Herself. It's by agreeing with everyone, accepting everyone, approving of everything--"

"Hence the 'Acquiescence' title," Copperfox interjected.

"--that we rise above divisions and hate, until everyone everywhere is equally intimate with everyone else."

"As opposed to the specific _individual_ intimacy of _only_ me with you, that you pretended you wanted. Well, I'm sure that you and 'everyone everywhere' will be very happy together. I have work to do;" and Copperfox left the room without another word.
Colonel Beauregard T. Beauregard of the Confederate cavalry (whose middle initial stood for Beauregard) was no stranger to lost causes. Accordingly, he paid a sympathetic visit to Lady Sarah and her husband. The Colonel highly respected the way Lady Sarah's husband had gone out of his way to avoid conflicts of interest between his business and his wife's political opposed to the anointed prophet of the Change Party, who had unethically directed taxpayers' money to his own wife's workplace in Chicago.*

"Back when The Late Unpleasantness was nearing its end," recalled the Colonel, "old Jeff Davis revealed just how delusional he was, by claiming that the Confederate forces could be _stronger_ by not having any cities left to defend. He thought we could flit around like Robin Hood's Merry Men, carrying on our fight with no infrastructure to support us. But no, we _couldn't_ manufacture musket ammunition from grass, or feed the men on dust and pine needles. A lesson for you folks, here and now: you can't _really_ go underground. You still have to exist among people, in communities. Find a way to carry on your cause IN that setting."

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