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There's no old fogey's in this forum Inky! :cool:tsk, tsk. Corin looks great, not one over 25:D For some reason I think the shirt says Sheffield! lol.
Oh, sorry! No fogeys! Right-o, no offense intended. Considering that I myself could be labeled such ... :)
Jaxie after husband's first day of physical therapy

So busy! No lunch break today -- instead took my husband to his first rehab appt for his knee replacement. So here I am back at the office with my lunch ... Good n' Plenties, the lunch of old fogies ... :D


  • Good n Plenty.jpg
    Good n Plenty.jpg
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I like hats.
Maggie, I don't think you could look more adorable :)

This is me wearing a scarf I crocheted. It was really quick to make; I finished it in about 24 hours.

The scarf is adorable, and so is Lila. But I don't call 24 hours quick to make it! You didn't work on it for 24 hours straight, did you? You are very talented!
Thanks to both of you! :) And haha inky, no... I should have said i made it within a 24-hour period. It probably took me about two or three hours to finish. :p
It's a very cute photo of beautiful Lila, head and shoulders, with a gorgeous home-made scarf.

Lila, I am impressed if you could make that in 3 hours!!! My youngest girl knits, but she has been working on a scarf for her sister for about a year ... I think she takes frequent breaks, though.
Crocheting is very fast once you get the hang of it. :) I can knit, too, but it takes forever. Though I've heard that if you use chunkier yarn and very large needles, it goes significantly faster.

Sorry it's not showing up for hyper! :(
What a cute picture of you, Lila! :) I wish I could crochet. I've tried to learn, but can never interpret from a manual how to begin the second row. :rolleyes: