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Jayne's Hat!

A man walks down the street in this hat, people know he's not afraid of anything!!!!


Since we are talking about knitting and hats, here's my knitted Jayne's hat. The famous hat (for fans of Firefly) that Jayne got from his mother. I had the kit for the hat for almost a year and couldn't find a good knitter to make it for me. I finally did.

Here's again the link to the clip where Jayne get's his hat. Compare the hat in the show with mine. It's an exact replica.
Oh, sorry. I meant to say that I finally found someone to make it for me. I found a professional knitter. I was afraid that amateur knitters would botch the job! :rolleyes: oh, and sorry about the quality of the photo. It was taken with an iPhone instead of with my trusty Android phone. iPhones make people look ugly! :D
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You look great BK. But now that I know iPhones make people look ugly, I can blame my photos on that ... OK, thanks for clarification on who made the hat. I somehow got that you made it yourself, and I was tremendously impressed.

Smaug here :p
Eesh I look creepy in that pic...

Zella's right. You do have really pretty eyes. :) It's a cool picture, even if it is a tad bit creepy. ;) The purple hair color is cool. I don't usually condone hair-dyeing, but even I can't deny that the purple looks awesome. xP
Patrick! My husband's first name is Patrick (he goes by his middle name, Michael), and he played trumpet in high school band, too! I love your photo, you look just like my first boyfriend, a genius names John. You're adorable. :)